# Language XML Stream v1.0 These scripts are used to extract the language pack xml files from the Joomla! download site and make them statically publicly available. # Okay, Lets get started... ˘Ô≈ôﺣ Should you like to contribute any improvements either in code or conduct, just open an issue as the first step, and beginning of the conversation. ツ ## Setup the Builder Clone this repository ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/llewellynvdm/Joomla-XML-Lang-stream.git $ cd Joomla-XML-Lang-stream/ ``` ## Run the Builder Make sure that the following files are executable. ```bash $ sudo chmod +x run.sh ``` Start the Building process ```bash $ ./run.sh ``` # Help Menu ```txt Usage: ./run.sh [OPTION...] You are able to change a few default behaviours in the getBible API builder ------ Passing no command options will fallback on the defaults ------- Options ᒡ◯ᵔ◯ᒢ ====================================================== --endpoint= set the endpoint of the xml retrieval example: ./run.sh --endpoint=https://downloads.joomla.org/index.php?option=com_languagepack&view=export&format=xml ====================================================== --version-key= set the version key used in URL example: ./run.sh --version-key=cms_version ====================================================== --language-key= set the language key used in URL example: ./run.sh --language-key=language_code ====================================================== --mapper= set all the mapper details with a file the repo/conf/mapper.tmp has more details of the format example: ./run.sh --conf=/home/username/.config/xml-stream-mapper.conf defaults: - repo/conf/.mapper ====================================================== --push push changes to github (only if there are changes) - must be able to push (ssh authentication needed) example: ./run.sh --push ====================================================== --target-folder= set folder where we place the XML static files example: ./run.sh --conf=/home/username/public_html/xml/ defaults: - repo/src/ ====================================================== --conf= set all the config properties with a file example: ./run.sh --conf=/home/username/.config/xml-stream.conf defaults: - repo/conf/.config ====================================================== --dry To show all defaults, and not update repo example: ./run.sh --dry ====================================================== -q|--quiet Quiet mode that prevent whiptail from showing progress example: ./run.sh -q example: ./run.sh --quiet ====================================================== -h|--help display this help menu example: ./run.sh -h example: ./run.sh --help ====================================================== Joomla XML Stream v1.0 ====================================================== ``` # Setup Cron Job To run this in a crontab ```bash $ crontab -e ``` Then add the following line, update the time as needed ```bash 10 5 * * MON /home/username/Joomla-XML-Lang-stream/run.sh -q >> /home/username/Joomla-XML-Lang-stream/stream.log 2>&1 ``` # Use GitHub Actions You will need to setup a list of secrets in your fork of the XML_STREAM. > The github user email being used to build - XML_STREAM_GIT_EMAIL > The github username being used to build - XML_STREAM_GIT_USER > `gpg -a --export-secret-keys >myprivatekeys.asc` > The whole key file text from the above myprivatekeys.asc > This key must be linked to the github user being used > This is used to sign the push changes if there are any - XML_STREAM_GPG_KEY > The name of the myprivatekeys.asc user - XML_STREAM_GPG_USER > A id_ed25519 ssh private key liked to the github user account - XML_STREAM_SSH_KEY > A id_ed25519.pub ssh public key liked to the github user account - XML_STREAM_SSH_PUB All these secret values are needed to fully automate the build. Then you need to go to the actions are in your fork of XML_STREAM and activate the actions. ### Free Software ```txt Copyright (C) 2019. All Rights Reserved GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html ```