2016-06-29 15:51:06 -05:00
# Dockerfile for RosarioSIS
# https://www.rosariosis.org/
# Best Dockerfile practices: http://crosbymichael.com/dockerfile-best-practices.html
2017-09-22 01:08:06 -05:00
FROM php:5.6-apache
2016-06-29 15:51:06 -05:00
2016-06-29 17:36:10 -05:00
MAINTAINER François Jacquet <francoisjacquet@users.noreply.github.com>
2015-02-23 13:22:18 -05:00
2016-06-29 15:51:06 -05:00
# Upgrade packages.
# Change date to force an upgrade:
RUN apt-get update # 2016-06-29
RUN apt-get upgrade -y
# Install git, Apache2 + PHP + PostgreSQL webserver, sendmail, wkhtmltopdf & others utilities.
2017-09-22 01:08:06 -05:00
RUN apt-get install postgresql-client wkhtmltopdf libpq-dev libpng-dev libxml2-dev sendmail -y;
2016-06-29 15:51:06 -05:00
2017-09-22 01:08:06 -05:00
RUN docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-png-dir=/usr --with-jpeg-dir=/usr; \
docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) gd mbstring xml pgsql gettext xmlrpc
2015-02-23 13:22:18 -05:00
2017-09-22 01:08:06 -05:00
RUN mkdir /usr/src/rosariosis && curl -L https://github.com/francoisjacquet/rosariosis/tarball/v3.5 | tar xz --strip-components=1 -C /usr/src/rosariosis
2016-06-29 15:51:06 -05:00
2017-09-22 01:08:06 -05:00
WORKDIR /usr/src/rosariosis
2015-02-23 13:22:18 -05:00
2017-09-22 01:08:06 -05:00
RUN rm -rf /var/www/html && mkdir -p /var/www && \
ln -s /usr/src/rosariosis/ /var/www/html && chmod 777 /var/www/html &&\
chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/src/rosariosis
2016-06-29 15:51:06 -05:00
2017-09-22 01:08:06 -05:00
# Uncomment to checkout a tagged release:
# RUN git checkout 2.9.3
2016-06-29 15:51:06 -05:00
# Copy our custom RosarioSIS configuration file.
2015-05-17 17:05:05 -07:00
COPY conf/config.inc.php /usr/src/rosariosis/config.inc.php
2017-09-22 01:08:06 -05:00
COPY conf/.htaccess /usr/src/rosariosis/.htaccess
COPY bin/init /init
2015-02-23 13:22:18 -05:00
2017-09-22 01:08:06 -05:00
ENTRYPOINT ["/init"]
CMD ["apache2-foreground"]