source beautifications

This commit is contained in:
Axel Kittenberger 2012-02-15 13:47:58 +01:00
parent de9e404132
commit ebe69f981d

View File

@ -123,9 +123,8 @@ static long clocks_per_sec;
* signal handler
sig_child(int sig)
/* nothing */
sig_child(int sig) {
// nothing
@ -135,12 +134,8 @@ void
sig_handler(int sig)
switch (sig) {
term = 1;
case SIGHUP:
hup = 1;
case SIGTERM: term = 1; return;
case SIGHUP: hup = 1; return;
@ -183,15 +178,16 @@ check_logcat(const char *name)
return 99;
lc = logcats[name[0]-'A'];
if (!lc) {
return 99;
if (!lc) return 99;
while (lc->name) {
if (!strcmp(lc->name, name)) {
return lc->priority;
return 99;
@ -391,14 +387,9 @@ s_strdup(const char *src)
* write() can manage.
struct pipemsg {
// message to send
char *text;
// length of text
int tlen;
// position in message
int pos;
char *text; // message to send
int tlen; // length of text
int pos; // position in message
@ -477,11 +468,14 @@ non_block_fd(int fd)
int flags;
flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
if (flags == -1) {
logstring("Error", "cannot get status flags!");
exit(-1); // ERRNO
flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags) == -1) {
logstring("Error", "cannot set status flags!");
exit(-1); // ERRNO
@ -747,8 +741,8 @@ l_log(lua_State *L)
d /= clocks_per_sec;
lua_pushfstring(L, "(Timestamp: %f)", d);
lua_replace(L, i);
case LUA_TNIL:
lua_pushstring(L, "(nil)");
lua_replace(L, i);
@ -809,7 +803,7 @@ l_exec(lua_State *L)
if (lua_istable(L, i)) {
int tlen;
int it;
/* table is now on top of stack */
// table is now on top of stack
lua_checkstack(L, lua_gettop(L) + lua_objlen(L, i) + 1);
lua_pushvalue(L, i);
lua_remove(L, i);
@ -827,7 +821,7 @@ l_exec(lua_State *L)
/* writes a log message, prepares the message only if actually needed. */
// writes a log message, prepares the message only if actually needed.
if (check_logcat("Exec") <= settings.log_level) {
lua_checkstack(L, lua_gettop(L) + argc * 3 + 2);
lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
@ -842,21 +836,21 @@ l_exec(lua_State *L)
if (argc >= 2 && !strcmp(luaL_checkstring(L, 2), "<")) {
/* pipes something into stdin */
// pipes something into stdin
if (!lua_isstring(L, 3)) {
logstring("Error", "in spawn(), expected a string after pipe '<'");
exit(-1); // ERRNO
pipe_text = lua_tolstring(L, 3, &pipe_len);
if (strlen(pipe_text) > 0) {
/* creates the pipe */
// creates the pipe
if (pipe(pipefd) == -1) {
logstring("Error", "cannot create a pipe!");
exit(-1); // ERRNO
/* always close the write end for child processes */
// always closes the write end for child processes
/* set the write end on non-blocking */
// sets the write end on non-blocking
} else {
pipe_text = NULL;
@ -951,19 +945,18 @@ l_realdir(lua_State *L)
printlogf(L, "Error", "failure getting absolute path of [%s]", rdir);
return 0;
// makes sure its a directory
struct stat st;
if (stat(cbuf, &st)) {
printlogf(L, "Error",
"cannot get absolute path of dir '%s': %s",
rdir, strerror(errno));
"cannot get absolute path of dir '%s': %s", rdir, strerror(errno));
return 0;
if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
printlogf(L, "Error",
"cannot get absolute path of dir '%s': is not a directory",
"cannot get absolute path of dir '%s': is not a directory", rdir);
return 0;
@ -1233,8 +1226,6 @@ l_nonobserve_fd(lua_State *L)
return 0;
static const luaL_reg lsyncdlib[] = {
{"configure", l_configure },
{"exec", l_exec },
@ -1368,7 +1359,7 @@ register_lsyncd(lua_State *L)
lua_getglobal(L, "lysncd");
// TODO what the hack?
// TODO why is the here?
lua_settable(L, -3);
@ -1423,8 +1414,7 @@ daemonize(lua_State *L)
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) {
printlogf(L, "Error",
"Failure in daemonize at fork: %s", strerror(errno));
printlogf(L, "Error", "Failure in daemonize at fork: %s", strerror(errno));
exit(-1); // ERRNO
@ -1432,15 +1422,13 @@ daemonize(lua_State *L)
sid = setsid();
if (sid < 0) {
printlogf(L, "Error",
"Failure in daemonize at setsid: %s", strerror(errno));
printlogf(L, "Error", "Failure in daemonize at setsid: %s", strerror(errno));
exit(-1); // ERRNO
// goto root dir
if ((chdir("/")) < 0) {
printlogf(L, "Error",
"Failure in daemonize at chdir(\"/\"): %s", strerror(errno));
printlogf(L, "Error", "Failure in daemonize at chdir(\"/\"): %s", strerror(errno));
exit(-1); // ERRNO
@ -1477,9 +1465,7 @@ masterloop(lua_State *L)
// queries runner about soonest alarm
load_runner_func(L, "getAlarm");
if (lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, -2)) {
exit(-1); // ERRNO
if (lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, -2)) exit(-1); // ERRNO
if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TBOOLEAN) {
have_alarm = false;
@ -1499,10 +1485,10 @@ masterloop(lua_State *L)
// eitherway. since event queues might overflow.
logstring("Masterloop", "immediately handling delays.");
} else {
/* use select() to determine what happens next
* + a new event on an observance
* + an alarm on timeout
* + the return of a child process */
// use select() to determine what happens next
// + a new event on an observance
// + an alarm on timeout
// + the return of a child process
struct timespec tv;
if (have_alarm) {
@ -1515,9 +1501,9 @@ masterloop(lua_State *L)
} else {
logstring("Masterloop", "going into select (no timeout).");
/* time for Lsyncd to try to put itself to rest into a select(),
* configures timeouts, filedescriptors and signals
* that will wake it */
// time for Lsyncd to try to put itself to rest into a select(),
// configures timeouts, filedescriptors and signals
// that will wake it
fd_set rfds;
fd_set wfds;
@ -1559,13 +1545,12 @@ masterloop(lua_State *L)
if (obs->ready && FD_ISSET(obs->fd, &rfds)) {
obs->ready(L, obs);
if (hup || term) {
if (hup || term) break;
if (nonobservances_len > 0 &&
nonobservances[nonobservances_len-1] == obs->fd) {
/* TODO breaks if more nonobserves */
/* ready() nonobserved itself */
// TODO breaks if more nonobserves
// ready() nonobserved itself
// --- what?
if (obs->writey && FD_ISSET(obs->fd, &wfds)) {
@ -1573,7 +1558,7 @@ masterloop(lua_State *L)
observance_action = false;
/* work through delayed nonobserve_fd() calls */
// work through delayed nonobserve_fd() calls
for (pi = 0; pi < nonobservances_len; pi++) {
@ -1586,9 +1571,8 @@ masterloop(lua_State *L)
while(1) {
int status;
pid_t pid = waitpid(0, &status, WNOHANG);
if (pid <= 0) {
if (pid <= 0) break;
load_runner_func(L, "collectProcess");
lua_pushinteger(L, pid);
lua_pushinteger(L, WEXITSTATUS(status));
@ -1639,7 +1623,7 @@ masterloop(lua_State *L)
* Main
* The effective main.
main1(int argc, char *argv[])
@ -1683,12 +1667,11 @@ main1(int argc, char *argv[])
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-log") && strcmp(argv[i], "--log")) {
i++; continue;
if (++i >= argc) {
if (++i >= argc) break;
if (!add_logcat(argv[i], LOG_NOTICE)) {
printlogf(L, "Error", "'%s' is not a valid logging category",
printlogf(L, "Error", "'%s' is not a valid logging category", argv[i]);
exit(-1); // ERRNO
@ -1698,7 +1681,7 @@ main1(int argc, char *argv[])
if (check_logcat("Debug") <= settings.log_level) {
/* printlogf doesnt support %ld :-( */
// printlogf doesnt support %ld :-(
printf("kernels clocks_per_sec=%ld\n", clocks_per_sec);
@ -1722,14 +1705,12 @@ main1(int argc, char *argv[])
if (lsyncd_runner_file) {
/* checks if the runner file exists */
// checks if the runner file exists
struct stat st;
if (stat(lsyncd_runner_file, &st)) {
printlogf(L, "Error",
"Cannot find Lsyncd Lua-runner at '%s'.", lsyncd_runner_file);
printlogf(L, "Error", "Cannot find Lsyncd Lua-runner at '%s'.", lsyncd_runner_file);
printlogf(L, "Error", "Maybe specify another place?");
printlogf(L, "Error",
"%s --runner RUNNER_FILE CONFIG_FILE", argv[0]);
printlogf(L, "Error", "%s --runner RUNNER_FILE CONFIG_FILE", argv[0]);
exit(-1); // ERRNO
/* loads the runner file */
@ -1740,25 +1721,23 @@ main1(int argc, char *argv[])
} else {
/* loads the runner from binary */
if (luaL_loadbuffer(L, luac_out, luac_size, "lsyncd.lua"))
// loads the runner from binary
if (luaL_loadbuffer(L, luac_out, luac_size, "lsyncd.lua")) {
printlogf(L, "Error",
"error loading precompiled lsyncd.lua runner: %s",
lua_tostring(L, -1));
exit(-1); // ERRNO
/* this should never be possible, security code nevertheless */
"Internal fail: lsyncd_runner is NULL with non-static runner");
// safeguard for what never ever should happen.
logstring("Error", "Internal fail: lsyncd_runner is NULL with non-static runner");
exit(-1); // ERRNO
/* place to store the lua runners functions */
/* executes the runner defining all its functions */
// place to store the lua runners functions
// executes the runner defining all its functions
if (lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0)) {
printlogf(L, "Error",
"error preparing '%s': %s",
@ -1767,16 +1746,14 @@ main1(int argc, char *argv[])
exit(-1); // ERRNO
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void *)&runner);
/* switches the value (result of preparing) and the key &runner */
// switches the value (result of preparing) and the key &runner
lua_insert(L, 1);
/* saves the table of the runners functions in the lua registry */
// saves the table of the runners functions in the lua registry
lua_settable(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
/* saves the error function extra */
/* &callError is the key */
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void *) &callError);
/* &runner[callError] the value */
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void *) &runner);
// saves the error function extra
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void *) &callError); // &callError is the key
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void *) &runner); // &runner[callError] the value
lua_gettable(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
lua_pushstring(L, "callError");
lua_gettable(L, -2);
@ -1785,7 +1762,7 @@ main1(int argc, char *argv[])
/* asserts version match between runner and core */
// asserts version match between runner and core
const char *lversion;
lua_getglobal(L, "lsyncd_version");
lversion = luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
@ -1800,7 +1777,7 @@ main1(int argc, char *argv[])
/* checks if there is a "-help" or "--help" */
// checks if there is a "-help" or "--help"
int i;
for(i = argp; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-help") || !strcmp(argv[i],"--help")) {
@ -1961,9 +1938,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
// gets a kernel parameter
clocks_per_sec = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
while(!term) {
main1(argc, argv);
while(!term) main1(argc, argv);
return 0;