# Adobe Illustrator Templates ### Guidelines - Make the icons consistent sizes, look and feel. - If you use another vector to create an icon, please [cite the source](https://www.danhendricks.com/contact/?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=campaign&utm_content=link&utm_campaign=dmhendricks%2Ffile-icon-vectors). All icons must be unencumbered by copyright, be compatible with the [MIT license](https://github.com/dmhendricks/file-icon-vectors/blob/master/LICENSE) and include attribution (where required). - I may disagree with your color/icon choice(s). ### Fonts Used The following fonts are used for icons that include text: - **Classic** - Arial - **Vivid** - [Museo Sans Condensed](https://typekit.com/fonts/museo-sans/?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=link&utm_campaign=dmhendricks%2Ffile-icon-vectors) If you do not have or can't find one of the fonts mentioned above, use something that is close, and I will modify appropriately.