---- -- User configuration file for lsyncd. -- -- TODO documentation- -- settings = { -- logfile = "/tmp/lsyncd", -- nodaemon = true, statusfile = "/tmp/lsyncd.stat", statusintervall = 1, } ---- -- for testing purposes. uses bash command to hold local dirs in sync. -- prefix = "sleep 1 && " slowbash = { delay = 5, init = function(inlet) local c = inlet.getConfig() log("Normal", "cp -r from ", c.source, " -> ", c.target) -- collect gets called when spawned process finished local function collect(event, exitcode) if exitcode == 0 then log("Normal", "Startup of '",c.source,"' finished.") else log("Error", "Failure on startup of '",c.source,"'.") terminate(-1) -- ERRNO end end spawnShell(inlet.createBlanketEvent(), collect, [[if [ "$(ls -A $1)" ]; then cp -r "$1"* "$2"; fi]], c.source, c.target) end, onCreate = function(event) local s = event.sourcePathname local t = event.targetPathname log("Normal", "Spawning Create ", s," -> ",t) spawnShell(event, "ok", prefix..[[cp -r "$1" "$2"]], s, t) end, onModify = function(event) local s = event.sourcePathname local t = event.targetPathname log("Normal", "Spawning Modify ",s," -> ",t) spawnShell(event, "ok", prefix..[[cp -r "$1" "$2"]], s, t) end, onDelete = function(event) local t = event.targetPathname log("Normal", "Spawning Delete of ",t) spawnShell(event, "ok", prefix..[[rm -rf "$1"]], t) end, onMove = function(event, eventd) local t = event.targetPathname local d = eventd.targetPathname log("Normal", "Spawning Move from ",t," to ",d) spawnShell(event, "ok", prefix..[[mv "$1" "$2"]], t, d) end, } sync{slowbash, source="s", target="d/"}