---- -- Lsyncd user-script that creates a "magic" image converter directory. -- -- This configuration will automatically convert all images that are placed -- in the directory 'magicdir' all resulting images are placed in the same -- directory! -- -- Be sure to mkdir 'magicdir' first. ----- -- Fileformats: .jpg .gif .png -- local formats = { jpg=true, gif=true, png=true, } convert = { delay = 0, maxProcesses = 99, action = function(inlet) local event = inlet.getEvent() if event.isdir then -- ignores events on dirs inlet.discardEvent(event) return end -- extract extension and basefilename local p = event.pathname local ext = string.match(p, ".*%.([^.]+)$") local base = string.match(p, "(.*)%.[^.]+$") if not formats[ext] then -- an unknown extenion log("Normal", "not doing something on ."..ext) inlet.discardEvent(event) return end -- autoconvert on create and modify if event.etype == "Create" or event.etype == "Modify" then -- builds one bash command local cmd = "" -- do for all other extensions for k, _ in pairs(formats) do if k ~= ext then -- excludes files to be created, so no -- followup actions will occur inlet.addExclude(base..'.'..k) if cmd ~= "" then cmd = cmd .. " && " end cmd = cmd.. '/usr/bin/convert "'.. event.source..p..'" "'.. event.source..base..'.'..k.. '" || /bin/true' end end log("Normal", "Converting "..p) spawnShell(event, cmd) return end -- deletes all formats if you delete one if event.etype == "Delete" then -- builds one bash command local cmd = "" -- do for all other extensions for k, _ in pairs(formats) do if k ~= ext then -- excludes files to be created, so no -- followup actions will occur inlet.addExclude(base..'.'..k) if cmd ~= "" then cmd = cmd .. " && " end cmd = cmd.. 'rm "'..event.source..base..'.'..k.. '" || /bin/true' end end log("Normal", "Deleting all "..p) spawnShell(event, cmd) return end -- ignores other events. inlet.discardEvent(event) end, ----- -- Removes excludes when convertions are finished -- collect = function(event, exitcode) local p = event.pathname local ext = string.match(p, ".*%.([^.]+)$") local base = string.match(p, "(.*)%.[^.]+$") local inlet = event.inlet if event.etype == "Create" or event.etype == "Modify" or event.etype == "Delete" then for k, _ in pairs(formats) do inlet.rmExclude(base..'.'..k) end end end, ----- -- Does not collapse anything collapse = function() return 3 end, } sync{convert, source="magicdir", recursive=false}