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> 📚 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
## 🤔 Why Awesome-Cheatsheets?
I usually make a cheatsheet when I want to improve my skills on a programming language, a framework or a development tool. [I started doing these kind of things a long time ago on Gist](https://gist.github.com/LeCoupa). To better keep track of the history and to let people contribute, I reorganized all of them into this single repository. Most of the content is coming from official documentations and some books I have read.
Feel free to take a look. You might learn new things. They have been designed to provide a quick way to assess your knowledge and to save you time.
## 📚 Table of Contents
### 📃 Languages
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#### Command line interface
- [Bash](languages/bash.sh)
#### Imperative
- [C](languages/C.txt)
- [C#](languages/C%23.txt)
- [PHP](languages/php.php)
#### Functional
- [JavaScript](languages/javascript.js)
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#### PHP
- [Laravel](backend/laravel.php)
#### Python
- [Django](backend/django.py)
#### Javascript
- [Feathers.js](backend/feathers.js)
- [Moleculer](backend/moleculer.js)
- [Node.js](backend/node.js)
- [Sails.js](backend/sails.js)
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#### Basics
- [HTML5](frontend/html5.html)
#### Frameworks
- [React.js](frontend/react.js)
- [Vue.js](frontend/vue.js)
- [Ember.js](frontend/ember.js)
- [Angular (2+)](frontend/angular.js)
- [AngularJS](frontend/angularjs.js)
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#### NoSQL
- [Redis](databases/redis.sh)
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#### Development
- [VIM](tools/vim.txt)
- [Xcode](tools/xcode.txt)
#### Infrastructure
- [Docker](tools/docker.sh)
- [Kubernetes](tools/kubernetes.sh)
- [Nanobox Boxfile](tools/nanobox_boxfile.yml)
- [Nanobox CLI](tools/nanobox_cli.sh)