#!/usr/bin/env bash # # __ __ # / /_ ____ _____/ /______ # / __ \/ __ \/ ___/ __/ ___/ # / / / / /_/ (__ ) /_(__ ) # /_/ /_/\____/____/\__/____/ # # A program for managing host file entries. # # https://github.com/xwmx/hosts # # Based on Bash Boilerplate: https://github.com/xwmx/bash-boilerplate # # Updates copyright (c) 2015 William Melody • hi@williammelody.com ############################################################################### # Strict Mode ############################################################################### set -o nounset set -o errexit set -o pipefail set -o noglob IFS=$'\n\t' ############################################################################### # Globals ############################################################################### # $_VERSION # # Manually set this to to current version of the program. Adhere to the # semantic versioning specification: http://semver.org _VERSION="3.4.0" # $HOSTS_DEFAULT_COMMAND # # The command to be run by default, when no command name is specified. If the # environment has an existing `$HOSTS_DEFAULT_COMMAND` set, then that value is # used. HOSTS_DEFAULT_COMMAND="${HOSTS_DEFAULT_COMMAND:-list}" # $HOSTS_PATH # # The path to the hosts file. This will almost always be /etc/hosts HOSTS_PATH="${HOSTS_PATH:-/etc/hosts}" # Space and tab for regular expressions # # sed regular expressions have slightly different behaviors dependending on # the environment, and POSIX [[:space:]] matches whitespace characters other # than just space and tab. These variables provide an easier, portable way to # test for just these two characters. export _TAB_=$'\t' export _SPACE_=$' ' export _TAB_SPACE_="${_TAB_}${_SPACE_}" export _TAB_SPACE_CC_="[${_TAB_SPACE_}]" # $_SED_I_COMMAND # # `sed -i` takes an extension on macOS, but that extension can cause errors in # GNU `sed`. # # NOTE: To use this command, call it with `"${_SED_I_COMMAND[@]}"` # # https://stackoverflow.com/q/43171648 # http://stackoverflow.com/a/16746032 if sed --help >/dev/null 2>&1 then # GNU export _SED_I_COMMAND=(sed -i) else # macOS export _SED_I_COMMAND=(sed -i '') fi ############################################################################### # Debug ############################################################################### # _debug() # # Usage: # _debug printf "Debug info. Variable: %s\\n" "$0" # # A simple function for executing a specified command if the `$_USE_DEBUG` # variable has been set. The command is expected to print a message and # should typically be either `echo`, `printf`, or `cat`. __DEBUG_COUNTER=0 _debug() { if [[ "${_USE_DEBUG:-"0"}" -eq 1 ]] then __DEBUG_COUNTER=$((__DEBUG_COUNTER+1)) # Prefix debug message with "bug (U+1F41B)" printf "🐛 %s " "${__DEBUG_COUNTER}" "${@}" printf "――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――\\n" fi } # debug() # # Usage: # debug "Debug info. Variable: $0" # # Print the specified message if the `$_USE_DEBUG` variable has been set. # # This is a shortcut for the _debug() function that simply echos the message. debug() { _debug echo "${@}" } ############################################################################### # Die ############################################################################### # _die() # # Usage: # _die printf "Error message. Variable: %s\\n" "$0" # # A simple function for exiting with an error after executing the specified # command. The command is expected to print a message and should typically # be either `echo`, `printf`, or `cat`. _die() { # Prefix die message with "cross mark (U+274C)", often displayed as a red x. printf "❌ " "${@}" 1>&2 exit 1 } # die() # # Usage: # die "Error message. Variable: $0" # # Exit with an error and print the specified message. # # This is a shortcut for the _die() function that simply echos the message. die() { _die echo "${@}" } ############################################################################### # Environment ############################################################################### # $_ME # # Set to the program's basename. _ME=$(basename "${0}") _debug printf "\${_ME}: %s\\n" "${_ME}" ############################################################################### # Load Commands ############################################################################### # Initialize $_DEFINED_COMMANDS array. _DEFINED_COMMANDS=() # _load_commands() # # Usage: # _load_commands # # Loads all of the commands sourced in the environment. _load_commands() { _debug printf "_load_commands(): entering...\\n" _debug printf "_load_commands() declare -F:\\n%s\\n" "$(declare -F)" # declare is a bash built-in shell function that, when called with the '-F' # option, displays all of the functions with the format # `declare -f function_name`. These are then assigned as elements in the # $function_list array. local _function_list _function_list=($(declare -F)) _debug printf \ "_load_commands() \${_function_list[@]}: %s\\n" \ "${_function_list[@]}" for __name in "${_function_list[@]}" do _debug printf \ "_load_commands() \${__name}: %s\\n" \ "${__name}" # Each element has the format `declare -f function_name`, so set the name # to only the 'function_name' part of the string. local _function_name _function_name=$(printf "%s" "${__name}" | awk '{ print $3 }') _debug printf \ "_load_commands() \${_function_name}: %s\\n" \ "${_function_name}" # Add the function name to the $_DEFINED_COMMANDS array unless it starts # with an underscore or is one of the desc(), debug(), or die() functions, # since these are treated as having 'private' visibility. if ! { [[ "${_function_name}" =~ ^_(.*) ]] || \ [[ "${_function_name}" == "desc" ]] || \ [[ "${_function_name}" == "debug" ]] || \ [[ "${_function_name}" == "die" ]] } then _DEFINED_COMMANDS+=("${_function_name}") fi done _debug printf \ "commands() \${_DEFINED_COMMANDS[*]:-}:\\n%s\\n" \ "${_DEFINED_COMMANDS[*]:-}" } ############################################################################### # Main ############################################################################### # _main() # # Usage: # _main # # The primary function for starting the program. # # NOTE: must be called at end of program after all commands have been defined. _main() { _debug printf "main(): entering...\\n" _debug printf "main() \${_CMD} (upon entering): %s\\n" "${_CMD}" if [[ -z "${_CMD}" ]] then _CMD="${HOSTS_DEFAULT_COMMAND}" fi # Load all of the commands. _load_commands # If the command is defined, run it, otherwise return an error. if _contains "${_CMD}" "${_DEFINED_COMMANDS[*]:-}" then # Pass all comment arguments to the program except for the first ($0). "${_CMD}" "${_COMMAND_PARAMETERS[@]:-}" else _die printf "Unknown command: %s\\n" "${_CMD}" fi } ############################################################################### # Utility Functions ############################################################################### # _function_exists() # # Usage: # _function_exists "possible_function_name" # # Returns: # 0 If a function with the given name is defined in the current environment. # 1 If not. # # Other implementations, some with better performance: # http://stackoverflow.com/q/85880 _function_exists() { [ "$(type -t "${1}")" == 'function' ] } # _command_exists() # # Usage: # _command_exists "possible_command_name" # # Returns: # 0 If a command with the given name is defined in the current environment. # 1 If not. # # Information on why `hash` is used here: # http://stackoverflow.com/a/677212 _command_exists() { hash "${1}" 2>/dev/null } # _contains() # # Usage: # _contains "$item" "${list[*]}" # # Returns: # 0 If the item is included in the list. # 1 If not. _contains() { local _test_list=(${*:2}) for __test_element in "${_test_list[@]:-}" do _debug printf "_contains() \${__test_element}: %s\\n" "${__test_element}" if [[ "${__test_element}" == "${1}" ]] then _debug printf "_contains() match: %s\\n" "${1}" return 0 fi done return 1 } # _join() # # Usage: # _join # # Examples: # _join , a "b c" d => a,b c,d # _join / var local tmp => var/local/tmp # _join , "${FOO[@]}" => a,b,c # # More Information: # http://stackoverflow.com/a/17841619 _join() { local IFS="${1}" shift printf "%s\\n" "${*}" } # _command_argv_includes() # # Usage: # _command_argv_includes "an_argument" # # Returns: # 0 If the argument is included in `$_COMMAND_ARGV`, the program's command # argument list. # 1 If not. # # This is a shortcut for simple cases where a command wants to check for the # presence of options quickly without parsing the options again. _command_argv_includes() { _contains "${1}" "${_COMMAND_ARGV[*]}" } # _blank() # # Usage: # _blank "$an_argument" # # Returns: # 0 If the argument is not present or null. # 1 If the argument is present and not null. _blank() { [[ -z "${1:-}" ]] } # _present() # # Usage: # _present "$an_argument" # # Returns: # 0 If the argument is present and not null. # 1 If the argument is not present or null. _present() { [[ -n "${1:-}" ]] } # _interactive_input() # # Usage: # _interactive_input # # Returns: # 0 If the current input is interactive (eg, a shell). # 1 If the current input is stdin / piped input. _interactive_input() { [[ -t 0 ]] } # _piped_input() # # Usage: # _piped_input # # Returns: # 0 If the current input is stdin / piped input. # 1 If the current input is interactive (eg, a shell). _piped_input() { ! _interactive_input } # _print_entries() # # Usage: # _print_entries _print_entries() { local _input="${1:-}" [[ -n "${_input}" ]] || return 0 local _newline=$'\n' if [[ -n "${2:-}" ]] then _input+="${_newline}${2:-}" fi local _disabled=0 local _max_length=0 while IFS=$'\t ' read -r -a _parts do if [[ "${_parts[0]}" =~ disabled ]] then _parts=("${_parts[@]:1}") fi if [[ "${_max_length}" -lt "${#_parts[0]}" ]] then _max_length="${#_parts[0]}" fi done <<< "${_input}" _max_divided="$((${_max_length} / 8))" while IFS=$'\t ' read -r -a _parts do if [[ "${_parts[0]}" =~ disabled ]] then _parts=("${_parts[@]:1}") printf "disabled:\\n" fi _current_divided=$((${#_parts[0]} / 8)) _tab_count=$((${_max_divided} - ${_current_divided} + 1)) _tabs="$(printf "%*s" ${_tab_count} | tr " " '\t')" if [[ -n "${_parts[2]:-}" ]] then printf "%s%s %s\t%s\\n" \ "${_parts[0]}" \ "${_tabs}" \ "${_parts[1]}" \ "$(printf "%s" "${_parts[*]:2}" | tr '\r\n' ' ')" else printf "%s%s %s\\n" \ "${_parts[0]}" \ "${_tabs}" \ "${_parts[1]}" fi done <<< "${_input}" } # _verify_write_permissions # # Print a helpful error message when the specified operation can't be # performed due to the lack of write permissions. If `$_AUTO_SUDO` is enabled, # then run the command with sudo and exit with the command's exit value. _verify_write_permissions() { if ! test -w "${HOSTS_PATH}" then if ((_AUTO_SUDO)) then local _my_path _my_path="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)/${_ME}" sudo "${_my_path}" "${_CMD}" "${_COMMAND_PARAMETERS[@]:-}" exit $? else _die printf \ "You don't have permission to perform this operation. Try again with: sudo !!\\n" fi fi } ############################################################################### # desc ############################################################################### # desc() # # Usage: # desc # desc --get # # Options: # --get Print the description for if one has been set. # # Examples: # ``` # desc "list" <. The # text can be passed as the second argument or as standard input. # # To make the text available to other functions, `desc()` assigns # the text to a variable with the format `$___desc_`. # # When the `--get` option is used, the description for is printed, if # one has been set. desc() { _debug printf "desc() \${*}: %s\\n" "$@" [[ -z "${1:-}" ]] && _die printf "desc(): No command name specified.\\n" if [[ "${1}" == "--get" ]] then # get ------------------------------------------------------------------ [[ -z "${2:-}" ]] && _die printf "desc(): No command name specified.\\n" local _name="${2:-}" local _desc_var="___desc_${_name}" if [[ -n "${!_desc_var:-}" ]] then printf "%s\\n" "${!_desc_var}" else printf "No additional information for \`%s\`\\n" "${_name}" fi else # set ------------------------------------------------------------------ if [[ -n "${2:-}" ]] then # argument is present read -r -d '' "___desc_${1}" <] Description: Display help information for ${_ME} or a specified command. HEREDOC help() { if [[ -n "${1:-}" ]] then desc --get "${1}" else cat <] ${_ME} add [] ${_ME} backups [create | [compare | delete | restore | show] ] ${_ME} block ... ${_ME} disable ( | | ) ${_ME} disabled ${_ME} edit ${_ME} enable ( | | ) ${_ME} enabled ${_ME} file ${_ME} list [enabled | disabled | ] ${_ME} search ${_ME} show ( | | ) ${_ME} remove ( | | ) [--force] ${_ME} unblock ... ${_ME} --auto-sudo ${_ME} -h | --help ${_ME} --version Options: --auto-sudo Run write commands with \`sudo\` automatically. -h --help Display this help information. --version Display version information. Help: ${_ME} help [] More Information: https://github.com/xwmx/hosts HEREDOC fi } # Command List ################################################################ desc "commands" < [] Description: Add a given IP address and hostname pair, along with an optional comment. HEREDOC add() { _debug printf "add() \${1}: %s\\n" "${1:-}" _debug printf "add() \${2}: %s\\n" "${2:-}" _debug printf "add() \${3}: %s\\n" "${3:-}" _verify_write_permissions "$@" local _ip="${1:-}" local _hostname="${2:-}" local _comment="${*:3}" local _tabs=$'\t' if [[ -z "${_ip:-}" ]] then help add exit 1 elif [[ -z "${_hostname:-}" ]] then printf "Please include a hostname\\n" help add exit 1 elif grep \ -e "^${_ip}[[:space:]]\+${_hostname}$" \ -e "^${_ip}[[:space:]]\+${_hostname}[[:space:]]\+.*$" "${HOSTS_PATH}" then _die printf \ "Duplicate address/host combination, %s unchanged.\\n" \ "${HOSTS_PATH}" else if [[ "${#_ip}" -lt 8 ]] then _tabs=$'\t\t' fi if [[ -n "${_comment:-}" ]] then local _formatted_comment _formatted_comment=$(_join " " "${_comment[@]}") printf "%s%s%s\\t# %s\\n" \ "${_ip}" \ "${_tabs}" \ "${_hostname}" \ "${_formatted_comment}" >> "${HOSTS_PATH}" printf "Added:\\n%s%s%s\\t# %s\\n" \ "${_ip}" \ "${_tabs}" \ "${_hostname}" \ "${_formatted_comment}" else printf "%s%s%s\\n" \ "${_ip}" \ "${_tabs}" \ "${_hostname}" >> "${HOSTS_PATH}" printf "Added:\\n%s%s%s\\n" \ "${_ip}" \ "${_tabs}" \ "${_hostname}" fi fi } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- backups desc "backups" < ${_ME} backups delete ${_ME} backups restore [--skip-backup] ${_ME} backups show Subcommands: backups List available backups. backups create Create a new backup of the hosts file. backups compare Compare a backup file with the current hosts file. backups delete Delete the specified backup. backups restore Replace the contents of the hosts file with a specified backup. The hosts file is automatically backed up before being overwritten unless the '--skip-backup' flag is specified. backups show Show the contents of the specified backup file. Description: Manage backups. HEREDOC backups() { local _subcommand="${1:-}" shift local _hosts_dirname _hosts_dirname="$(dirname "${HOSTS_PATH}")" case "${_subcommand}" in create) _verify_write_permissions "$@" local _timestamp _timestamp="$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")" cp "${HOSTS_PATH}" "${HOSTS_PATH}--backup-${_timestamp}" && \ printf "Backed up to %s--backup-%s\\n" "${HOSTS_PATH}" "${_timestamp}" ;; compare) local _filename local _use_diff=0 for __arg in "${@:-}" do case "${__arg}" in --diff) _use_diff=1 ;; *) if [[ -z "${_filename:-}" ]] then _filename="${__arg}" fi ;; esac done if [[ -z "${_filename:-}" ]] then help backups exit 1 elif [[ ! -e "${_hosts_dirname}/${_filename}" ]] then printf "Backup not found: %s\\n" "${_filename:-}" exit 1 fi diff -u "${HOSTS_PATH}" "${_hosts_dirname}/${_filename}" ;; delete) if [[ -z "${1:-}" ]] then help backups exit 1 fi _verify_write_permissions "$@" if [[ "${HOSTS_PATH}" != "${_hosts_dirname}/${1:-}" ]] && [[ -e "${_hosts_dirname}/${1:-}" ]] then rm "${_hosts_dirname}/${1:-}" && printf "Backup deleted: %s\\n" "${_hosts_dirname}/${1:-}" else printf "Backup not found: %s\\n" "${1:-}" exit 1 fi ;; restore) if [[ -z "${1:-}" ]] then help backups exit 1 elif [[ ! -e "${_hosts_dirname}/${1}" ]] then printf "Backup not found: %s\\n" "${1:-}" exit 1 fi _verify_write_permissions "$@" if [[ "${2:-}" != "--skip-backup" ]] then backups create fi cat "${_hosts_dirname}/${1}" > "${HOSTS_PATH}" && printf "Restored from backup: %s\\n" "${1}" ;; show) if [[ -z "${1:-}" ]] then help backups exit 1 elif [[ ! -e "${_hosts_dirname}/${1}" ]] then printf "Backup not found: %s\\n" "${1:-}" exit 1 fi cat "${_hosts_dirname}/${1:-}" ;; *) local _filenames=() set +f for __filename in $(cd "${_hosts_dirname}" && ls -1 hosts* 2> /dev/null) do if [[ "${__filename:-}" != "hosts" ]] && \ [[ ! "${__filename:-}" =~ ^hosts_test..{6}$ ]] then _filenames+=("${__filename:-}") fi done set -f if ((${#_filenames[@]})) then for __filename in "${_filenames[@]:-}" do printf "%s\\n" "${__filename}" done else printf \ "No backups found. Create a new backup:\\n %s backups create\\n" \ "${_ME}" fi ;; esac } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- block desc "block" <... Description: Block one or more hostnames by adding new entries assigned to \`\` for IPv4 and both \`fe80::1%lo0\` and \`::1\` for IPv6. HEREDOC block() { _verify_write_permissions "$@" if [[ -z "${1:-}" ]] then help block exit 1 fi for __hostname in "${@}" do add "${__hostname}" # block IPv6 add "fe80::1%lo0" "${__hostname}" add "::1" "${__hostname}" done } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- disable desc "disable" < | | ) Description: Disable one or more records based on a given ip address, hostname, or search string. HEREDOC disable() { _verify_write_permissions "$@" local _search_string="${1:-}" if [[ -z "${_search_string:-}" ]] then help disable exit 1 else _debug printf "disable() \${_search_string}: %s\\n" "${_search_string}" local _regex_ip _regex_ip="^\\(${_search_string}[${_TAB_SPACE_}]..*\\)$" local _regex_commented_hostname _regex_commented_hostname="^\\([^#]..*[${_TAB_SPACE_}]${_search_string}[${_TAB_SPACE_}]..*\\)$" local _regex_hostname _regex_hostname="^\\([^#]..*[${_TAB_SPACE_}]${_search_string}\\)$" # Regular Expression Notes # # - Note double periods in regular expression in order to emulate /.+/, # which apparently doesn't work properly with all versions of sed. local _targets _targets=$( sed -n \ -e "s/${_regex_ip}/\\1/p" \ -e "s/${_regex_commented_hostname}/\\1/p" \ -e "s/${_regex_hostname}/\\1/p" \ "${HOSTS_PATH}" ) _debug printf "disable() \${_targets}: %s\\n" "${_targets}" if [[ -z "${_targets:-}" ]] then _die printf "Not found: %s\\n" "${_search_string}" fi printf "Disabling:\\n%s\\n" "${_targets}" "${_SED_I_COMMAND[@]}" \ -e "s/${_regex_ip}/\\#disabled: \\1/g" \ -e "s/${_regex_commented_hostname}/\\#disabled: \\1/g" \ -e "s/${_regex_hostname}/\\#disabled: \\1/g" \ "${HOSTS_PATH}" fi } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- disabled desc "disabled" < | | ) Description: Enable one or more disabled records based on a given ip address, hostname, or search string. HEREDOC enable() { _verify_write_permissions "$@" local _search_string="${1:-}" if [[ -z "${_search_string:-}" ]] then help enable exit 1 else _debug printf "enable() \${_search_string}: %s\\n" "${_search_string}" # Regular Expression Notes # # - Note double periods in regular expression in order to emulate /.+/, # which apparently doesn't work properly with all versions of sed. local _regex_ip _regex_ip="^\\#disabled: \\(${_search_string}[${_TAB_SPACE_}]..*\\)$" local _regex_commented_hostname _regex_commented_hostname="^\\#disabled: \\(..*[${_TAB_SPACE_}]${_search_string}[${_TAB_SPACE_}]..*\\)$" local _regex_hostname _regex_hostname="^\\#disabled: \\(..*[${_TAB_SPACE_}]${_search_string}\\)$" local _targets _targets=$( sed -n \ -e "s/${_regex_ip}/\\1/p" \ -e "s/${_regex_commented_hostname}/\\1/p" \ -e "s/${_regex_hostname}/\\1/p" \ "${HOSTS_PATH}" ) _debug printf "enable() \${targets}: %s\\n" "${_targets}" if [[ -z "${_targets:-}" ]] then _die printf "Not found: %s\\n" "${_search_string}" fi printf "Enabling:\\n%s\\n" "${_targets}" "${_SED_I_COMMAND[@]}" \ -e "s/${_regex_ip}/\\1/g" \ -e "s/${_regex_commented_hostname}/\\1/g" \ -e "s/${_regex_hostname}/\\1/g" \ "${HOSTS_PATH}" fi } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- enabled desc "enabled" <] Description: List the existing IP / hostname pairs, optionally limited to a specified state. When provided with a seach string, all matching enabled records will be printed. HEREDOC list() { # Get the disabled records up front for the two cases where they are needed. local _disabled_records _disabled_records=$( sed -n "s/^\\#disabled: \\(.*\\)$/\\1/p" "${HOSTS_PATH}" ) if [[ -n "${1:-}" ]] then if [[ "${1}" == "disabled" ]] then _print_entries "${_disabled_records}" elif [[ "${1}" == "enabled" ]] then _print_entries "$(grep -v -e '^$' -e '^\s*\#' "${HOSTS_PATH}")" else show "${1}" fi else # NOTE: use separate expressions since using a | for the or results in # inconsistent behavior. local _enabled_records _enabled_records="$(grep -v -e '^$' -e '^\s*\#' "${HOSTS_PATH}")" _print_entries "${_enabled_records:-}" if [[ -n "${_disabled_records:-}" ]] then [[ -n "${_enabled_records:-}" ]] && printf "\\n" printf "Disabled:\\n" printf "%s\\n" "---------" _print_entries "${_disabled_records}" fi fi } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- remove desc "remove" < | | ) [--force] ${_ME} remove Options: --force Skip the confirmation prompt. Description: Remove one or more records based on a given IP address, hostname, or search string. If an IP and hostname are both provided, only records matching the IP and hostname pair will be removed. HEREDOC remove() { _verify_write_permissions "$@" local _is_search_pair=0 local _force_skip_prompt=0 local _arguments=() local _search_ip="" local _search_hostname="" local _search_string="" _debug printf "remove() \${1}: %s\\n" "${1:-}" _debug printf "remove() \${2}: %s\\n" "${2:-}" for __arg in "${@:-}" do case "${__arg}" in --force) _force_skip_prompt=1 ;; *) _arguments+=("${__arg}") ;; esac done _debug printf "remove() \${arguments[1]}: %s\\n" "${_arguments[0]:-}" _debug printf "remove() \${arguments[2]}: %s\\n" "${_arguments[1]:-}" if [[ -z "${_arguments[0]:-}" ]] then help remove exit 1 elif [[ -n "${_arguments[1]:-}" ]] then _search_ip="${_arguments[0]}" _search_hostname="${_arguments[1]}" _is_search_pair=1 _debug printf "remove() \${_is_search_pair}: %s\\n" "${_is_search_pair}" else _search_string="${_arguments[0]:-}" _debug printf "remove() \${_search_string}: %s\\n" "${_search_string}" fi # Regular Expression Notes # # Note double periods in regular expression in order to emulate /.+/, # which apparently doesn't work properly with all versions of sed. # # IP / Hostname pair regular expressions: local _regex_ip_hostname_commented _regex_ip_hostname_commented="^\\(${_search_ip}[${_TAB_SPACE_}]*${_search_hostname}[${_TAB_SPACE_}]..*\\)$" local _regex_ip_hostname _regex_ip_hostname="^\\(${_search_ip}[${_TAB_SPACE_}]*${_search_hostname}\\)$" # Search string regular expressions: local _regex_ip _regex_ip="^\\(${_search_string}[${_TAB_SPACE_}]..*\\)$" local _regex_commented_hostname _regex_commented_hostname="^\\(..*[${_TAB_SPACE_}]${_search_string}[${_TAB_SPACE_}]..*\\)$" local _regex_hostname _regex_hostname="^\\(..*[${_TAB_SPACE_}]${_search_string}\\)$" local _target_records if ((_is_search_pair)) then _target_records=$( sed -n \ -e "s/${_regex_ip_hostname_commented}/\\1/p" \ -e "s/${_regex_ip_hostname}/\\1/p" \ "${HOSTS_PATH}" ) else _target_records=$( sed -n \ -e "s/${_regex_ip}/\\1/p" \ -e "s/${_regex_commented_hostname}/\\1/p" \ -e "s/${_regex_hostname}/\\1/p" \ "${HOSTS_PATH}" ) fi if [[ -z "${_target_records:-}" ]] then printf "No matching records found.\\n" exit 1 fi if ! ((_force_skip_prompt)) then printf "Removing the following records:\\n%s\\n" "${_target_records}" while true do read -r -p "Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/N] " _yn case "${_yn}" in [Yy]* ) break ;; * ) printf "Exiting...\\n" exit 0 ;; esac done fi if ((_is_search_pair)) then "${_SED_I_COMMAND[@]}" \ -e "/${_regex_ip_hostname_commented}/d" \ -e "/${_regex_ip_hostname}/d" \ "${HOSTS_PATH}" else "${_SED_I_COMMAND[@]}" \ -e "/${_regex_ip}/d" \ -e "/${_regex_commented_hostname}/d" \ -e "/${_regex_hostname}/d" \ "${HOSTS_PATH}" fi printf "Removed:\\n%s\\n" "${_target_records}" } desc "delete" "$(desc --get 'remove')" delete() { remove "${@}"; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- search desc "search" < Description: Search entries for . HEREDOC search() { if _blank "${_COMMAND_ARGV[1]:-}" then help "search" return 1 fi list "$@" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ show desc "show" < | | ) Description: Print entries matching a given IP address, hostname, or search string. HEREDOC show() { if [[ -n "${1:-}" ]] then # Run `sed` before `grep` to avoid conflict that supresses `sed` output. local _disabled_records _disabled_records="$( sed -n "s/^\\#disabled: \\(.*${1}.*\\)$/\\1/p" "${HOSTS_PATH}" )" local _enabled_records _enabled_records="$( grep --invert-match "^#" "${HOSTS_PATH}" | grep "${1}" || true )" _print_entries "${_enabled_records}" if [[ -n "${_disabled_records}" ]] then [[ -n "${_enabled_records}" ]] && printf "\\n" printf "Disabled:\\n" printf "%s\\n" "---------" _print_entries "${_disabled_records}" fi else help show exit 1 fi } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- unblock desc "unblock" <... Description: Unblock one or more hostnames by removing the entries from the hosts file. HEREDOC unblock() { _verify_write_permissions "$@" if [[ -z "${1:-}" ]] then help unblock exit 1 fi for __hostname in "${@}" do remove "${__hostname}" --force # unblock IPv6 remove "fe80::1%lo0" "${__hostname}" --force remove "::1" "${__hostname}" --force done } ############################################################################### # Options # # NOTE: The `getops` builtin command only parses short options and BSD `getopt` # does not support long arguments (GNU `getopt` does), so the most portable # and clear way to parse options is often to just use a `while` loop. # # For a pure bash `getopt` function, try pure-getopt: # https://github.com/agriffis/pure-getopt # # More info: # http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/scripting/posparams # http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Argument-Syntax.html # http://stackoverflow.com/a/14203146 # http://stackoverflow.com/a/7948533 # https://stackoverflow.com/a/12026302 # https://stackoverflow.com/a/402410 ############################################################################### # Get raw options for any commands that expect them. _RAW_OPTIONS="${*:-}" # Parse Options ############################################################### # Initialize $_COMMAND_ARGV array # # This array contains all of the arguments that get passed along to each # command. This is essentially the same as the program arguments, minus those # that have been filtered out in the program option parsing loop. This array # is initialized with $0, which is the program's name. _COMMAND_ARGV=("${0}") # Initialize $_CMD and `$_USE_DEBUG`, which can continue to be blank depending # on what the program needs. _CMD="" _USE_DEBUG=0 _AUTO_SUDO=0 _SUBCOMMANDS=( add backups block commands disable disabled edit enable enabled file help list remove delete search show unblock version ) _SUBCOMMANDS_PATTERN="$(_join '|' "${_SUBCOMMANDS[@]}")" while [[ ${#} -gt 0 ]] do __opt="${1}" shift case "${__opt}" in -h|--help) _CMD="help" ;; --version) _CMD="version" ;; --debug) _USE_DEBUG=1 ;; --auto-sudo|--sudo) _AUTO_SUDO=1 ;; *) # The first non-option argument is assumed to be the command name. # All subsequent arguments are added to $_COMMAND_ARGV. if [[ -z "${_CMD:-}" ]] && [[ "${__opt:-}" =~ ${_SUBCOMMANDS_PATTERN} ]] then _CMD="${__opt}" else _COMMAND_ARGV+=("${__opt}") fi ;; esac done # Set $_COMMAND_PARAMETERS to $_COMMAND_ARGV, minus the initial element, $0. This # provides an array that is equivalent to $* and $@ within each command # function, though the array is zero-indexed, which could lead to confusion. # # Use `unset` to remove the first element rather than slicing (e.g., # `_COMMAND_PARAMETERS=("${_COMMAND_ARGV[@]:1}")`) because under bash 3.2 the # resulting slice is treated as a quoted string and doesn't easily get coaxed # into a new array. _COMMAND_PARAMETERS=("${_COMMAND_ARGV[@]}") unset "_COMMAND_PARAMETERS[0]" _debug printf \ "\${_CMD}: %s\\n" \ "${_CMD}" _debug printf \ "\${_RAW_OPTIONS} (one per line):\\n%s\\n" \ "${_RAW_OPTIONS}" _debug printf \ "\${_COMMAND_ARGV[*]}: %s\\n" \ "${_COMMAND_ARGV[*]}" _debug printf \ "\${_COMMAND_PARAMETERS[*]:-}: %s\\n" \ "${_COMMAND_PARAMETERS[*]:-}" ############################################################################### # Run Program ############################################################################### # Call the `_main` function after everything has been defined. _main