/* Copyright 2016 GitHub Inc. See https://github.com/github/gh-osc/blob/master/LICENSE */ package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" "github.com/github/gh-osc/go/base" "github.com/github/gh-osc/go/logic" "github.com/outbrain/golib/log" ) // main is the application's entry point. It will either spawn a CLI or HTTP itnerfaces. func main() { migrationContext := base.GetMigrationContext() // mysqlBasedir := flag.String("mysql-basedir", "", "the --basedir config for MySQL (auto-detected if not given)") // mysqlDatadir := flag.String("mysql-datadir", "", "the --datadir config for MySQL (auto-detected if not given)") internalExperiment := flag.Bool("internal-experiment", false, "issue an internal experiment") binlogFile := flag.String("binlog-file", "", "Name of binary log file") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.InspectorConnectionConfig.Key.Hostname, "host", "", "MySQL hostname (preferably a replica, not the master)") flag.IntVar(&migrationContext.InspectorConnectionConfig.Key.Port, "port", 3306, "MySQL port (preferably a replica, not the master)") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.InspectorConnectionConfig.User, "user", "root", "MySQL user") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.InspectorConnectionConfig.Password, "password", "", "MySQL password") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.DatabaseName, "database", "", "database name (mandatory)") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.OriginalTableName, "table", "", "table name (mandatory)") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.AlterStatement, "alter", "", "alter statement (mandatory)") flag.BoolVar(&migrationContext.CountTableRows, "exact-rowcount", false, "actually count table rows as opposed to estimate them (results in more accurate progress estimation)") flag.BoolVar(&migrationContext.AllowedRunningOnMaster, "allow-on-master", false, "allow this migration to run directly on master. Preferably it would run on a replica") flag.Int64Var(&migrationContext.ChunkSize, "chunk-size", 1000, "amount of rows to handle in each iteration") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.ThrottleFlagFile, "throttle-flag-file", "", "operation pauses when this file exists") quiet := flag.Bool("quiet", false, "quiet") verbose := flag.Bool("verbose", false, "verbose") debug := flag.Bool("debug", false, "debug mode (very verbose)") stack := flag.Bool("stack", false, "add stack trace upon error") help := flag.Bool("help", false, "Display usage") flag.Parse() if *help { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage of gh-osc:\n") flag.PrintDefaults() return } log.SetLevel(log.ERROR) if *verbose { log.SetLevel(log.INFO) } if *debug { log.SetLevel(log.DEBUG) } if *stack { log.SetPrintStackTrace(*stack) } if *quiet { // Override!! log.SetLevel(log.ERROR) } if migrationContext.DatabaseName == "" { log.Fatalf("--database must be provided and database name must not be empty") } if migrationContext.OriginalTableName == "" { log.Fatalf("--table must be provided and table name must not be empty") } if migrationContext.AlterStatement == "" { log.Fatalf("--alter must be provided and statement must not be empty") } log.Info("starting gh-osc") if *internalExperiment { log.Debug("starting experiment with %+v", *binlogFile) //binlogReader = binlog.NewMySQLBinlogReader(*mysqlBasedir, *mysqlDatadir) // binlogReader, err := binlog.NewGoMySQLReader(migrationContext.InspectorConnectionConfig) // if err != nil { // log.Fatale(err) // } // if err := binlogReader.ConnectBinlogStreamer(mysql.BinlogCoordinates{LogFile: *binlogFile, LogPos: 0}); err != nil { // log.Fatale(err) // } // binlogReader.StreamEvents(func() bool { return false }) // return } migrator := logic.NewMigrator() err := migrator.Migrate() if err != nil { log.Fatale(err) } log.Info("Done") }