Fix two index links in japanese file
List of Free Learning Resources
If you want to find a learning resource, you should definitely check out our site, Free Learning Resources. And for those who want to learn a computer language, you should check out these books on or on github. This list initially was a clone of stackoverflow - List of Freely Available Programming Books by George Stocker. Now updated, with dead links gone and new content.
Moved to GitHub for collaborative updating and for the site mentioned above.
How To Contribute
It's easy.
- Fork
- Edit (we prefer multiple small commits rather than one large change)
- Send a PR
- be part of a project that over 14,000 people starred in less than 2 months. ;)
Again, unlike other projects, we prefer multiple small commits rather than one large change in a pull request - it's fine to have one PR, but please make sure your title reflects what you're changing, thanks.
How to Share
In Other Speaking Languages
The French list was based on
German: github
Italian: github
Japanese: github
Russian: github
Turkish: github
Chinese: github
Polish: github
Portuguese (Portugal): github
Portuguese (Brazil): github
Persian/Farsi (Iran): github
Spanish: github
Korean: github
Bulgarian: github
Ukrainian: github