package canal import ( "io/ioutil" "math/rand" "time" "" "" "" ) type DumpConfig struct { // mysqldump execution path, like mysqldump or /usr/bin/mysqldump, etc... // If not set, ignore using mysqldump. ExecutionPath string `toml:"mysqldump"` // Will override Databases, tables is in database table_db Tables []string `toml:"tables"` TableDB string `toml:"table_db"` Databases []string `toml:"dbs"` // Ignore table format is db.table IgnoreTables []string `toml:"ignore_tables"` // Dump only selected records. Quotes are mandatory Where string `toml:"where"` // If true, discard error msg, else, output to stderr DiscardErr bool `toml:"discard_err"` // Set true to skip --master-data if we have no privilege to do // 'FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK' SkipMasterData bool `toml:"skip_master_data"` // Set to change the default max_allowed_packet size MaxAllowedPacketMB int `toml:"max_allowed_packet_mb"` } type Config struct { Addr string `toml:"addr"` User string `toml:"user"` Password string `toml:"password"` Charset string `toml:"charset"` ServerID uint32 `toml:"server_id"` Flavor string `toml:"flavor"` HeartbeatPeriod time.Duration `toml:"heartbeat_period"` ReadTimeout time.Duration `toml:"read_timeout"` // IncludeTableRegex or ExcludeTableRegex should contain database name // Only a table which matches IncludeTableRegex and dismatches ExcludeTableRegex will be processed // eg, IncludeTableRegex : [".*\\.canal"], ExcludeTableRegex : ["mysql\\..*"] // this will include all database's 'canal' table, except database 'mysql' // Default IncludeTableRegex and ExcludeTableRegex are empty, this will include all tables IncludeTableRegex []string `toml:"include_table_regex"` ExcludeTableRegex []string `toml:"exclude_table_regex"` // discard row event without table meta DiscardNoMetaRowEvent bool `toml:"discard_no_meta_row_event"` Dump DumpConfig `toml:"dump"` UseDecimal bool `toml:"use_decimal"` ParseTime bool `toml:"parse_time"` // SemiSyncEnabled enables semi-sync or not. SemiSyncEnabled bool `toml:"semi_sync_enabled"` } func NewConfigWithFile(name string) (*Config, error) { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(name) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } return NewConfig(string(data)) } func NewConfig(data string) (*Config, error) { var c Config _, err := toml.Decode(data, &c) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } return &c, nil } func NewDefaultConfig() *Config { c := new(Config) c.Addr = "" c.User = "root" c.Password = "" c.Charset = mysql.DEFAULT_CHARSET c.ServerID = uint32(rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix())).Intn(1000)) + 1001 c.Flavor = "mysql" c.Dump.ExecutionPath = "mysqldump" c.Dump.DiscardErr = true c.Dump.SkipMasterData = false return c }