475 lines
11 KiB

package canal
import (
// Canal can sync your MySQL data into everywhere, like Elasticsearch, Redis, etc...
// MySQL must open row format for binlog
type Canal struct {
m sync.Mutex
cfg *Config
master *masterInfo
dumper *dump.Dumper
dumped bool
dumpDoneCh chan struct{}
syncer *replication.BinlogSyncer
eventHandler EventHandler
connLock sync.Mutex
conn *client.Conn
tableLock sync.RWMutex
tables map[string]*schema.Table
errorTablesGetTime map[string]time.Time
tableMatchCache map[string]bool
includeTableRegex []*regexp.Regexp
excludeTableRegex []*regexp.Regexp
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
// canal will retry fetching unknown table's meta after UnknownTableRetryPeriod
var UnknownTableRetryPeriod = time.Second * time.Duration(10)
var ErrExcludedTable = errors.New("excluded table meta")
func NewCanal(cfg *Config) (*Canal, error) {
c := new(Canal)
c.cfg = cfg
c.ctx, c.cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
c.dumpDoneCh = make(chan struct{})
c.eventHandler = &DummyEventHandler{}
c.tables = make(map[string]*schema.Table)
if c.cfg.DiscardNoMetaRowEvent {
c.errorTablesGetTime = make(map[string]time.Time)
c.master = &masterInfo{}
var err error
if err = c.prepareDumper(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if err = c.prepareSyncer(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if err := c.checkBinlogRowFormat(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// init table filter
if n := len(c.cfg.IncludeTableRegex); n > 0 {
c.includeTableRegex = make([]*regexp.Regexp, n)
for i, val := range c.cfg.IncludeTableRegex {
reg, err := regexp.Compile(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
c.includeTableRegex[i] = reg
if n := len(c.cfg.ExcludeTableRegex); n > 0 {
c.excludeTableRegex = make([]*regexp.Regexp, n)
for i, val := range c.cfg.ExcludeTableRegex {
reg, err := regexp.Compile(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
c.excludeTableRegex[i] = reg
if c.includeTableRegex != nil || c.excludeTableRegex != nil {
c.tableMatchCache = make(map[string]bool)
return c, nil
func (c *Canal) prepareDumper() error {
var err error
dumpPath := c.cfg.Dump.ExecutionPath
if len(dumpPath) == 0 {
// ignore mysqldump, use binlog only
return nil
if c.dumper, err = dump.NewDumper(dumpPath,
c.cfg.Addr, c.cfg.User, c.cfg.Password); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if c.dumper == nil {
//no mysqldump, use binlog only
return nil
dbs := c.cfg.Dump.Databases
tables := c.cfg.Dump.Tables
tableDB := c.cfg.Dump.TableDB
if len(tables) == 0 {
} else {
c.dumper.AddTables(tableDB, tables...)
charset := c.cfg.Charset
// Use hex blob for mysqldump
for _, ignoreTable := range c.cfg.Dump.IgnoreTables {
if seps := strings.Split(ignoreTable, ","); len(seps) == 2 {
c.dumper.AddIgnoreTables(seps[0], seps[1])
if c.cfg.Dump.DiscardErr {
} else {
return nil
// Run will first try to dump all data from MySQL master `mysqldump`,
// then sync from the binlog position in the dump data.
// It will run forever until meeting an error or Canal closed.
func (c *Canal) Run() error {
return c.run()
// RunFrom will sync from the binlog position directly, ignore mysqldump.
func (c *Canal) RunFrom(pos mysql.Position) error {
return c.Run()
func (c *Canal) StartFromGTID(set mysql.GTIDSet) error {
return c.Run()
// Dump all data from MySQL master `mysqldump`, ignore sync binlog.
func (c *Canal) Dump() error {
if c.dumped {
return errors.New("the method Dump can't be called twice")
c.dumped = true
defer close(c.dumpDoneCh)
return c.dump()
func (c *Canal) run() error {
defer func() {
if !c.dumped {
c.dumped = true
err := c.tryDump()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("canal dump mysql err: %v", err)
return errors.Trace(err)
if err := c.runSyncBinlog(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("canal start sync binlog err: %v", err)
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
func (c *Canal) Close() {
log.Infof("closing canal")
defer c.m.Unlock()
c.conn = nil
c.eventHandler.OnPosSynced(c.master.Position(), true)
func (c *Canal) WaitDumpDone() <-chan struct{} {
return c.dumpDoneCh
func (c *Canal) Ctx() context.Context {
return c.ctx
func (c *Canal) checkTableMatch(key string) bool {
// no filter, return true
if c.tableMatchCache == nil {
return true
rst, ok := c.tableMatchCache[key]
if ok {
// cache hit
return rst
matchFlag := false
// check include
if c.includeTableRegex != nil {
for _, reg := range c.includeTableRegex {
if reg.MatchString(key) {
matchFlag = true
// check exclude
if matchFlag && c.excludeTableRegex != nil {
for _, reg := range c.excludeTableRegex {
if reg.MatchString(key) {
matchFlag = false
c.tableMatchCache[key] = matchFlag
return matchFlag
func (c *Canal) GetTable(db string, table string) (*schema.Table, error) {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", db, table)
// if table is excluded, return error and skip parsing event or dump
if !c.checkTableMatch(key) {
return nil, ErrExcludedTable
t, ok := c.tables[key]
if ok {
return t, nil
if c.cfg.DiscardNoMetaRowEvent {
lastTime, ok := c.errorTablesGetTime[key]
if ok && time.Now().Sub(lastTime) < UnknownTableRetryPeriod {
return nil, schema.ErrMissingTableMeta
t, err := schema.NewTable(c, db, table)
if err != nil {
// check table not exists
if ok, err1 := schema.IsTableExist(c, db, table); err1 == nil && !ok {
return nil, schema.ErrTableNotExist
// work around : RDS HAHeartBeat
// ref : https://github.com/alibaba/canal/blob/master/parse/src/main/java/com/alibaba/otter/canal/parse/inbound/mysql/dbsync/LogEventConvert.java#L385
// issue : https://github.com/alibaba/canal/issues/222
// This is a common error in RDS that canal can't get HAHealthCheckSchema's meta, so we mock a table meta.
// If canal just skip and log error, as RDS HA heartbeat interval is very short, so too many HAHeartBeat errors will be logged.
if key == schema.HAHealthCheckSchema {
// mock ha_health_check meta
ta := &schema.Table{
Schema: db,
Name: table,
Columns: make([]schema.TableColumn, 0, 2),
Indexes: make([]*schema.Index, 0),
ta.AddColumn("id", "bigint(20)", "", "")
ta.AddColumn("type", "char(1)", "", "")
c.tables[key] = ta
return ta, nil
// if DiscardNoMetaRowEvent is true, we just log this error
if c.cfg.DiscardNoMetaRowEvent {
c.errorTablesGetTime[key] = time.Now()
// log error and return ErrMissingTableMeta
log.Errorf("canal get table meta err: %v", errors.Trace(err))
return nil, schema.ErrMissingTableMeta
return nil, err
c.tables[key] = t
if c.cfg.DiscardNoMetaRowEvent {
// if get table info success, delete this key from errorTablesGetTime
delete(c.errorTablesGetTime, key)
return t, nil
// ClearTableCache clear table cache
func (c *Canal) ClearTableCache(db []byte, table []byte) {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", db, table)
delete(c.tables, key)
if c.cfg.DiscardNoMetaRowEvent {
delete(c.errorTablesGetTime, key)
// Check MySQL binlog row image, must be in FULL, MINIMAL, NOBLOB
func (c *Canal) CheckBinlogRowImage(image string) error {
// need to check MySQL binlog row image? full, minimal or noblob?
// now only log
if c.cfg.Flavor == mysql.MySQLFlavor {
if res, err := c.Execute(`SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE "binlog_row_image"`); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
} else {
// MySQL has binlog row image from 5.6, so older will return empty
rowImage, _ := res.GetString(0, 1)
if rowImage != "" && !strings.EqualFold(rowImage, image) {
return errors.Errorf("MySQL uses %s binlog row image, but we want %s", rowImage, image)
return nil
func (c *Canal) checkBinlogRowFormat() error {
res, err := c.Execute(`SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE "binlog_format";`)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
} else if f, _ := res.GetString(0, 1); f != "ROW" {
return errors.Errorf("binlog must ROW format, but %s now", f)
return nil
func (c *Canal) prepareSyncer() error {
cfg := replication.BinlogSyncerConfig{
ServerID: c.cfg.ServerID,
Flavor: c.cfg.Flavor,
User: c.cfg.User,
Password: c.cfg.Password,
Charset: c.cfg.Charset,
HeartbeatPeriod: c.cfg.HeartbeatPeriod,
ReadTimeout: c.cfg.ReadTimeout,
UseDecimal: c.cfg.UseDecimal,
ParseTime: c.cfg.ParseTime,
SemiSyncEnabled: c.cfg.SemiSyncEnabled,
if strings.Contains(c.cfg.Addr, "/") {
cfg.Host = c.cfg.Addr
} else {
seps := strings.Split(c.cfg.Addr, ":")
if len(seps) != 2 {
return errors.Errorf("invalid mysql addr format %s, must host:port", c.cfg.Addr)
port, err := strconv.ParseUint(seps[1], 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
cfg.Host = seps[0]
cfg.Port = uint16(port)
c.syncer = replication.NewBinlogSyncer(cfg)
return nil
// Execute a SQL
func (c *Canal) Execute(cmd string, args ...interface{}) (rr *mysql.Result, err error) {
defer c.connLock.Unlock()
retryNum := 3
for i := 0; i < retryNum; i++ {
if c.conn == nil {
c.conn, err = client.Connect(c.cfg.Addr, c.cfg.User, c.cfg.Password, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
rr, err = c.conn.Execute(cmd, args...)
if err != nil && !mysql.ErrorEqual(err, mysql.ErrBadConn) {
} else if mysql.ErrorEqual(err, mysql.ErrBadConn) {
c.conn = nil
} else {
func (c *Canal) SyncedPosition() mysql.Position {
return c.master.Position()
func (c *Canal) SyncedTimestamp() uint32 {
return c.master.timestamp
func (c *Canal) SyncedGTIDSet() mysql.GTIDSet {
return c.master.GTIDSet()