# Getting started with gh-ost development. ## Overview Getting started with gh-ost development is simple! - First clone the repository. - From inside of the repository run `script/cibuild` - This will bootstrap the environment if needed, format the code, build the code, and then run the unit test. ## CI build workflow `script/cibuild` performs the following actions: - It runs `script/bootstrap` - `script/bootstrap` runs `script/ensure-go-installed` - `script/ensure-go-installed` installs go locally if (go is not installed) || (go is not version 1.7). It will not install go if it is already installed locally and at the correct version. - `script/build` builds the `gh-ost` binary and places in in `bin/` ## Notes: Currently, `script/ensure-go-installed` will install `go` for Mac OS X and Linux. We welcome PR's to add other platforms.