--- layout: default title: "The Configuration File" short: "Config File" --- Lsyncd configuration files are valid [Lua syntax](http://www.lua.org/). It is designed to be simple yet potent. While rich configuration and simplicity are not opposites by themselves, some trade-offs are inevitable. To achieve both goals as far as possible, Lsyncd configuration can be done at different layers. Lower layers add adaptability while the interface becomes more engaging. Settings -------- For scripts of all layers, the ```settings``` call can be used to alter daemon-wide configurations. For example, the following code will instruct Lsyncd to log into ```/tmp/lsyncd.log```, periodically update the file ```/tmp/lsyncd.status``` with its status and to not detach as a daemon. {% highlight lua %} settings { logfile = "/tmp/lsyncd.log", statusFile = "/tmp/lsyncd.status", nodaemon = true, } {% endhighlight %} **Caution** If you are upgrading from 2.0.x, please notice that `settings` became a function from a variable, so you **MUST** delete the equal sign '=' between `settings` and the `{`. Valid keys for settings are:
logfile = FILENAME logs into this file
pidfile = FILENAME logs PID into this file
nodaemon = BOOL does not detach
statusFile = FILENAME periodically writes a status report to this file
statusInterval = NUMBER writes the status file at shortest after this number of seconds has passed (default: 10)
logfacility = STRING syslog facility, default "user"
logident = STRING syslog identification (tag), default "lsyncd"
insist = BOOL keep running at startup although one or more targets failed due to not being reachable.
inotifyMode = STRING Specifies on inotify systems what kind of changes to listen to. Can be "Modify", "CloseWrite" (default) or "CloseWrite or Modify".
maxProcesses = NUMBER Lysncd will not spawn more than these number of processes. This adds across all sync{}s.
Additionally some parameters can be configured, which are inherited by all _Syncs_ (see Layer 3)
maxDelays = NUMBER When this amount of delayed events is queued, actions will be spawned, even below the delay timer.