git init # initiates git in the current directory git remote add origin # add remote reposiory git clone
# creates a git repo from given address (get the address from your git-server) git clone
-b # clones a git repo from the address into the given directory and checkout's the given branch git clone
-b --single-branch # Clones a single branch git add # adds(stages) file.txt to the git git add * # adds(stages) all new modifications, deletions, creations to the git git reset file.txt # Removes file.txt from the stage git reset --hard # Throws away all your uncommitted changes, hard reset files to HEAD git reset --soft # moves the head pointer git reset --mixed # moves the head pointer and then copies the files from the commit it is now pointing to the staging area, # the default when no argument is provided git reset -hard # moves the head pointer and then copies the files from the commit it is now pointing to the staging area # and working directory thus, throw away all uncommitted changes # git reset # 1. Move HEAD and current branch # 2. Reset the staging area # 3. Reset the working area # --soft = (1) # --mixed = (1) & (2) (default) # --hard = (1) & (2) & (3) git rm file.txt # removes file.txt both from git and file system git rm --cached file.txt # only removes file.txt both from git index git status # shows the modifications and stuff that are not staged yet git branch # shows all the branches (current branch is shown with a star) git branch -a # shows all the branches local and remote git branch my-branch # creates my-branch git branch -d my-branch # deletes my-branch git checkout my-branch # switches to my-branch git merge my-branch # merges my-branch to current branch git push origin --delete my-branch # delete remote branch git branch -m # rename the branch git checkout --orphan # checkout a branch with no commit history git branch -vv # list all branches and their upstreams, as well as last commit on branch git branch -a # List all local and remote branches git cherry-pick # merge the specified commit git cherry-pick ^.. # pick the entire range of commits where A is older than B ( the ^ is for including A as well ) git remote # shows the remotes git remote -v # shows the remote for pull and push git remote add my-remote
# creates a remote (get the address from your git-server) git remote rm my-remote # Remove a remote git log # shows the log of commits # git log by default uses less command so you can use these: f=next page, b=prev page, search=/, n=next match, p=prev match, q=quit git log --no-pager # shows the log of commits without less command git log --oneline # shows the log of commits, each commit in a single line git log --oneline --graph --decorate # shows the log of commits, each commit in a single line with graph git log --since=