#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail [ -f versions.json ] # run "versions.sh" first jqt='.jq-template.awk' if [ -n "${BASHBREW_SCRIPTS:-}" ]; then jqt="$BASHBREW_SCRIPTS/jq-template.awk" elif [ "$BASH_SOURCE" -nt "$jqt" ]; then wget -qO "$jqt" 'https://github.com/docker-library/bashbrew/raw/5f0c26381fb7cc78b2d217d58007800bdcfbcfa1/scripts/jq-template.awk' fi # if no versions passed we load from versions.json if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then versions="$(jq -r 'keys | map(@sh) | join(" ")' versions.json)" eval "set -- $versions" fi # the warning message to not update the docker files directly generated_warning() { cat <<-EOH # # NOTE: THIS DOCKERFILE IS GENERATED VIA "apply-templates.sh" # # PLEASE DO NOT EDIT IT DIRECTLY. # EOH } # set the Rosariosis maintainers of these docker images rosariosisMaintainers="$( jq -cr '. | map(.firstname + " " + .lastname + " <" + .email + "> (@" + .github + ")") | join(", ")' maintainers.json)" export rosariosisMaintainers # loop over the version set above for version; do export version # get this Rosariosis version details rosariosisVersionDetails="$(jq -r '.[env.version]' versions.json)" # get this Rosariosis version rosariosisVersion="$(echo "${rosariosisVersionDetails}" | jq -r '.version')" export rosariosisVersion # get the PHP version phpVersions="$(echo "${rosariosisVersionDetails}" | jq -r '.phpVersions | map(@sh) | join(" ")')" eval "phpVersions=( $phpVersions )" # get the variants variants="$(echo "${rosariosisVersionDetails}" | jq -r '.variants | map(@sh) | join(" ")')" eval "variants=( $variants )" # get this version Rosariosis Sha512 rosariosisSha512="$(echo "${rosariosisVersionDetails}" | jq -r '.sha512')" export rosariosisSha512 # get this version Rosariosis Package URL rosariosisPackage="$(echo "${rosariosisVersionDetails}" | jq -r '.package')" export rosariosisPackage for phpVersion in "${phpVersions[@]}"; do export phpVersion # get the pecl values (we may want to move this to versions.json) peclValues="$(jq -r '.[env.version].phpVersions[env.phpVersion].pecl' versions-helper.json)" # get the APCu values pecl_APCu="$(echo "${peclValues}" | jq -r '.APCu')" export pecl_APCu # get the memcached values pecl_memcached="$(echo "${peclValues}" | jq -r '.memcached')" export pecl_memcached # get the redis values pecl_redis="$(echo "${peclValues}" | jq -r '.redis')" export pecl_redis # get the mcrypt values pecl_mcrypt="$(echo "${peclValues}" | jq -r '.mcrypt')" export pecl_mcrypt for variant in "${variants[@]}"; do export variant # the path to this variant folder dir="$version/php$phpVersion/$variant" mkdir -p "$dir" echo "processing $dir ..." # move the entrypoint file into place mkdir -p "$dir/conf" cp -a "docker-entrypoint.sh" "$dir/conf/docker-entrypoint.sh" cp -a "conf/config.inc.php" "$dir/conf/config.inc.php" cp -a "conf/htaccess.txt" "$dir/conf/htaccess.txt" { generated_warning gawk -f "$jqt" Dockerfile.template } >"$dir/Dockerfile" done done done