package canal import ( "bytes" "flag" "fmt" "testing" "time" "" . "" "" "" ) var testHost = flag.String("host", "", "MySQL host") func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) } type canalTestSuite struct { c *Canal } var _ = Suite(&canalTestSuite{}) func (s *canalTestSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) { cfg := NewDefaultConfig() cfg.Addr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:3306", *testHost) cfg.User = "root" cfg.HeartbeatPeriod = 200 * time.Millisecond cfg.ReadTimeout = 300 * time.Millisecond cfg.Dump.ExecutionPath = "mysqldump" cfg.Dump.TableDB = "test" cfg.Dump.Tables = []string{"canal_test"} cfg.Dump.Where = "id>0" // include & exclude config cfg.IncludeTableRegex = make([]string, 1) cfg.IncludeTableRegex[0] = ".*\\.canal_test" cfg.ExcludeTableRegex = make([]string, 2) cfg.ExcludeTableRegex[0] = "mysql\\..*" cfg.ExcludeTableRegex[1] = ".*\\..*_inner" var err error s.c, err = NewCanal(cfg) c.Assert(err, IsNil) s.execute(c, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.canal_test") sql := ` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.canal_test ( id int AUTO_INCREMENT, content blob DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(100), PRIMARY KEY(id) )ENGINE=innodb; ` s.execute(c, sql) s.execute(c, "DELETE FROM test.canal_test") s.execute(c, "INSERT INTO test.canal_test (content, name) VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?)", "1", "a", `\0\ndsfasdf`, "b", "", "c") s.execute(c, "SET GLOBAL binlog_format = 'ROW'") s.c.SetEventHandler(&testEventHandler{c: c}) go func() { err = s.c.Run() c.Assert(err, IsNil) }() } func (s *canalTestSuite) TearDownSuite(c *C) { // To test the heartbeat and read timeout,so need to sleep 1 seconds without data transmission c.Logf("Start testing the heartbeat and read timeout") time.Sleep(time.Second) if s.c != nil { s.c.Close() s.c = nil } } func (s *canalTestSuite) execute(c *C, query string, args ...interface{}) *mysql.Result { r, err := s.c.Execute(query, args...) c.Assert(err, IsNil) return r } type testEventHandler struct { DummyEventHandler c *C } func (h *testEventHandler) OnRow(e *RowsEvent) error { log.Infof("OnRow %s %v\n", e.Action, e.Rows) return nil } func (h *testEventHandler) String() string { return "testEventHandler" } func (s *canalTestSuite) TestCanal(c *C) { <-s.c.WaitDumpDone() for i := 1; i < 10; i++ { s.execute(c, "INSERT INTO test.canal_test (name) VALUES (?)", fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)) } s.execute(c, "ALTER TABLE test.canal_test ADD `age` INT(5) NOT NULL AFTER `name`") s.execute(c, "INSERT INTO test.canal_test (name,age) VALUES (?,?)", "d", "18") err := s.c.CatchMasterPos(10 * time.Second) c.Assert(err, IsNil) } func (s *canalTestSuite) TestCanalFilter(c *C) { // included sch, err := s.c.GetTable("test", "canal_test") c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(sch, NotNil) _, err = s.c.GetTable("not_exist_db", "canal_test") c.Assert(errors.Trace(err), Not(Equals), ErrExcludedTable) // excluded sch, err = s.c.GetTable("test", "canal_test_inner") c.Assert(errors.Cause(err), Equals, ErrExcludedTable) c.Assert(sch, IsNil) sch, err = s.c.GetTable("mysql", "canal_test") c.Assert(errors.Cause(err), Equals, ErrExcludedTable) c.Assert(sch, IsNil) sch, err = s.c.GetTable("not_exist_db", "not_canal_test") c.Assert(errors.Cause(err), Equals, ErrExcludedTable) c.Assert(sch, IsNil) } func TestCreateTableExp(t *testing.T) { cases := []string{ "CREATE TABLE `mydb.mytable` (`id` int(10)) ENGINE=InnoDB", "CREATE TABLE `mytable` (`id` int(10)) ENGINE=InnoDB", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mytable` (`id` int(10)) ENGINE=InnoDB", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mytable (`id` int(10)) ENGINE=InnoDB", } table := []byte("mytable") db := []byte("mydb") for _, s := range cases { m := expCreateTable.FindSubmatch([]byte(s)) mLen := len(m) if m == nil || !bytes.Equal(m[mLen-1], table) || (len(m[mLen-2]) > 0 && !bytes.Equal(m[mLen-2], db)) { t.Fatalf("TestCreateTableExp: case %s failed\n", s) } } } func TestAlterTableExp(t *testing.T) { cases := []string{ "ALTER TABLE `mydb`.`mytable` ADD `field2` DATE NULL AFTER `field1`;", "ALTER TABLE `mytable` ADD `field2` DATE NULL AFTER `field1`;", "ALTER TABLE mydb.mytable ADD `field2` DATE NULL AFTER `field1`;", "ALTER TABLE mytable ADD `field2` DATE NULL AFTER `field1`;", "ALTER TABLE mydb.mytable ADD field2 DATE NULL AFTER `field1`;", } table := []byte("mytable") db := []byte("mydb") for _, s := range cases { m := expAlterTable.FindSubmatch([]byte(s)) mLen := len(m) if m == nil || !bytes.Equal(m[mLen-1], table) || (len(m[mLen-2]) > 0 && !bytes.Equal(m[mLen-2], db)) { t.Fatalf("TestAlterTableExp: case %s failed\n", s) } } } func TestRenameTableExp(t *testing.T) { cases := []string{ "rename table `mydb`.`mytable` to `mydb`.`mytable1`", "rename table `mytable` to `mytable1`", "rename table mydb.mytable to mydb.mytable1", "rename table mytable to mytable1", "rename table `mydb`.`mytable` to `mydb`.`mytable2`, `mydb`.`mytable3` to `mydb`.`mytable1`", "rename table `mytable` to `mytable2`, `mytable3` to `mytable1`", "rename table mydb.mytable to mydb.mytable2, mydb.mytable3 to mydb.mytable1", "rename table mytable to mytable2, mytable3 to mytable1", } table := []byte("mytable") db := []byte("mydb") for _, s := range cases { m := expRenameTable.FindSubmatch([]byte(s)) mLen := len(m) if m == nil || !bytes.Equal(m[mLen-1], table) || (len(m[mLen-2]) > 0 && !bytes.Equal(m[mLen-2], db)) { t.Fatalf("TestRenameTableExp: case %s failed\n", s) } } } func TestDropTableExp(t *testing.T) { cases := []string{ "drop table test1", "DROP TABLE test1", "DROP TABLE test1", "DROP table IF EXISTS test.test1", "drop table `test1`", "DROP TABLE `test1`", "DROP table IF EXISTS `test`.`test1`", "DROP TABLE `test1` /* generated by server */", "DROP table if exists test1", "DROP table if exists `test1`", "DROP table if exists test.test1", "DROP table if exists `test`.test1", "DROP table if exists `test`.`test1`", "DROP table if exists test.`test1`", "DROP table if exists test.`test1`", } table := []byte("test1") for _, s := range cases { m := expDropTable.FindSubmatch([]byte(s)) mLen := len(m) if m == nil { t.Fatalf("TestDropTableExp: case %s failed\n", s) return } if mLen < 4 { t.Fatalf("TestDropTableExp: case %s failed\n", s) return } if !bytes.Equal(m[mLen-1], table) { t.Fatalf("TestDropTableExp: case %s failed\n", s) } } }