#!/bin/bash #/--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| www.vdm.io |------/ # __ __ _ _____ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ # \ \ / / | | | __ \ | | | | | \/ | | | | | | | # \ \ / /_ _ ___| |_ | | | | _____ _____| | ___ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ | \ / | ___| |_| |__ ___ __| | # \ \/ / _` / __| __| | | | |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ |/ _ \| '_ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __| | |\/| |/ _ \ __| '_ \ / _ \ / _` | # \ / (_| \__ \ |_ | |__| | __/\ V / __/ | (_) | |_) | | | | | | __/ | | | |_ | | | | __/ |_| | | | (_) | (_| | # \/ \__,_|___/\__| |_____/ \___| \_/ \___|_|\___/| .__/|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__| |_| |_|\___|\__|_| |_|\___/ \__,_| # | | # |_| #/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ # # @author Llewellyn van der Merwe # @copyright Copyright (C) 2016. All Rights Reserved # @license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html # #================================================================================================================================= # FUNCTIONS #================================================================================================================================= # run with the advance field options function runFactory () { # array of repos readarray -t currencypairs < "$FilePath" # check that the file has values if [ ${#currencypairs[@]} -gt 0 ]; then # display if (( "$allowEcho" == 1 )); then echo ".................................[ Vast Development Method ]...................................." echo "...========================================================================| www.vdm.io |====..." echoTweak "Getting all the prices from ${API_target}" echo "...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..." fi # now start parsing the values for cpairs in "${currencypairs[@]}"; do # convert line to array local currencypair=($cpairs) # if percentage if (( "$PercentSwitch" == 1 )); then # check number of values if [ ${#currencypair[@]} == 3 ]; then # set globals Currency="${currencypair[0]}" Target="${currencypair[1]}" Percentage="${currencypair[2]}" # set percentages setPercentage # run the main functions runMain else echoTweak "Line missing values, see example dynamic.txt file for details" fi else # check number of values if [ ${#currencypair[@]} == 4 ]; then # set globals Currency="${currencypair[0]}" Target="${currencypair[1]}" TargetValue="${currencypair[2]}" TargetAll=1 if (( "${currencypair[3]}" == 1 )); then AboveValue=1 else BelowValue=1 fi # run the main functions runMain else echoTweak "Line missing values, see example factory.txt file for details" fi fi done # display if (( "$allowEcho" == 1 )); then echo "...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..." fi # send Messages sendMessages # display if (( "$allowEcho" == 1 )); then echo "...==========================================================================================..." echo "................................................................................................" fi else if (( "$allowEcho" == 1 )); then echo "The file supplied is empty, please add your options to the file (see example factory.txt file for details)" show_help >&2 exit 1 fi fi } # run with the basic options function runBasicGet () { # display if (( "$allowEcho" == 1 )); then echo ".................................[ Vast Development Method ]...................................." echo "...========================================================================| www.vdm.io |====..." echoTweak "Getting the current price of $Currency in $Target" echo "...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..." fi # run the main functions runMain # display if (( "$allowEcho" == 1 )); then echo "...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..." fi # send Messages sendMessages # display if (( "$allowEcho" == 1 )); then echo "...==========================================================================================..." echo "................................................................................................" fi } # run main function runMain () { # do some checks runValidation # get the active currency/target getActiveCurrencyTarget } # workout the values based on percentage at which to send/show notice function setPercentage () { # get price if not already set get_Price # get the price value local value="${CurrencyPair[${Currency}${Target}]}" # check that we have a value if [ "${value}" != "null" ]; then # new value COINnewValue="${Currency}${Target} $value" # check if we have price set before COINlineNr=$( awk "/${Currency}${Target}/{ print NR; exit }" "$COINvaluePath" ) re='^[0-9]+$' # Update coin value keeper if ! [[ $COINlineNr =~ $re ]] ; then # set the price for the first time and send notice echo "${COINnewValue}" >> "$COINvaluePath" else # set updater COINupdate=1 # old price found COINoldValue=$(sed -n "${COINlineNr}p" < "$COINvaluePath") # get the keys IFS=$' ' local oldArray=( $COINoldValue ) # set the value value="${oldArray[1]}" fi # set the above below values setAboveBelowValues "${value}" fi } # get active currency target function getActiveCurrencyTarget () { # get price if not already set get_Price # get the price value local value="${CurrencyPair[${Currency}${Target}]}" # check that we have a value if [ "${value}" != "null" ]; then # set send key setSendKey # set target values and perform action if only TargetValue given if (( "$TargetAll" == 1 && "$TargetBelow" == 0 && "$TargetAbove" == 0)); then getTarget "$TargetValue" "$value" 'setAction' fi # set target values and perform action if TargetBelowValue given if (( "$TargetAbove" == 1 )); then getTarget "$TargetAboveValue" "$value" 'setActionAbove' fi # set target values and perform action if TargetBelowValue given if (( "$TargetBelow" == 1 )); then getTarget "$TargetBelowValue" "$value" 'setActionBelow' fi fi } # get the target function getTarget() { # set Args local target_value="$1" local current_value="$2" local funcName="$3" # do the work if [[ "$target_value" == *,* ]] ; then IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$target_value" for tValue in "${ADDR[@]}"; do # process "$tValue" $funcName "$current_value" "$tValue" done else $funcName "$current_value" "$target_value" fi } # action or all function setAction () { # set Args local current_value="$1" local target_value="$2" # should we do above setActionAbove "$current_value" "$target_value" # should we do below setActionBelow "$current_value" "$target_value" } # action above function setActionAbove () { # set Args local current_value="$1" local target_value="$2" # should we do above if (( "$AboveValue" == 1 )); then # get action local action=$(echo "$current_value > $target_value" | bc -l) preform "$current_value" "$target_value" "$action" "above" fi } # action below function setActionBelow () { # set Args local current_value="$1" local target_value="$2" # should we do below if (( "$BelowValue" == 1 )); then # get action local action=$(echo "$current_value < $target_value" | bc -l) preform "$current_value" "$target_value" "$action" "below" fi } # performing the task function preform () { # set Args local current_value="$1" local target_value="$2" local action="$3" local target_type="$4" # check if there is need of action if (( "$action" == 1 )); then # set message since we are above target value setMessage "$target_type" "$current_value" "$target_value" # if we run percentage we must update local coin value watcher if (( "$COINupdate" == 1 )); then # update the old price sed -i "${COINlineNr}s/$COINoldValue/$COINnewValue/" "$COINvaluePath" fi else echoTweak "${Currency} not ${target_type} ${target_value}${Target} at this time!" fi } # set the above and below value based on percentage function setAboveBelowValues () { # set Args local value="$1" # get the percent local percent=$(echo "scale=20; $Percentage/100*$value" | bc) # check if this is already set if (( "$COINupdate" == 0 )); then # adapt local perFirst=$(echo "$Percentage*2" | bc) # get the percent local centFirst=$(echo "scale=20; $perFirst/100*$value" | bc) # ajust value value=$(echo "scale=20; $centFirst - $value" | bc | awk ' sub("\\.*0+$","") ') fi # get above value TargetAboveValue=$(echo "scale=20; $percent + $value" | bc | awk ' sub("\\.*0+$","") ') # get below value TargetBelowValue=$(echo "scale=20; $value - $percent" | bc | awk ' sub("\\.*0+$","") ') # set the switches TargetBelow=1 BelowValue=1 TargetAbove=1 AboveValue=1 } # set message function setMessage () { # set Args local target_type="$1" local current_value="$2" local target_value="$3" # build message if (( "$showAB" == 1 )); then message="${Currency} is ${target_type} ${target_value} ${Target} at ${current_value} ${Target}" else message="${Currency} at ${current_value} ${Target}" fi # first send to comand line echoTweak "${message} - ${Datetimenow} " && # is it send time sendTime "$target_type" "$target_value" && # set to messages setMessages "$message" "$target_type" "$target_value" } # set messages function setMessages () { # set Args local message="$1" local type="$2" local value="$3" # check if we should set messages if (( "$send" == 1 )); then # we can set message if [ "$type" == "below" ]; then # set below message belowMessages["${Currency}${Target}${value}"]="$message" # check if we have this array declared if [[ -z "${belowKeys[${Currency}${Target}]+unset}" ]]; then # load the value belowKeys["${Currency}${Target}"]="$value" else # test if we should load the value local cValue="${belowKeys[${Currency}${Target}]}" local updateValue=$(echo "$cValue > $value" | bc -l) if (( "$updateValue" == 1 )); then belowKeys["${Currency}${Target}"]="$value" fi fi elif [ "$type" == "above" ]; then # set above message aboveMessages["${Currency}${Target}${value}"]="$message" # check if we have this array declared if [[ -z "${aboveKeys[${Currency}${Target}]+unset}" ]]; then # load the value aboveKeys["${Currency}${Target}"]="$value" else # test if we should load the value local cValue="${aboveKeys[${Currency}${Target}]}" local updateValue=$(echo "$cValue < $value" | bc -l) if (( "$updateValue" == 1 )); then aboveKeys["${Currency}${Target}"]="$value" fi fi fi fi } # send messages function sendMessages () { # filter messages to only send the lowest-below and the highest-above filterMessages # check if we have messages if [ ${#Messages[@]} -gt 0 ]; then # load the API being targeted if (( "$API_show" == 1 )); then Messages+=("(${API_target})") fi # set to string IFS=$'\n' local messages="${Messages[*]}" # send Telegram messages if allowed sendTelegram "${messages}" && # show linux messages if allowed showLinuxMessage "${messages}" && # send SMS messages if allowed sendSMSMessage "${messages}" fi } # filter messages to only send the lowest-below and the highest-above function filterMessages () { # load a currency pair only once (above/below) declare -A oncePer # check if higher value is found if [ ${#aboveMessages[@]} -gt 0 ]; then for i in "${!aboveKeys[@]}" do # set it oncePer["$i"]="$i" # get the value local valKey="${aboveKeys[$i]}" # set to messages Messages+=("${aboveMessages[$i$valKey]}") done fi # check if lower value is found if [ ${#belowMessages[@]} -gt 0 ]; then for i in "${!belowKeys[@]}" do #check if it was set already if [[ -z "${oncePer[$i]+unset}" ]]; then # get the value local valKey="${belowKeys[$i]}" # set to messages Messages+=("${belowMessages[$i$valKey]}") fi done fi } # show message in linux (will not work on server) function showLinuxMessage () { # do some prep command -v zenity >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echoTweak "We require zenity to show linux notice, but it's not installed."; LinuxNotice=0; } # check if linux messages can be shown if (( "$LinuxNotice" == 1 )); then zenity --text="$1" --info 2> /dev/null echoTweak "Linux Message was shown" fi } # send sms messages function sendSMSMessage () { # check if we should send SMS if (( "$SMS" == 1 )); then smsMe "${messages}" echoTweak "SMS Message was send" fi } # send Telegram function sendTelegram () { # check if we should send Telegram if (( "$Telegram" == 1 )); then notifyMe "$1" echoTweak "Telegram Message was send" fi } # check if it is time to show/send the messages function sendTime () { # set Args local target_type="$1" local target_value="$2" # build key send time keySendTime=$(echo -n "${target_type}${target_value}${sendKey}" | md5sum | sed 's/ .*$//') # check if we should send if (( "$sendSwitch" == 2 )) then # send every time send=1 elif grep -Fxq "$keySendTime" "$COINTracker" then # Do not send notification (already send in time frame) send=0 else # add key to file echo "$keySendTime" >> "$COINTracker" # send notification if asked to send=1 fi } # set the send key function setSendKey () { # what is the cycle of send time if (( "$sendSwitch" == 1 )); then # once every hour sendKey=$(TZ=":ZULU" date +"%m/%d/%Y (%H)" ) elif (( "$sendSwitch" == 3 )); then # show only once (ever) sendKey="showOnce" fi # default (once per day) # or send every time } # getting the price from CEX.io (API) function get_Price () { # check if we already have this Currency Pair Value if [[ -z "${CurrencyPair[${Currency}${Target}]+unset}" ]]; then # show what currency pair is being fetched if (( "$Factory" == 1 )); then echoTweak "Getting the current price of $Currency in $Target" fi # get price from API if [ "${API_target}" == "cex" ]; then local URL="${API_cex}${Currency}/${Target}" elif [ "${API_target}" == "shapeshift" ]; then local URL="${API_shapeshift}${Currency}_${Target}" fi # now get the json local json=$(wget -q -O- "$URL") # check if we have and error local error=($( echo "$json" | jq -r '.error')) if [ "${error}" != "null" ]; then if (( "$allowEcho" == 1 )); then echo "...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..." echoTweak "${json}" echo "...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..." fi # no currency pair found CurrencyPair["${Currency}${Target}"]='null' else # set the value if [ "${API_target}" == "cex" ]; then local value=($( echo "$json" | jq -r '.lprice')) elif [ "${API_target}" == "shapeshift" ]; then local value=($( echo "$json" | jq -r '.rate')) fi # add value to global bucket CurrencyPair["${Currency}${Target}"]="$value" fi fi } # run some validation against the options given function runValidation () { # check if above or below value is set if (( "$BelowValue" == 0 && "$AboveValue" == 0 )); then echo "Above or Below Switch are required!" show_help exit 1 fi # check that value are set if (( "$BelowValue" == 1 && "$TargetAll" == 0 && "$TargetBelow" == 0)); then echo "A below value is required!" show_help exit 1 fi # check that value are set if (( "$AboveValue" == 1 && "$TargetAll" == 0 && "$TargetAbove" == 0)); then echo "An above value is required!" show_help exit 1 fi # check that value are set if (( "$TargetAll" == 0 && "$TargetBelow" == 0 && "$TargetAbove" == 0 )); then echo "A value is required!" show_help exit 1 fi } # little echo tweak function echoTweak () { if (( "$allowEcho" == 1 )); then echoMessage="$1" chrlen="${#echoMessage}" if [ $# -eq 2 ] then mainlen="$2" else mainlen=70 fi increaseBy=$((20+mainlen-chrlen)) tweaked=$(repeat "$increaseBy") echo ".... $echoMessage $tweaked" fi } # little repeater function repeat () { head -c $1 < /dev/zero | tr '\0' '\056' }