/* ******************************************************************************************* * MOLECULER MICROSERVICES FRAMEWORK - CORE CHEATSHEET * http://moleculer.services/0.12/docs/ * * Version: 0.12.x * ******************************************************************************************* */ /* ******************************************************************************************* * Install Moleculer * ******************************************************************************************* */ ```bash npm i moleculer ``` /* ******************************************************************************************* * SERVICE BROKER OPTIONS * ******************************************************************************************* */ // All ServiceBroker options with default values const broker = new ServiceBroker({ namespace: "", // Namespace for node segmentation nodeID: null, // NodeID. Default value is generated from hostname and PID logger: null, // Logger instance. logLevel: null, // Log level logFormatter: "default", // Log formatter. Options: "default", "simple" transporter: null, // Transporter config requestTimeout: 0 * 1000, // Timeout of requests requestRetry: 0, // Retries for requests maxCallLevel: 0, // Maximum calling level. heartbeatInterval: 5, // Heartbeat sending interval in seconds heartbeatTimeout: 15, // Heartbeat timeout in seconds disableBalancer: false, // Disable the built-in Moleculer balancer registry: { // Service Registry options strategy: "RoundRobin", // Invocation strategy strategyOptions: null, // Strategy options preferLocal: true // Prefer local invocations }, circuitBreaker: { // Circuit-breaker options enabled: false, // Enable circuit-breaker maxFailures: 3, // Maximum failures halfOpenTime: 10 * 1000, // Half-open time interval failureOnTimeout: true, // Failure on timeouts failureOnReject: true // Failure on rejects }, transit: { // Transit options maxQueueSize: 50 * 1000 // Max items in outgoing queue }, cacher: null, // Cacher config serializer: null, // Serializer config validation: true, // Enable params validation validator: null, // Validator instance metrics: false, // Enable metrics metricsRate: 1, // Metrics rate statistics: false, // Enable statistics internalServices: true, // Load internal ($node) services hotReload: false, // Hot-reload services middlewares: null, // List of middlewares replCommands: null, // Custom REPL commands ServiceFactory: null, // Custom Service factory class ContextFactory: null // Custom Context factory class }); /* ******************************************************************************************* * SERVICE BROKER METHODS * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Broker properties broker.Promise // Pointer to Bluebird Promise lib broker.namespace // Namespace from options broker.nodeID // Local NodeID broker.logger // Logger instance broker.cacher // Cacher instance broker.serializer // Serializer instance broker.validator // Validator instance // Broker methods broker.start(); // Start broker & all services. Returns a Promise broker.stop(); // Stop broker & all services. Returns a Promise broker.fatal(message, err, needExit = true); // Fired a fatal error. broker.repl(); // Switch broker to REPL mode. broker.getLogger(module, service, version); // Create a custom logger instance for modules broker.loadServices(folder, fileMask); // Load all services from directory broker.loadService(filePath); // Load a service from a file broker.createService(schema, schemaMods); // Create a local service from schema broker.destroyService(service); // Destroy a local service broker.getLocalService(name, version); // Get a local service instance by name // Wait for services. Returns a Promise await broker.waitForServices(serviceNames, timeout, interval); await broker.waitForServices(["posts", "users"], 5000); await broker.waitForServices({ name: "posts", version: 2, name: "users", version: 1 }, 5000); broker.use(...middlewares); // Register middlewares broker.call(actionName, params, opts); // Call a service broker.mcall(def); // Multiple service calls broker.emit(eventName, payload, groups); // Emit a balanced event broker.broadcast(eventName, payload, groups = null) // Broadcast an event broker.broadcastLocal(eventName, payload, groups = null) // Broadcast an event to local services broker.sendPing(nodeID); // Ping a remote node broker.MOLECULER_VERSION // Version number of Moleculer lib broker.PROTOCOL_VERSION // Version number of Moleculer protocol /* ******************************************************************************************* * BROKER SERVICE CALLS * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Call the "users.get" service with params broker.call("users.get", { id: 150 }).then(user => console.log(user)); // Call with async/await const user = await broker.call("users.get", { id: 150}); // Call with calling options const user = await broker.call("users.get", { id: 150}, { timeout: 5000, retryCount: 3 }); // Direct call to a remote node const info = await broker.call("$node.services", null, { nodeID: "node-123" }); // Multiple calls with array def const [posts, users] = await broker.mcall([ { action: "posts.find", params: { limit: 5, offset: 0 } }, { action: "users.find", params: { limit: 5, sort: "username" }, opts: { timeout: 500 } } ]); // Multip calls with object def const res = await broker.mcall({ posts: { action: "posts.find", params: { limit: 5, offset: 0 } }, users: { action: "users.find", params: { limit: 5, sort: "username" }, opts: { timeout: 500 } } }); console.log(res.posts, res.users); /* ******************************************************************************************* * BROKER EVENTS * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Send a balanced event with payload broker.emit("user.created", { user: user }); // Send a balanced event only for "mail" and "payment" service (only one instance) broker.emit("user.created", { user: user }, ["mail", "payment"]); // Send a broadcast event (for all service instances) broker.broadcast("user.created", { user: user }); // Send a broadcast event only for "mail" and "payment" services (all instances) broker.broadcast("user.created", { user: user }, ["mail", "payment"]); /* ******************************************************************************************* * NATS TRANSPORTER * Requirement: `npm i nats` * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Default options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "NATS" }); // With URI const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "nats://localhost:4222" }); // With options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: { type: "NATS", options: { url: "nats://localhost:4222", user: "admin", pass: "1234" } } }); // With TLS (https://github.com/nats-io/node-nats#tls) const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: { type: "NATS", options: { url: "nats://localhost:4222", tls: { key: fs.readFileSync('./client-key.pem'), cert: fs.readFileSync('./client-cert.pem'), ca: [ fs.readFileSync('./ca.pem') ] } } } }); /* ******************************************************************************************* * REDIS TRANSPORTER * Requirement: `npm i ioredis` * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Default options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "Redis" }); // With URI const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "redis://redis-server:6379" }); // With options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: { type: "Redis", options: { port: 6379, // Redis port host: 'redis-server', // Redis host family: 4, // 4 (IPv4) or 6 (IPv6) password: 'auth', // Password db: 0 // Database index } } }); /* ******************************************************************************************* * MQTT TRANSPORTER * Requirement: `npm i mqtt` * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Default options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "MQTT" }); // With URI const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "mqtt://mqtt-server:1883" }); // With options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: { type: "MQTT", options: { host: "mqtt-server", port: 1883, username: "admin", password: "1234" } } }); /* ******************************************************************************************* * AMQP TRANSPORTER * Requirement: `npm i amqplib` * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Default options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "AMQP" }); // With URI const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "amqp://rabbitmq-server:5672" }); // With options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: { type: "AMQP", options: { url: "amqp://user:pass@rabbitmq-server:5672", eventTimeToLive: 5000, prefetch: 1 } } }); /* ******************************************************************************************* * KAFKA TRANSPORTER * Requirement: `npm i kafka-node` * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Default options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "Kafka" }); // With URI const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "kafka://" }); // With options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: { type: "kafka", options: { host: "", // KafkaClient options. More info: https://github.com/SOHU-Co/kafka-node#clientconnectionstring-clientid-zkoptions-noackbatchoptions-ssloptions client: { zkOptions: undefined, noAckBatchOptions: undefined, sslOptions: undefined }, // KafkaProducer options. More info: https://github.com/SOHU-Co/kafka-node#producerclient-options-custompartitioner producer: {}, customPartitioner: undefined, // ConsumerGroup options. More info: https://github.com/SOHU-Co/kafka-node#consumergroupoptions-topics consumer: { }, // Advanced options for `send`. More info: https://github.com/SOHU-Co/kafka-node#sendpayloads-cb publish: { partition: 0, attributes: 0 } } } }); /* ******************************************************************************************* * NATS STREAMING TRANSPORTER * Requirement: `npm i node-nats-streaming` * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Default options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "STAN" }); // With URI const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "stan://" }); // With options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: { type: "STAN", options: { url: "stan://", clusterID: "my-cluster" } } }); /* ******************************************************************************************* * TCP STREAMING TRANSPORTER * No requirements * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Default options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "TCP" }); // With static node list const broker = new ServiceBroker({ transporter: "tcp://," }); const broker = new ServiceBroker({ nodeID: "node-1", transporter: { type: "TCP", options: { udpDiscovery: false, urls: [ "", "", "" ] } } }); // With full options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: true, transporter: { type: "TCP", options: { // Enable UDP discovery udpDiscovery: true, // Reusing UDP server socket udpReuseAddr: true, // UDP port udpPort: 4445, // UDP bind address udpBindAddress: null, // UDP sending period udpPeriod: 5, // Multicast address. udpMulticast: "", // Multicast TTL setting udpMulticastTTL: 1, // Send broadcast udpBroadcast: false, // TCP server port. Null or 0 means random port port: null, // Static remote nodes address list (when UDP discovery is not available) urls: null, // Use hostname as preffered connection address useHostname: true, // Gossip sending period in seconds gossipPeriod: 2, // Maximum enabled outgoing connections. If reach, close the old connections maxConnections: 32, // Maximum TCP packet size maxPacketSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024 } } }); /* ******************************************************************************************* * CACHERS * http://moleculer.services/docs/cachers.html * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Memory cacher const broker = new ServiceBroker({ cacher: "Memory" }); // or const broker = new ServiceBroker({ cacher: true }); // Memory cacher with options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ cacher: { type: "Memory", options: { ttl: 30 } } }); // Redis cacher const broker = new ServiceBroker({ cacher: "Redis" }); // Redis cacher with URI const broker = new ServiceBroker({ cacher: "redis://redis-server:6379" }); // Redis cacher with options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ cacher: { type: "Redis", options: { prefix: "MOL", redis: { host: "redis", port: 6379, password: "1234", db: 0 } } } }); /* ******************************************************************************************* * Manual caching * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Save to cache broker.cacher.set("mykey.a", { a: 5 }); // Get from cache const obj = await broker.cacher.get("mykey.a"); // Remove entry from cache broker.cacher.del("mykey.a"); // Clean all 'mykey' entries broker.cacher.clean("mykey.*"); // Clean all entries broker.cacher.clean(); /* ******************************************************************************************* * SERIALIZER * http://moleculer.services/docs/serializers.html * ******************************************************************************************* */ // JSON serializer (default) const broker = new ServiceBroker({ serializer: "JSON" }); // Avro serializer (need `npm i avsc`) const broker = new ServiceBroker({ serializer: "Avro" }); // Protocol Buffer serializer (need `npm i protobufjs`) const broker = new ServiceBroker({ serializer: "ProtoBuf" }); // MsgPack serializer (need `npm i msgpack5`) const broker = new ServiceBroker({ serializer: "MsgPack" }); /* ******************************************************************************************* * STRATEGY * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Round-robin strategy (default) const broker = new ServiceBroker({ registry: { strategy: "RoundRobin" } }); // Random strategy const broker = new ServiceBroker({ registry: { strategy: "Random" } }); // CPU usage-based strategy const broker = new ServiceBroker({ registry: { strategy: "CpuUsageStrategy" } }); // CPU usage-based strategy with options const broker = new ServiceBroker({ registry: { strategy: "CpuUsageStrategy", strategyOptions: { sampleCount: 3, lowCpuUsage: 10 } } }); /* ******************************************************************************************* * LOGGER * http://moleculer.services/docs/logger.html * ******************************************************************************************* */ // Logger methods broker.logger.fatal(); broker.logger.error(); broker.logger.warn(); broker.logger.info(); broker.logger.debug(); broker.logger.trace(); // Custom log formatter const broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: console, logFormatter(level, args, bindings) { return level.toUpperCase() + " " + bindings.nodeID + ": " + args.join(" "); } }); // External Pino logger const pino = require("pino")({ level: "info" }); const broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: bindings => pino.child(bindings) }); // External Bunyan logger const logger = require("bunyan").createLogger({ name: "moleculer", level: "info" }); const broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: bindings => logger.child(bindings) }); /* ******************************************************************************************* * SERVICE SCHEMA * ******************************************************************************************* */ module.exports = { // Name name: "greeter", // Version version: 2, // Settings settings: {}, // Metadata metadata: {}, // Dependencies dependencies: [], // Actions actions: { // Shorthand actions hello() { // Call a method this.doSomething(); return "Hello Moleculer"; }, // With properties welcome: { // Cache options cache: { keys: ["name"] }, // Validation options params: { name: "string" }, // Action handler handler(ctx) { return `Welcome, ${ctx.params.name}`; } } }, events: { "user.created"(payload, sender) { } }, // Service methods methods: { doSomething() {} }, // Lifecycle event handlers created() { console.log("Service created"); }, started() { console.log("Service started"); return Promise.resolve(); }, stopped() { console.log("Service stopped"); return Promise.resolve(); } }; /* ******************************************************************************************* * SERVICE * ******************************************************************************************* */ this.name // Name of service this.version // Version of service this.settings // Settings of service this.schema // Schema definition of service this.broker // Broker instance this.Promise // Class of Promise (Bluebird) this.logger // Logger instance this.actions // Actions of service. this.waitForServices // Pointer to ‘broker.waitForServices’ method /* ******************************************************************************************* * CONTEXT * ******************************************************************************************* */ ctx.id // Context ID ctx.broker // Broker instance ctx.action // Action definition ctx.nodeID // Node ID ctx.requestID // Request ID ctx.parentID // ID of parent context (in case of sub-calls). ctx.params // Request params ctx.meta // Request metadata ctx.callerNodeID // Caller Node ID if it is requested from a remote node. ctx.level // Request level (in case of sub-calls). The first level is 1. // Make a sub-call ctx.call(actionName, params, callingOptions) // Emit an event ctx.emit(eventName, payload, groups);