#!/usr/bin/env bash # https://github.com/drduh/Purse/blob/master/purse.sh #set -x # uncomment to debug set -o errtrace set -o nounset set -o pipefail umask 077 export LC_ALL="C" now="$(date +%s)" today="$(date +%F)" gpg="$(command -v gpg || command -v gpg2)" gpg_conf="${HOME}/.gnupg/gpg.conf" clip="${PWDSH_CLIP:=xclip}" # clipboard, 'pbcopy' on macOS clip_args=${PWDSH_CLIP_ARGS:=} # args to pass to copy command clip_dest="${PURSE_DEST:=clipboard}" # set to 'screen' to print to stdout clip_timeout="${PURSE_TIME:=10}" # seconds to clear clipboard/screen comment="${PURSE_COMMENT:=}" # *unencrypted* comment in files daily_backup="${PURSE_DAILY:=}" # daily backup archive on write encrypt_index="${PURSE_ENCIX:=}" # also keep index encrypted pass_copy="${PURSE_COPY:=}" # copy password before write pass_echo="${PURSE_ECHO:=*}" # show "*" when typing passwords pass_len="${PURSE_LEN:=14}" # default password length safe_dir="${PURSE_SAFE:=safe}" # safe directory name safe_ix="${PURSE_INDEX:=purse.index}" # index file name safe_backup="${PURSE_BACKUP:=purse.$(hostname).${today}.tar}" pass_chars="${PURSE_CHARS:='[:alnum:]!?@#$%^&*();:+='}" trap cleanup EXIT INT TERM cleanup () { # "Lock" files on trapped exits. ret=$? chmod -R 0000 "${safe_dir}" "${safe_ix}" 2>/dev/null exit ${ret} } fail () { # Print an error in red and exit. tput setaf 1 ; printf "\nERROR: %s\n" "${1}" ; tput sgr0 exit 1 } warn () { # Print a warning in yellow. tput setaf 3 ; printf "\nWARNING: %s\n" "${1}" ; tput sgr0 } setup_keygroup() { # Configure one or more recipients. purse_keygroup="group purse_keygroup =" keyid="" recommend="$(${gpg} -K | grep "sec#" | \ awk -F "/" '{print $2}' | cut -c-18 | tr "\n" " ")" printf "\n Setting up keygroup ...\n Found recommended key IDs: %s\n Enter one or more key IDs, preferred one last\n" "${recommend}" while [[ -z "${keyid}" ]] ; do read -r -p " Key ID or Enter to continue: " keyid if [[ -z "${keyid}" ]] ; then printf "%s\n" "${purse_keygroup}" >> "${gpg_conf}" break fi purse_keygroup="${purse_keygroup} ${keyid}" keyid="" done } get_pass () { # Prompt for a password. password="" prompt=" ${1}" printf "\n" while IFS= read -p "${prompt}" -r -s -n 1 char ; do if [[ ${char} == $'\0' ]] ; then break elif [[ ${char} == $'\177' ]] ; then if [[ -z "${password}" ]] ; then prompt="" else prompt=$'\b \b' password="${password%?}" fi else prompt="${pass_echo}" password+="${char}" fi done } decrypt () { # Decrypt with GPG. cat "${1}" | \ ${gpg} --armor --batch --decrypt 2>/dev/null } encrypt () { # Encrypt to a group of hidden recipients. ${gpg} --encrypt --armor --batch --yes \ --hidden-recipient "purse_keygroup" \ --throw-keyids --comment "${comment}" \ --output "${1}" "${2}" 2>/dev/null } read_pass () { # Read a password from safe. if [[ ! -s "${safe_ix}" ]] ; then fail "${safe_ix} not found" ; fi while [[ -z "${username}" ]] ; do if [[ -z "${2+x}" ]] ; then read -r -p " Username: " username else username="${2}" ; fi done if [[ -n "${encrypt_index}" ]] ; then prompt_key "index" spath=$(decrypt "${safe_ix}" | \ grep -F "${username}" | tail -1 | cut -d ":" -f2) || \ fail "Secret not available" else spath=$(grep -F "${username}" "${safe_ix}" | \ tail -1 | cut -d ":" -f2) fi if [[ ! -s "${spath}" ]] ; then fail "Secret not available" ; fi prompt_key "password" emit_pass <(decrypt "${spath}" | head -1) || \ fail "Failed to decrypt ${spath}" } prompt_key () { # Print a message if safe file exists. if [[ -f "${safe_ix}" ]] ; then printf "\n Touch key to access %s ...\n" "${1}" ; fi } generate_pass () { # Generate a password from urandom. if [[ -z "${3+x}" ]] ; then read -r -p " Password length (default: ${pass_len}): " length else length="${3}" ; fi if [[ "${length}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then pass_len="${length}" fi tr -dc "${pass_chars}" < /dev/urandom | \ fold -w "${pass_len}" | head -1 } generate_user () { # Generate a username. printf "%s%s\n" \ "$(awk 'length > 2 && length < 12 {print(tolower($0))}' \ /usr/share/dict/words | grep -v "'" | sort -R | head -n2 | \ tr "\n" "_" | iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii//TRANSLIT)" \ "$(tr -dc "[:digit:]" < /dev/urandom | fold -w 4 | head -1)" } write_pass () { # Write a password and update the index. spath="${safe_dir}/$(tr -dc "[:lower:]" < /dev/urandom | \ fold -w10 | head -1)" if [[ -n "${pass_copy}" ]] ; then emit_pass <(printf '%s' "${userpass}") ; fi printf '%s\n' "${userpass}" | encrypt "${spath}" - || \ fail "Failed saving ${spath}" if [[ -n "${encrypt_index}" ]] ; then prompt_key "index" ( if [[ -f "${safe_ix}" ]] ; then decrypt "${safe_ix}" || return ; fi printf "%s@%s:%s\n" "${username}" "${now}" "${spath}") | \ encrypt "${safe_ix}.${now}" - && \ mv "${safe_ix}.${now}" "${safe_ix}" || \ fail "Failed saving ${safe_ix}.${now}" else printf "%s@%s:%s\n" \ "${username}" "${now}" "${spath}" >> "${safe_ix}" fi } list_entry () { # Decrypt the index to list entries. if [[ ! -s "${safe_ix}" ]] ; then fail "${safe_ix} not found" ; fi if [[ -n "${encrypt_index}" ]] ; then prompt_key "index" decrypt "${safe_ix}" || fail "${safe_ix} not available" else printf "\n" ; cat "${safe_ix}" fi } backup () { # Archive index, safe and configuration. if [[ ! -f ${safe_backup} ]] ; then if [[ -f "${safe_ix}" && -d "${safe_dir}" ]] ; then cp "${gpg_conf}" "gpg.conf.${today}" tar cf "${safe_backup}" "${safe_dir}" "${safe_ix}" \ "${BASH_SOURCE}" "gpg.conf.${today}" && \ printf "\nArchived %s\n" "${safe_backup}" rm -f "gpg.conf.${today}" else fail "Nothing to archive" ; fi else warn "${safe_backup} exists, skipping archive" ; fi } emit_pass () { # Use clipboard or stdout and clear after timeout. if [[ "${clip_dest}" = "screen" ]] ; then printf '\n%s\n' "$(cat ${1})" else ${clip} < "${1}" ; fi printf "\n" while [[ "${clip_timeout}" -gt 0 ]] ; do printf "\r\033[K Password on %s! Clearing in %.d" \ "${clip_dest}" "$((clip_timeout--))" ; sleep 1 done printf "\r\033[K Clearing password from %s ..." "${clip_dest}" if [[ "${clip_dest}" = "screen" ]] ; then clear else printf "\n" ; printf "" | ${clip} ; fi } new_entry () { # Prompt for username and password. if [[ -z "${2+x}" ]] ; then read -r -p " Username (Enter to generate): " username else username="${2}" ; fi if [[ -z "${username}" ]] ; then username=$(generate_user "$@") fi if [[ -z "${3+x}" ]] ; then get_pass "Password for \"${username}\" (Enter to generate): " userpass="${password}" fi printf "\n" if [[ -z "${password}" ]] ; then userpass=$(generate_pass "$@") fi } print_help () { # Print help text. printf """ Purse is a Bash shell script to manage passwords with GnuPG asymmetric encryption. It is designed and recommended to be used with YubiKey as the secret key storage.\n Purse can be used interactively or by passing one of the following options:\n * 'w' to write a password * 'r' to read a password * 'l' to list passwords * 'b' to create an archive for backup\n Options can also be passed on the command line.\n * Create a 20-character password for userName: ./purse.sh w userName 20\n * Read password for userName: ./purse.sh r userName\n * Passwords are stored with an epoch timestamp for revision control. The most recent version is copied to clipboard on read. To list all passwords or read a specific version of a password: ./purse.sh l ./purse.sh r userName@1574723625\n * Create an archive for backup: ./purse.sh b\n * Restore an archive from backup: tar xvf purse*tar\n""" } if [[ -z "${gpg}" || ! -x "${gpg}" ]] ; then fail "GnuPG is not available" ; fi if [[ ! -f "${gpg_conf}" ]] ; then fail "GnuPG config is not available" ; fi if [[ ! -d "${safe_dir}" ]] ; then mkdir -p "${safe_dir}" ; fi chmod -R 0700 "${safe_dir}" "${safe_ix}" 2>/dev/null if [[ -z "$(command -v ${clip})" ]] ; then warn "Clipboard not available, passwords will print to screen/stdout!" clip_dest="screen" elif [[ -n "${clip_args}" ]] ; then clip+=" ${clip_args}" fi username="" password="" action="" if [[ -n "${1+x}" ]] ; then action="${1}" ; fi while [[ -z "${action}" ]] ; do read -r -n 1 -p " Read or Write (or Help for more options): " action printf "\n" done if [[ "${action}" =~ ^([rR])$ ]] ; then read_pass "$@" elif [[ "${action}" =~ ^([wW])$ ]] ; then purse_keygroup="$(grep "group purse_keygroup" "${gpg_conf}")" if [[ -z "${purse_keygroup}" ]] ; then setup_keygroup fi printf "\n %s\n" "${purse_keygroup}" new_entry "$@" write_pass if [[ -n "${daily_backup}" ]] ; then backup ; fi elif [[ "${action}" =~ ^([lL])$ ]] ; then list_entry elif [[ "${action}" =~ ^([bB])$ ]] ; then backup else print_help ; fi tput setaf 2 ; printf "\nDone\n" ; tput sgr0