Add sudo before the docker command, move to note

This commit is contained in:
François Jacquet 2022-03-08 10:30:29 +01:00
parent 7f745c5f0c
commit 1254bf5dcb

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@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ You can pull the image from [DockerHub](
git clone
cd docker-rosariosis
sudo docker build -t rosariosis .
docker build -t rosariosis .
## Usage
RosarioSIS uses a PostgreSQL database:
sudo docker run --name rosariosisdb -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgrespwd" -d postgres
docker run --name rosariosisdb -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgrespwd" -d postgres
Create database:
sudo docker exec -it rosariosisdb bash
docker exec -it rosariosisdb bash
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres
postgres=# CREATE USER rosario WITH PASSWORD 'rosariopwd';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE rosariosis WITH ENCODING 'UTF8' OWNER rosario;
@ -34,13 +34,15 @@ exit
Run RosarioSIS (DockerHub image) and link the PostgreSQL container:
sudo docker run -e "" -e "PGHOST=rosariosisdb" -h `hostname -f` -d -p 80:80 --name rosariosis --link rosariosisdb:rosariosisdb rosariosis/rosariosis:master
docker run -e "" -e "PGHOST=rosariosisdb" -h `hostname -f` -d -p 80:80 --name rosariosis --link rosariosisdb:rosariosisdb rosariosis/rosariosis:master
Port 80 will be exposed, so you can visit http://localhost/InstallDatabase.php to get started. Default username and password: `admin`.
Note: a `docker-compose.yml` file is available.
Note 2: you may have to add `sudo` before the `docker` command.
## Environment Variables
The RosarioSIS image uses several environment variables which are easy to miss. While none of the variables are required, they may significantly aid you in using the image.