/* Copyright 2016 GitHub Inc. See https://github.com/github/gh-osc/blob/master/LICENSE */ package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" "github.com/github/gh-osc/go/base" "github.com/github/gh-osc/go/logic" "github.com/outbrain/golib/log" ) // main is the application's entry point. It will either spawn a CLI or HTTP itnerfaces. func main() { migrationContext := base.GetMigrationContext() flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.InspectorConnectionConfig.Key.Hostname, "host", "", "MySQL hostname (preferably a replica, not the master)") flag.IntVar(&migrationContext.InspectorConnectionConfig.Key.Port, "port", 3306, "MySQL port (preferably a replica, not the master)") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.InspectorConnectionConfig.User, "user", "root", "MySQL user") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.InspectorConnectionConfig.Password, "password", "", "MySQL password") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.ConfigFile, "conf", "", "Config file") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.DatabaseName, "database", "", "database name (mandatory)") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.OriginalTableName, "table", "", "table name (mandatory)") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.AlterStatement, "alter", "", "alter statement (mandatory)") flag.BoolVar(&migrationContext.CountTableRows, "exact-rowcount", false, "actually count table rows as opposed to estimate them (results in more accurate progress estimation)") flag.BoolVar(&migrationContext.AllowedRunningOnMaster, "allow-on-master", false, "allow this migration to run directly on master. Preferably it would run on a replica") executeFlag := flag.Bool("execute", false, "actually execute the alter & migrate the table. Default is noop: do some tests and exit") flag.BoolVar(&migrationContext.TestOnReplica, "test-on-replica", false, "Have the migration run on a replica, not on the master. At the end of migration tables are not swapped; gh-osc issues `STOP SLAVE` and you can compare the two tables for building trust") flag.BoolVar(&migrationContext.OkToDropTable, "ok-to-drop-table", false, "Shall the tool drop the old table at end of operation. DROPping tables can be a long locking operation, which is why I'm not doing it by default. I'm an online tool, yes?") flag.BoolVar(&migrationContext.QuickAndBumpySwapTables, "quick-and-bumpy-swap-tables", false, "Shall the tool issue a faster swapping of tables at end of operation, at the cost of causing a brief period of time when the table does not exist? This will cause queries on table to fail with error (as opposed to being locked for a longer duration of a swap)") flag.BoolVar(&migrationContext.InitiallyDropOldTable, "initially-drop-old-table", false, "Drop a possibly existing OLD table (remains from a previous run?) before beginning operation. Default is to panic and abort if such table exists") flag.BoolVar(&migrationContext.InitiallyDropGhostTable, "initially-drop-ghost-table", false, "Drop a possibly existing Ghost table (remains from a previous run?) before beginning operation. Default is to panic and abort if such table exists") flag.BoolVar(&migrationContext.SwitchToRowBinlogFormat, "switch-to-rbr", false, "let this tool automatically switch binary log format to 'ROW' on the replica, if needed. The format will NOT be switched back. I'm too scared to do that, and wish to protect you if you happen to execute another migration while this one is running") flag.Int64Var(&migrationContext.ChunkSize, "chunk-size", 1000, "amount of rows to handle in each iteration (allowed range: 100-100,000)") if migrationContext.ChunkSize < 100 { migrationContext.ChunkSize = 100 } if migrationContext.ChunkSize > 100000 { migrationContext.ChunkSize = 100000 } flag.Int64Var(&migrationContext.MaxLagMillisecondsThrottleThreshold, "max-lag-millis", 1500, "replication lag at which to throttle operation") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.ReplictionLagQuery, "replication-lag-query", "", "Query that detects replication lag in seconds. Result can be a floating point (by default gh-osc issues SHOW SLAVE STATUS and reads Seconds_behind_master). If you're using pt-heartbeat, query would be something like: SELECT ROUND(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - MAX(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ts))) AS delay FROM my_schema.heartbeat") throttleControlReplicas := flag.String("throttle-control-replicas", "", "List of replicas on which to check for lag; comma delimited. Example: myhost1.com:3306,myhost2.com,myhost3.com:3307") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.ThrottleFlagFile, "throttle-flag-file", "", "operation pauses when this file exists; hint: use a file that is specific to the table being altered") flag.StringVar(&migrationContext.ThrottleAdditionalFlagFile, "throttle-additional-flag-file", "/tmp/gh-osc.throttle", "operation pauses when this file exists; hint: keep default, use for throttling multiple gh-osc operations") maxLoad := flag.String("max-load", "", "Comma delimited status-name=threshold. e.g: 'Threads_running=100,Threads_connected=500'") quiet := flag.Bool("quiet", false, "quiet") verbose := flag.Bool("verbose", false, "verbose") debug := flag.Bool("debug", false, "debug mode (very verbose)") stack := flag.Bool("stack", false, "add stack trace upon error") help := flag.Bool("help", false, "Display usage") flag.Parse() if *help { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage of gh-osc:\n") flag.PrintDefaults() return } log.SetLevel(log.ERROR) if *verbose { log.SetLevel(log.INFO) } if *debug { log.SetLevel(log.DEBUG) } if *stack { log.SetPrintStackTrace(*stack) } if *quiet { // Override!! log.SetLevel(log.ERROR) } if migrationContext.DatabaseName == "" { log.Fatalf("--database must be provided and database name must not be empty") } if migrationContext.OriginalTableName == "" { log.Fatalf("--table must be provided and table name must not be empty") } if migrationContext.AlterStatement == "" { log.Fatalf("--alter must be provided and statement must not be empty") } migrationContext.Noop = !(*executeFlag) if migrationContext.AllowedRunningOnMaster && migrationContext.TestOnReplica { log.Fatalf("--allow-on-master and --test-on-replica are mutually exclusive") } if migrationContext.QuickAndBumpySwapTables && migrationContext.TestOnReplica { log.Fatalf("--quick-and-bumpy-swap-tables and --test-on-replica are mutually exclusive (the former implies migrating on master)") } if err := migrationContext.ReadConfigFile(); err != nil { log.Fatale(err) } if err := migrationContext.ThrottleControlReplicaKeys.ReadCommaDelimitedList(*throttleControlReplicas); err != nil { log.Fatale(err) } if err := migrationContext.ReadMaxLoad(*maxLoad); err != nil { log.Fatale(err) } log.Info("starting gh-osc") migrator := logic.NewMigrator() err := migrator.Migrate() if err != nil { log.Fatale(err) } log.Info("Done") }