#! /bin/bash # Do some prep work command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "We require git for this script to run, but it's not installed. Aborting." exit 1 } command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "We require wget for this script to run, but it's not installed. Aborting." exit 1 } # get start time STARTBUILD=$(date +"%s") # use UTC+00:00 time also called zulu STARTDATE=$(TZ=":ZULU" date +"%m/%d/%Y @ %R (UTC)") # main project Header HEADERTITLE="Joomla XML Stream v1.0" # main function ˘Ô≈ôﺣ function main() { # make sure we have a mapper file if [ ! -f $REPO_MAPPER ]; then showMessage "${USER^}, you must have a mapper file, see help (${0##*/:-} -h)" exit 1 fi # now get the mapper data while IFS=$'\t' read -r -a row; do [[ "$row" =~ ^#.*$ ]] && continue # set the url URL_MAIN_LANG="${STREAM_ENDPOINT}&${URL_VERSION_KEY}=${row[0]}" # set the path PATH_MAIN_FILE="${TARGET_FOLDER}${row[1]}.xml" # get the main translation file of this version showMessage "Downloading: ${URL_MAIN_LANG}\nStoring@: ${PATH_MAIN_FILE}" # do the work now wget -q "${URL_MAIN_LANG}" --output-document="${PATH_MAIN_FILE}" # now get each translation pack while readXML; do # get the language tag LANG=$(getElement) # act only if we have valid tag if [ -n "${LANG}" ]; then # set the url URL_LANG="${STREAM_ENDPOINT}&${URL_VERSION_KEY}=${row[0]}&${URL_LANGUAGE_KEY}=${LANG}" # set the path PATH_LANG="${TARGET_FOLDER}${row[2]}" # set the path PATH_FILE="${PATH_LANG}/${LANG}_details.xml" # get the language pack file showMessage "Downloading: ${URL_LANG}\nStoring@: ${PATH_FILE}" # make sure the directory is set mkdir -p "${PATH_LANG}" # do the work now wget -q "${URL_LANG}" --output-document="${PATH_FILE}" fi done <"${PATH_MAIN_FILE}" done <"$REPO_MAPPER" # check if we should update the repo if (("$PUSH" == 1)); then # we first check if there are changes if [[ -z $(git status --porcelain) ]]; then echo "Nothing to commit here" else # make sure all new files are added and others removed where needed git add . # now commit the bunch... git commit -am "Update" # now push changes up to github... git push fi fi # show completion message completedBuildMessage exit 0 } # show message function showMessage() { if (("$QUIET" == 0)); then echo -e "${1}" fi } # completion message function completedBuildMessage() { # give completion message if (("$QUIET" == 0)); then # set the build time ENDBUILD=$(date +"%s") SECONDSBUILD=$((ENDBUILD - STARTBUILD)) # use UTC+00:00 time also called zulu ENDDATE=$(TZ=":ZULU" date +"%m/%d/%Y @ %R (UTC)") echo "${HEADERTITLE} build on ${STARTDATE} is completed in ${SECONDSBUILD} seconds!" fi } # our XML helpers # https://stackoverflow.com/a/7052168/1429677 function readXML() { local IFS=\> read -d \< ENTITY CONTENT local ret=$? TAG_NAME=${ENTITY%% *} ATTRIBUTES=${ENTITY#* } return $ret } function getElement() { if [[ $TAG_NAME == "extension" ]]; then eval local $ATTRIBUTES echo "$element" else echo '' fi } # set any/all default config property function setDefaults() { if [ -f $CONFIG_FILE ]; then # set all defaults STREAM_ENDPOINT=$(getDefault "xml.stream.endpoint" "${STREAM_ENDPOINT}") URL_VERSION_KEY=$(getDefault "xml.stream.url.version.key" "${URL_VERSION_KEY}") URL_LANGUAGE_KEY=$(getDefault "xml.stream.url.language.key" "${URL_LANGUAGE_KEY}") REPO_MAPPER=$(getDefault "xml.stream.repo.mapper" "${REPO_MAPPER}") PUSH=$(getDefault "xml.stream.repo.push" "$PUSH") TARGET_FOLDER=$(getDefault "xml.stream.target.folder" "${TARGET_FOLDER}") QUIET=$(getDefault "xml.stream.build.quiet" "$QUIET") fi } # get default properties from config file function getDefault() { PROP_KEY="$1" PROP_VALUE=$(cat $CONFIG_FILE | grep "$PROP_KEY" | cut -d'=' -f2) echo "${PROP_VALUE:-$2}" } # help message ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ function show_help() { cat < set the endpoint of the xml retrieval example: ${0##*/:-} --endpoint=https://downloads.joomla.org/index.php?option=com_languagepack&view=export&format=xml ====================================================== --version-key= set the version key used in URL example: ${0##*/:-} --version-key=cms_version ====================================================== --language-key= set the language key used in URL example: ${0##*/:-} --language-key=language_code ====================================================== --mapper= set all the mapper details with a file the repo/conf/mapper.tmp has more details of the format example: ${0##*/:-} --conf=/home/$USER/.config/xml-stream-mapper.conf defaults: - repo/conf/.mapper ====================================================== --push push changes to github (only if there are changes) - must be able to push (ssh authentication needed) example: ${0##*/:-} --push ====================================================== --target-folder= set folder where we place the XML static files example: ${0##*/:-} --conf=/home/$USER/public_html/xml/ defaults: - repo/src/ ====================================================== --conf= set all the config properties with a file example: ${0##*/:-} --conf=/home/$USER/.config/xml-stream.conf defaults: - repo/conf/.config ====================================================== --dry To show all defaults, and not update repo example: ${0##*/:-} --dry ====================================================== -q|--quiet Quiet mode that prevent whiptail from showing progress example: ${0##*/:-} -q example: ${0##*/:-} --quiet ====================================================== -h|--help display this help menu example: ${0##*/:-} -h example: ${0##*/:-} --help ====================================================== ${HEADERTITLE} ====================================================== EOF } # SET THE DEFAULTS STREAM_ENDPOINT="https://downloads.joomla.org/index.php?option=com_languagepack&view=export&format=xml" URL_VERSION_KEY="cms_version" URL_LANGUAGE_KEY="language_code" REPO_MAPPER='conf/.mapper' TARGET_FOLDER='src/' CONFIG_FILE='conf/.config' PUSH=0 DRYRUN=0 QUIET=0 # check if we have options while :; do case $1 in -h | --help) show_help # Display a usage synopsis. exit ;; -q | --quiet) QUIET=1 ;; --dry) DRYRUN=1 ;; --push) PUSH=1 ;; --version-key) # Takes an option argument; ensure it has been specified. if [ "$2" ]; then URL_VERSION_KEY=$2 shift else echo 'ERROR: "--version-key" requires a non-empty option argument.' exit 1 fi ;; --version-key=?*) URL_VERSION_KEY=${1#*=} # Delete everything up to "=" and assign the remainder. ;; --version-key=) # Handle the case of an empty --version-key= echo 'ERROR: "--version-key" requires a non-empty option argument.' exit 1 ;; --language-key) # Takes an option argument; ensure it has been specified. if [ "$2" ]; then URL_LANGUAGE_KEY=$2 shift else echo 'ERROR: "--language-key" requires a non-empty option argument.' exit 1 fi ;; --language-key=?*) URL_LANGUAGE_KEY=${1#*=} # Delete everything up to "=" and assign the remainder. ;; --language-key=) # Handle the case of an empty --language-key= echo 'ERROR: "--version-key" requires a non-empty option argument.' exit 1 ;; --endpoint) # Takes an option argument; ensure it has been specified. if [ "$2" ]; then STREAM_ENDPOINT=$2 shift else echo 'ERROR: "--endpoint" requires a non-empty option argument.' exit 1 fi ;; --endpoint=?*) STREAM_ENDPOINT=${1#*=} # Delete everything up to "=" and assign the remainder. ;; --endpoint=) # Handle the case of an empty --endpoint= echo 'ERROR: "--endpoint" requires a non-empty option argument.' exit 1 ;; --mapper) # Takes an option argument; ensure it has been specified. if [ "$2" ]; then REPO_MAPPER=$2 shift else echo 'ERROR: "--mapper" requires a non-empty option argument.' exit 1 fi ;; --mapper=?*) REPO_MAPPER=${1#*=} # Delete everything up to "=" and assign the remainder. ;; --mapper=) # Handle the case of an empty --mapper= echo 'ERROR: "--mapper" requires a non-empty option argument.' exit 1 ;; --conf) # Takes an option argument; ensure it has been specified. if [ "$2" ]; then CONFIG_FILE=$2 shift else echo 'ERROR: "--conf" requires a non-empty option argument.' exit 1 fi ;; --conf=?*) CONFIG_FILE=${1#*=} # Delete everything up to "=" and assign the remainder. ;; --conf=) # Handle the case of an empty --conf= echo 'ERROR: "--conf" requires a non-empty option argument.' exit 1 ;; *) # Default case: No more options, so break out of the loop. break ;; esac shift done # check if config file is set setDefaults # show the config values ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if (("$DRYRUN" == 1)); then echo " ${HEADERTITLE}" echo "======================================================" echo "STREAM_ENDPOINT: ${STREAM_ENDPOINT}" echo "URL_VERSION_KEY: ${URL_VERSION_KEY}" echo "URL_LANGUAGE_KEY: ${URL_LANGUAGE_KEY}" echo "REPO_MAPPER: ${REPO_MAPPER}" echo "PUSH: ${PUSH}" echo "CONFIG_FILE: ${CONFIG_FILE}" echo "TARGET_FOLDER: ${TARGET_FOLDER}" echo "QUIET: ${QUIET}" echo "======================================================" exit fi # run Main ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ main