-- -- mci.lua from Lsyncd -- the Live (Mirror) Syncing Demon -- -- -- The mantle part of the inteface between mantle and core. -- -- -- License: GPLv2 (see COPYING) or any later version -- Authors: Axel Kittenberger -- if mantle then print( 'Error, Lsyncd mantle already loaded' ) os.exit( -1 ) end -- -- Shortcuts -- configure = core.configure log = core.log terminate = core.terminate now = core.now readdir = core.readdir -- -- Minimum seconds between two writes of the status file. -- local defaultStatusInterval = 10 -- -- Global: total number of processess running. -- processCount = 0 -- -- Settings specified by command line. -- clSettings = { } -- -- Settings specified by config scripts. -- uSettings = { } --============================================================================ -- Mantle core interface. These functions are called from core. --============================================================================ -- -- Current status of Lsyncd. -- -- 'init' ... on (re)init -- 'run' ... normal operation -- 'fade' ... waits for remaining processes -- lsyncdStatus = 'init' -- -- The mantle cores interface -- mci = { } -- -- Last time said to be waiting for more child processes -- local lastReportedWaiting = false -- -- Called from core whenever Lua code failed. -- -- Logs a backtrace -- function mci.callError ( message ) log( 'Error', 'in Lua: ', message ) -- prints backtrace local level = 2 while true do local info = debug.getinfo( level, 'Sl' ) if not info then terminate( -1 ) end log( 'Error', 'Backtrace ', level - 1, ' :', info.short_src, ':', info.currentline ) level = level + 1 end end -- Registers the mantle with the core core.mci( mci ) -- -- Called from core whenever a child process has finished and -- the zombie process was collected by core. -- function mci.collectProcess ( pid, -- process id exitcode -- exitcode ) processCount = processCount - 1 if processCount < 0 then error( 'negative number of processes!' ) end for _, s in ipairs( SyncMaster.syncList( ) ) do if s:collect( pid, exitcode ) then return end end end -- -- Called from core everytime a masterloop cycle runs through. -- -- This happens in case of -- * an expired alarm. -- * a returned child process. -- * received filesystem events. -- * received a HUP, TERM or INT signal. -- function mci.cycle ( timestamp -- the current kernel time (in jiffies) ) log( 'Function', 'cycle( ', timestamp, ' )' ) if lsyncdStatus == 'fade' then if processCount > 0 then if lastReportedWaiting == false or timestamp >= lastReportedWaiting + 60 then lastReportedWaiting = timestamp log( 'Normal', 'waiting for ', processCount, ' more child processes.' ) end return true else return false end end if lsyncdStatus ~= 'run' then error( 'mci.cycle() called while not running!' ) end -- -- Goes through all syncs and spawns more actions -- if possibly. But only lets SyncMaster invoke actions if -- not at global limit. -- if not uSettings.maxProcesses or processCount < uSettings.maxProcesses then local start = SyncMaster.getRound( ) if #SyncMaster > 0 then local ir = start local slist = SyncMaster.syncList( ) local scount = #SyncMaster repeat local s = slist[ ir ] s:invokeActions( timestamp ) ir = ir + 1 if ir >= scount then ir = 0 end until ir == start SyncMaster.nextRound( ) end end UserAlarms.invoke( timestamp ) if uSettings.statusFile then StatusFile.write( timestamp ) end return true end -- -- Called by core if '-help' or '--help' is in -- the arguments. -- function mci.help( ) io.stdout:write( [[ USAGE: lsyncd [OPTIONS] [CONFIG-FILE(S)] OPTIONS: -c STRING Executes STRING as Lua config -delay SECS Overrides default delay times -help Shows this -log all Logs everything (debug) -log scarce Logs errors only -log CATEGORY Turns on logging for a debug category -logfile FILE Writes log to FILE (DEFAULT: uses syslog) -version Prints versions and exits LICENSE: GPLv2 or any later version. SEE: `man lsyncd` or visit https://axkibe.github.io/lsyncd/ for further information. ]]) os.exit( -1 ) end -- -- Called from core to parse the command line arguments -- -- returns a string as user script to load. -- or simply 'true' if running with rsync bevaiour -- -- terminates on invalid arguments. -- function mci.configure( args, -- command line arguments monitors -- list of monitors the core can do ) Monitor.initialize( monitors ) -- confs is filled with -- all config file -- stdin read requests -- inline configs local confs = { } local i = 1 -- -- a list of all valid options -- -- first paramter is the number of parameters an option takes -- if < 0 the called function has to check the presence of -- optional arguments. -- -- second paramter is the function to call -- local options = { c = { 1, function( string ) table.insert( confs, { command = string, n = i } ) end }, delay = { 1, function( secs ) clSettings.delay = secs + 0 end }, -- log is handled by core already. log = { 1, nil }, logfile = { 1, function( file ) clSettings.logfile = file end }, version = { 0, function( ) io.stdout:write( 'Version: ', lsyncd_version, '\n' ) os.exit( 0 ) end } } while i <= #args do local a = args[ i ] if a:sub( 1, 1 ) ~= '-' then table.insert( confs, { file = args[ i ] } ) elseif a == '-' then table.insert( confs, { stdin = true } ) else if a:sub( 1, 2 ) == '--' then a = a:sub( 3 ) else a = a:sub( 2 ) end local o = options[ a ] if not o then log( 'Error', 'unknown command line option ', args[ i ] ) os.exit( -1 ) end if o[ 1 ] >= 0 and i + o[ 1 ] > #args then log( 'Error', a ,' needs ', o[ 1 ],' arguments' ) os.exit( -1 ) elseif o[1] < 0 then o[ 1 ] = -o[ 1 ] end if o[ 2 ] then if o[ 1 ] == 0 then o[ 2 ]( ) elseif o[ 1 ] == 1 then o[ 2 ]( args[ i + 1 ] ) elseif o[ 1 ] == 2 then o[ 2 ]( args[ i + 1 ], args[ i + 2 ] ) elseif o[ 1 ] == 3 then o[ 2 ]( args[ i + 1 ], args[ i + 2 ], args[ i + 3 ] ) end end i = i + o[ 1 ] end i = i + 1 end if #confs == 0 then mci.help( args[ 0 ] ) end for _, conf in ipairs( confs ) do local f, err, status if conf.stdin then f, err = load( core.stdin( ), 'stdin', 't', userenv ) elseif conf.command then f, err = load( conf.command, 'arg: '..conf.n, 't', userenv ) else f, err = loadfile( conf.file, 't', userenv ) end if not f then log( 'Error', err ) os.exit( -1 ) end status, err = pcall( f ) if not status then log( 'Error', err ) os.exit( -1 ) end end end -- -- Called from core on init or restart after user configuration. -- function mci.initialize ( firstTime -- true when Lsyncd startups the first time, -- -- false on resets, due to HUP signal or monitor queue overflow. ) -- Checks if user overwrote the settings function. -- ( was Lsyncd <2.1 style ) if userenv.settings ~= user.settings then log( 'Error', 'Do not use settings = { ... }\n'.. ' please use settings{ ... } ( without the equal sign )' ) os.exit( -1 ) end if userenv.init then userenv.init( ) end lastReportedWaiting = false -- -- From this point on, no globals may be created anymore -- lockGlobals( ) -- -- all command line settings overwrite config file settings -- for k, v in pairs( clSettings ) do if k ~= 'syncs' then uSettings[ k ] = v end end if uSettings.logfile then configure( 'logfile', uSettings.logfile ) end if uSettings.logident then configure( 'logident', uSettings.logident ) end if uSettings.logfacility then configure( 'logfacility', uSettings.logfacility ) end -- -- Transfers some defaults to uSettings -- if uSettings.statusInterval == nil then uSettings.statusInterval = defaultStatusInterval end -- makes sure the user gave Lsyncd anything to do if #SyncMaster == 0 then log( 'Error', 'Nothing to watch!' ) os.exit( -1 ) end -- from now on use logging as configured instead of stdout/err. lsyncdStatus = 'run' configure( 'running' ) local ufuncs = { 'onAttrib', 'onCreate', 'onDelete', 'onModify', 'onMove', 'onStartup', } -- translates layer 3 scripts for _, s in ipairs( SyncMaster ) do -- checks if any user functions is a layer 3 string. local config = s.config for _, fn in ipairs( ufuncs ) do if type(config[fn]) == 'string' then local ft = FWriter.translate( config[ fn ] ) config[ fn ] = assert( load( 'return '..ft ) )( ) end end end -- runs through the Syncs created by users for _, s in ipairs( SyncMaster ) do if s.config.monitor == 'inotify' then Inotify.addSync( s, s.source ) else error( 'sync '.. s.config.name..' has unknown event monitor interface.' ) end -- if the sync has an init function, the init delay -- is stacked which causes the init function to be called. if s.config.init then s:addInitDelay( ) end end end -- -- Called by core to query the soonest alarm. -- -- @return false ... no alarm, core can go in untimed sleep -- true ... immediate action -- times ... the alarm time (only read if number is 1) -- function mci.getAlarm ( ) log( 'Function', 'getAlarm( )', lsyncdStatus ) if lsyncdStatus ~= 'run' then return false end local alarm = false -- -- Checks if 'a' is sooner than the 'alarm' up-value. -- local function checkAlarm ( a -- alarm time ) if a == nil then error( 'got nil alarm' ) end if alarm == true or not a then -- 'alarm' is already immediate or -- a not a new alarm return end -- sets 'alarm' to a if a is sooner if not alarm or a < alarm then alarm = a end end -- -- checks all syncs for their earliest alarm, -- but only if the global process limit is not yet reached. -- if not uSettings.maxProcesses or processCount < uSettings.maxProcesses then for _, s in ipairs( SyncMaster ) do checkAlarm( s:getAlarm( ) ) end else log( 'Alarm', 'at global process limit.' ) end -- checks if a statusfile write has been delayed checkAlarm( StatusFile.getAlarm( ) ) -- checks for an userAlarm checkAlarm( UserAlarms.getAlarm( ) ) log( 'Alarm', 'mci.getAlarm returns: ', alarm ) return alarm end -- -- Called when an file system monitor events arrive -- mci.inotifyEvent = Inotify.event -- -- Collector for every child process that finished in startup phase -- function mci.collector ( pid, -- pid of the child process exitcode -- exitcode of the child process ) if exitcode ~= 0 then log( 'Error', 'Startup process', pid, ' failed' ) terminate( -1 ) end return 0 end -- -- Called by core when an overflow happened. -- function mci.overflow ( ) log( 'Normal', '--- OVERFLOW in event queue ---' ) lsyncdStatus = 'fade' end