#!/bin/bash PREFERRED_GO_VERSION=go1.9.2 SUPPORTED_GO_VERSIONS='go1.[89]' GO_PKG_DARWIN=${PREFERRED_GO_VERSION}.darwin-amd64.pkg GO_PKG_DARWIN_SHA=73fd5840d55f5566d8db6c0ffdd187577e8ebe650c783f68bd27cbf95bde6743 GO_PKG_LINUX=${PREFERRED_GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz GO_PKG_LINUX_SHA=de874549d9a8d8d8062be05808509c09a88a248e77ec14eb77453530829ac02b export ROOTDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/.." && pwd )" cd $ROOTDIR # If Go isn't installed globally, setup environment variables for local install. if [ -z "$(which go)" ] || [ -z "$(go version | grep "$SUPPORTED_GO_VERSIONS")" ]; then GODIR="$ROOTDIR/.vendor/go19" if [ $(uname -s) = "Darwin" ]; then export GOROOT="$GODIR/usr/local/go" else export GOROOT="$GODIR/go" fi export PATH="$GOROOT/bin:$PATH" fi # Check if local install exists, and install otherwise. if [ -z "$(which go)" ] || [ -z "$(go version | grep "$SUPPORTED_GO_VERSIONS")" ]; then [ -d "$GODIR" ] && rm -rf $GODIR mkdir -p "$GODIR" cd "$GODIR"; if [ $(uname -s) = "Darwin" ]; then curl -L -O https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/$GO_PKG_DARWIN shasum -a256 $GO_PKG_DARWIN | grep $GO_PKG_DARWIN_SHA xar -xf $GO_PKG_DARWIN cpio -i < com.googlecode.go.pkg/Payload else curl -L -O https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/$GO_PKG_LINUX shasum -a256 $GO_PKG_LINUX | grep $GO_PKG_LINUX_SHA tar xf $GO_PKG_LINUX fi # Prove we did something right echo "$(go version) installed in $GODIR: Go Binary: $(which go)" else echo "$(go version) found in $GODIR: Go Binary: $(which go)" fi cd $ROOTDIR # Configure the new go to be the first go found export GOPATH=$ROOTDIR/.vendor