Tim Vaillancourt c71dbf9ef3
Copy auto increment (#967)
* v1.1.0

* WIP: copying AUTO_INCREMENT value to ghost table
Initial commit: towards setting up a test suite

Signed-off-by: Shlomi Noach <>

* greping for 'expect_table_structure' content

* Adding simple test for 'expect_table_structure' scenario

* adding tests for AUTO_INCREMENT value after row deletes. Should initially fail

* clear event beforehand

* parsing AUTO_INCREMENT from alter query, reading AUTO_INCREMENT from original table, applying AUTO_INCREMENT value onto ghost table if applicable and user has not specified AUTO_INCREMENT in alter statement

* support GetUint64

Signed-off-by: Shlomi Noach <>

* minor update to test

Signed-off-by: Shlomi Noach <>

* adding test for user defined AUTO_INCREMENT statement

Co-authored-by: Shlomi Noach <>
2021-05-14 15:32:56 +02:00

208 lines
6.0 KiB

Copyright 2016 GitHub Inc.
package sql
import (
var (
sanitizeQuotesRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("('[^']*')")
renameColumnRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)\bchange\s+(column\s+|)([\S]+)\s+([\S]+)\s+`)
dropColumnRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)\bdrop\s+(column\s+|)([\S]+)$`)
renameTableRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)\brename\s+(to|as)\s+`)
autoIncrementRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)\bauto_increment[\s]*=[\s]*([0-9]+)`)
alterTableExplicitSchemaTableRegexps = []*regexp.Regexp{
// ALTER TABLE `scm`.`tbl` something
regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)\balter\s+table\s+` + "`" + `([^` + "`" + `]+)` + "`" + `[.]` + "`" + `([^` + "`" + `]+)` + "`" + `\s+(.*$)`),
// ALTER TABLE `scm`.tbl something
regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)\balter\s+table\s+` + "`" + `([^` + "`" + `]+)` + "`" + `[.]([\S]+)\s+(.*$)`),
// ALTER TABLE scm.`tbl` something
regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)\balter\s+table\s+([\S]+)[.]` + "`" + `([^` + "`" + `]+)` + "`" + `\s+(.*$)`),
// ALTER TABLE scm.tbl something
alterTableExplicitTableRegexps = []*regexp.Regexp{
// ALTER TABLE `tbl` something
regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)\balter\s+table\s+` + "`" + `([^` + "`" + `]+)` + "`" + `\s+(.*$)`),
// ALTER TABLE tbl something
type AlterTableParser struct {
columnRenameMap map[string]string
droppedColumns map[string]bool
isRenameTable bool
isAutoIncrementDefined bool
alterStatementOptions string
alterTokens []string
explicitSchema string
explicitTable string
func NewAlterTableParser() *AlterTableParser {
return &AlterTableParser{
columnRenameMap: make(map[string]string),
droppedColumns: make(map[string]bool),
func NewParserFromAlterStatement(alterStatement string) *AlterTableParser {
parser := NewAlterTableParser()
return parser
func (this *AlterTableParser) tokenizeAlterStatement(alterStatement string) (tokens []string, err error) {
terminatingQuote := rune(0)
f := func(c rune) bool {
switch {
case c == terminatingQuote:
terminatingQuote = rune(0)
return false
case terminatingQuote != rune(0):
return false
case c == '\'':
terminatingQuote = c
return false
case c == '(':
terminatingQuote = ')'
return false
return c == ','
tokens = strings.FieldsFunc(alterStatement, f)
for i := range tokens {
tokens[i] = strings.TrimSpace(tokens[i])
return tokens, nil
func (this *AlterTableParser) sanitizeQuotesFromAlterStatement(alterStatement string) (strippedStatement string) {
strippedStatement = alterStatement
strippedStatement = sanitizeQuotesRegexp.ReplaceAllString(strippedStatement, "''")
return strippedStatement
func (this *AlterTableParser) parseAlterToken(alterToken string) (err error) {
// rename
allStringSubmatch := renameColumnRegexp.FindAllStringSubmatch(alterToken, -1)
for _, submatch := range allStringSubmatch {
if unquoted, err := strconv.Unquote(submatch[2]); err == nil {
submatch[2] = unquoted
if unquoted, err := strconv.Unquote(submatch[3]); err == nil {
submatch[3] = unquoted
this.columnRenameMap[submatch[2]] = submatch[3]
// drop
allStringSubmatch := dropColumnRegexp.FindAllStringSubmatch(alterToken, -1)
for _, submatch := range allStringSubmatch {
if unquoted, err := strconv.Unquote(submatch[2]); err == nil {
submatch[2] = unquoted
this.droppedColumns[submatch[2]] = true
// rename table
if renameTableRegexp.MatchString(alterToken) {
this.isRenameTable = true
// auto_increment
if autoIncrementRegexp.MatchString(alterToken) {
this.isAutoIncrementDefined = true
return nil
func (this *AlterTableParser) ParseAlterStatement(alterStatement string) (err error) {
this.alterStatementOptions = alterStatement
for _, alterTableRegexp := range alterTableExplicitSchemaTableRegexps {
if submatch := alterTableRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(this.alterStatementOptions); len(submatch) > 0 {
this.explicitSchema = submatch[1]
this.explicitTable = submatch[2]
this.alterStatementOptions = submatch[3]
for _, alterTableRegexp := range alterTableExplicitTableRegexps {
if submatch := alterTableRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(this.alterStatementOptions); len(submatch) > 0 {
this.explicitTable = submatch[1]
this.alterStatementOptions = submatch[2]
alterTokens, _ := this.tokenizeAlterStatement(this.alterStatementOptions)
for _, alterToken := range alterTokens {
alterToken = this.sanitizeQuotesFromAlterStatement(alterToken)
this.alterTokens = append(this.alterTokens, alterToken)
return nil
func (this *AlterTableParser) GetNonTrivialRenames() map[string]string {
result := make(map[string]string)
for column, renamed := range this.columnRenameMap {
if column != renamed {
result[column] = renamed
return result
func (this *AlterTableParser) HasNonTrivialRenames() bool {
return len(this.GetNonTrivialRenames()) > 0
func (this *AlterTableParser) DroppedColumnsMap() map[string]bool {
return this.droppedColumns
func (this *AlterTableParser) IsRenameTable() bool {
return this.isRenameTable
func (this *AlterTableParser) IsAutoIncrementDefined() bool {
return this.isAutoIncrementDefined
func (this *AlterTableParser) GetExplicitSchema() string {
return this.explicitSchema
func (this *AlterTableParser) HasExplicitSchema() bool {
return this.GetExplicitSchema() != ""
func (this *AlterTableParser) GetExplicitTable() string {
return this.explicitTable
func (this *AlterTableParser) HasExplicitTable() bool {
return this.GetExplicitTable() != ""
func (this *AlterTableParser) GetAlterStatementOptions() string {
return this.alterStatementOptions