#!/bin/bash # # pwd.sh # # An interface to gpg for managing passwords. set -o pipefail set -o nounset safe=pwd.sh.safe public=pwd.sh.pub secret=pwd.sh.sec del=/usr/bin/srm del_opts=("--force --zero") gpg=/usr/local/bin/gpg gpg_opts=("--no-default-keyring --keyring ./${public} --secret-keyring ./${secret}") name="nobody@pwd.sh" get_pass () { # Fancy prompt for fetching a password. unset password prompt="Password: " while IFS= read -p "$prompt" -r -s -n 1 char do if [[ $char == $'\0' ]] ; then break fi prompt='*' password+="$char" done } decrypt () { # Decrypt a gpg-encrypted file with a password. ${gpg} ${gpg_opts} \ --decrypt --armor --batch \ --command-fd 0 --passphrase "${1}" "${2}" \ 2>/dev/null } encrypt () { # Encrypt and sign a file with a password. ${gpg} ${gpg_opts} \ --encrypt --armor --sign --batch \ --hidden-recipient "${name}" \ --yes \ --command-fd 0 --passphrase "${1}" \ --output "${2}" "${3}" \ 2>/dev/null } read_pass () { # Reads a password. if [ ! -s ${safe} ] ; then echo "Empty safe, no passwords!" exit 3 else echo "Enter password to unlock ${safe}." get_pass ; echo decrypt ${password} ${safe} fi } create_id () { # Creates a new Username/ID. read -p "Username/ID: " id read -p "Create random password? (y/n default: y) " rand_pass if [ "${rand_pass}" == "n" ]; then echo "Choose a password for '${id}'." get_pass ; echo user_pass=$password else user_pass=$(gen_pass) fi } write_pass () { # Writes a password to safe. echo "Enter password to unlock ${safe}." get_pass ; echo # Create a temporary file to decrypt passwords to. # TODO(any): can this be done without writing to disk? tmp_secret=$(mktemp -q /tmp/pwd.sh.XXXXXX) # Decrypt safe, exclude specified ID in case of update/removal. if [ -s ${safe} ] ; then decrypt ${password} ${safe} | grep -v " ${id}" > ${tmp_secret} fi # Append new password for ID, if one was provided. if [ ! -z ${user_pass+x} ] ; then echo "${user_pass} ${id}" >> ${tmp_secret} fi # Encrypt plaintext to safe. encrypt ${password} ${safe} ${tmp_secret} # Remove temporary plaintext. ${del} ${del_opts} ${tmp_secret} echo "Updated password for '${id}' in ${safe}." unset id unset password unset user_pass } gen_pass () { # Generate a random password. read -p "Password length? (min/avg/max default: max) " pass_length if [ "$pass_length" == "min" ]; then len=6 elif [ "$pass_length" == "avg" ]; then len=18 else len=36 fi ${gpg} --gen-random -a 0 ${len} } create_keys () { # Create public and private GnuPG keys. echo "Choose a strong master password." get_pass ; echo ${gpg} ${gpg_opts} \ --gen-key --batch <( cat </dev/null echo "Created keys: ${public} and ${secret}." unset password } create_safe () { # Create an encrypted "safe" file to store passwords. touch ${safe} ; chmod 0600 ${safe} echo "Created encrypted safe file: ${safe}." } sanity_check () { # Make sure all necessary programs are installed and files exist. if [ ! -x ${gpg} ] ; then echo "GnuPG is not available!" exit 127 fi if [ ! -x ${del} ] ; then echo "srm/rm is not available!" exit 127 fi if [ ! -f ${secret} ] ; then echo "No keys found, creating new keys ..." create_keys else chmod 0600 ${secret} fi if [ ! -f ${safe} ] ; then echo "No safe found, creating new safe file ..." create_safe else chmod 0600 ${safe} fi } main () { # Main function. sanity_check read -p "Read, write, or delete a password? (r/w/d default: r) " action if [ "${action}" == "w" ] ; then create_id write_pass elif [ "${action}" == "d" ] ; then read -p "Which Username/ID to delete? " id write_pass else read_pass fi } main exit 0