# ***************************************************************************** # CLI COMMANDS SUMMARY # https://docs.nanobox.io/cli/ # ***************************************************************************** # Update your Nanobox CLI to the most recent version nanobox-update # Starts your local environment, allowing you to run your app nanobox run [] # Builds your app's runtime nanobox build # Compiles your app's code into a deployable package nanobox compile # Manages connections to remote applications nanobox remote add [] nanobox remote rm nanobox remote ls # Deploys your app to a live app nanobox deploy [] [-m ] # Opens an interactive terminal from inside a component in your live app nanobox console [] # Displays information about the app and its components nanobox info [] # Establishes a secure tunnel from your local machine to a running service nanobox tunnel [] [-p [:[]]] # Manages environment variables on your production environment nanobox evar add [] = = nanobox evar load [] path/to/file nanobox evar rm [] nanobox evar ls [] # Manage DNS aliases for local applications nanobox dns add nanobox dns rm nanobox dns ls # View and streams application logs nanobox log [] nanobox log [] -f nanobox log [] -n # Walks through prompts to configure Nanobox nanobox config set nanobox config get nanobox config ls # Downloads the most recent versions of Nanobox docker images nanobox update-images # Authenticates your Nanobox client with your nanobox.io account nanobox login # Removes your nanobox.io api token from your local nanobox client nanobox logout # Starts the Nanobox container nanobox start # Stops the Nanobox container nanobox stop # Display the status of Nanobox & apps nanobox status # Destroys the current project and removes it from Nanobox nanobox destroy [] # Clean out any environments that no longer exist nanobox clean # Removes all Nanobox-created containers, files, & data nanobox implode # Show the current Nanobox version nanobox version --help # Displays help information about the CLI and specific commands --debug # In the event of a failure, drop into a debug context -t, --trace # Increases display output and sets level to 'trace' -v, --verbose # Increases display output and sets level to 'debug' -f, --force # Forces the command to run without any confirmation. Use responsibly! # ***************************************************************************** # LOCAL ENVIRONMENT # https://docs.nanobox.io/workflow/modifying-your-app/ # ***************************************************************************** # Add a convenient way to access your app from the browser nanobox dns add local vue.dev nanobox dns add local django.dev # Run your app as you would normally, with Nanobox nanobox run npm run dev --host nanobox run python manage.py runserver # View info about the app and its components for a given environment nanobox info local # ***************************************************************************** # DRY RUN ENVIRONMENT # https://docs.nanobox.io/workflow/dry-run/ # ***************************************************************************** # Add a DNS Alias to a dry-run app nanobox dns add dry-run django.preview # Preview your app locally nanobox deploy dry-run # Add environment variables to dry-run nanobox evar add dry-run ENV=staging PROCESS_JOBS=true # Console into web.site in a dry-run app nanobox console dry-run web.site # Output the connection credentials for your dry-run components nanobox info dry-run # ***************************************************************************** # PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT # https://docs.nanobox.io/workflow/deploy-code/ # ***************************************************************************** # Add your live app as a remote nanobox remote add app-name # Deploy to your remote server(s) nanobox deploy # Drop you into an interactive console inside a component running on production nanobox console # View logs from your app nanobox log [] nanobox log [] -n 100 # Creates a secure tunnel from your local machine to a production data component # Local port can be omitted nanobox tunnel -p # ***************************************************************************** # ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES # https://docs.nanobox.io/cli/evar/ # ***************************************************************************** # Add an environment variable nanobox evar add local KEY1=VALUE1 KEY2=VALUE2 # Add environment variables from a file nanobox evar load local path/to/evar-file # Remove an environment variable nanobox evar rm local KEY1 # List all variables for a given environment nanobox evar ls local