--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- default-direct.lua -- -- Keeps two directories with /bin/cp, /bin/rm and /bin/mv in sync. -- Startup still uses rsync tough. -- -- A (Layer 1) configuration. -- -- Note: -- this is infact just a configuration using Layer 1 configuration -- like any other. It only gets compiled into the binary by default. -- -- You can simply use a modified one, by copying everything into a -- config file of yours and name it differently. -- -- License: GPLv2 (see COPYING) or any later version -- Authors: Axel Kittenberger -- --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if not default then error( 'default not loaded' ) end if not default.rsync then error( 'default-direct needs default.rsync loaded' ) end if default.direct then error( 'default-direct already loaded' ) end local direct = { } default.direct = direct -- -- known configuration parameters -- direct.checkgauge = { -- -- inherits rsync config params -- default.rsync.checkgauge, rsyncExitCodes = true, onMove = true, } -- -- Spawns rsync for a list of events -- direct.action = function ( inlet ) -- gets all events ready for syncing local event, event2 = inlet.getEvent() local config = inlet.getConfig() if event.etype == 'Create' then if event.isdir then spawn( event, '/bin/mkdir', '--', event.targetPath ) else -- 'cp -t', not supported on OSX spawn( event, '/bin/cp', '-p', '--', event.sourcePath, event.targetPathdir ) end elseif event.etype == 'Modify' then if event.isdir then error( 'Do not know how to handle "Modify" on dirs' ) end spawn(event, '/bin/cp', '-p', '--', event.sourcePath, event.targetPathdir ) elseif event.etype == 'Delete' then if config.delete ~= true and config.delete ~= 'running' then inlet.discardEvent(event) return end local tp = event.targetPath -- extra security check if tp == '' or tp == '/' or not tp then error( 'Refusing to erase your harddisk!' ) end spawn(event, '/bin/rm', '-rf', '--', tp) elseif event.etype == 'Move' then local tp = event.targetPath -- extra security check if tp == '' or tp == '/' or not tp then error( 'Refusing to erase your harddisk!' ) end local command = '/bin/mv -- "$1" "$2" || /bin/rm -rf -- "$1"' if config.delete ~= true and config.delete ~= 'running' then command = '/bin/mv -- "$1" "$2"' end spawnShell( event, command, event.targetPath, event2.targetPath ) else log( 'Warn', 'ignored an event of type "',event.etype, '"' ) inlet.discardEvent(event) end end -- -- Called when collecting a finished child process -- direct.collect = function ( agent, exitcode ) local config = agent.config if not agent.isList and agent.etype == 'Init' then local rc = config.rsyncExitCodes[exitcode] if rc == 'ok' then log( 'Normal', 'Startup of "',agent.source,'" finished: ', exitcode ) elseif rc == 'again' then log( 'Normal', 'Retrying startup of "',agent.source,'": ', exitcode ) elseif rc == 'die' then log( 'Error', 'Failure on startup of "',agent.source,'": ', exitcode ) else log( 'Error', 'Unknown exitcode on startup of "', agent.source,': "',exitcode ) rc = 'die' end return rc end -- everything else is just as it is, -- there is no network to retry something. return end -- -- Spawns the recursive startup sync -- (currently) identical to default rsync. -- direct.init = default.rsync.init -- -- Checks the configuration. -- direct.prepare = function ( config, level ) default.rsync.prepare( config, level + 1 ) end -- -- Default delay is very short. -- direct.delay = 1 -- -- Let the core not split move events. -- direct.onMove = true -- -- Rsync configuration for startup. -- direct.rsync = default.rsync.rsync direct.rsyncExitCodes = default.rsyncExitCodes -- -- By default do deletes. -- direct.delete = true -- -- On many system multiple disk operations just rather slow down -- than speed up. direct.maxProcesses = 1