--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- inotify.lua -- -- -- Interface to inotify core. -- -- watches recursively subdirs and sends events. -- All inotify specific implementation is enclosed here. -- -- -- This code assumes your editor is at least 100 chars wide. -- -- License: GPLv2 (see COPYING) or any later version -- Authors: Axel Kittenberger -- --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if lsyncd_version then print( 'Error, Lsyncd mantle already loaded' ) os.exit( -1 ) end -- -- Returns the relative part of absolute path if it -- begins with root -- local function splitPath ( path, root ) local rlen = #root local sp = string.sub( path, 1, rlen ) if sp == root then return string.sub( path, rlen, -1 ) else return nil end end -- -- A list indexed by inotify watch descriptors yielding -- the directories absolute paths. -- local wdpaths = Counter.new( ) -- -- The same vice versa, -- all watch descriptors by their absolute paths. -- local pathwds = { } -- -- A list indexed by syncs containing yielding -- the root paths the syncs are interested in. -- local syncRoots = { } -- -- Stops watching a directory -- local function removeWatch ( path, -- absolute path to unwatch core -- if false not actually send the unwatch to the kernel -- ( used in moves which reuse the watch ) ) local wd = pathwds[ path ] if not wd then return end if core then core.inotify.rmwatch( wd ) end wdpaths[ wd ] = nil pathwds[ path ] = nil end -- -- Adds watches for a directory (optionally) including all subdirectories. -- local function addWatch ( path -- absolute path of directory to observe ) log( 'Function', 'Inotify.addWatch( ', path, ' )' ) if not SyncMaster.concerns( path ) then log( 'Inotify', 'not concerning "', path, '"') return end -- registers the watch local inotifyMode = ( uSettings and uSettings.inotifyMode ) or '' local wd = core.inotify.addwatch( path, inotifyMode ) if wd < 0 then log( 'Inotify', 'Unable to add watch "', path, '"' ) return end do -- If this watch descriptor is registered already -- the kernel reuses it since the old dir is gone. local op = wdpaths[ wd ] if op and op ~= path then pathwds[ op ] = nil end end pathwds[ path ] = wd wdpaths[ wd ] = path -- registers and adds watches for all subdirectories local entries = core.readdir( path ) if not entries then return end for dirname, isdir in pairs( entries ) do if isdir then addWatch( path .. dirname .. '/' ) end end end -- -- Adds a Sync to receive events. -- local function addSync ( sync, -- object to receive events. rootdir -- root dir to watch ) if syncRoots[ sync ] then error( 'duplicate sync in Inotify.addSync()' ) end syncRoots[ sync ] = rootdir addWatch( rootdir ) end -- -- Called when an event has occured. -- local function event ( etype, -- 'Attrib', 'Modify', 'Create', 'Delete', 'Move' wd, -- watch descriptor, matches core.inotifyadd() isdir, -- true if filename is a directory time, -- time of event filename, -- string filename without path wd2, -- watch descriptor for target if it's a Move filename2 -- string filename without path of Move target ) if isdir then filename = filename .. '/' if filename2 then filename2 = filename2 .. '/' end end if filename2 then log( 'Inotify', 'got event ', etype, ' ', filename, '(', wd, ') to ', filename2, '(', wd2 ,')' ) else log( 'Inotify', 'got event ', etype, ' ', filename, '(', wd, ')' ) end -- looks up the watch descriptor id local path = wdpaths[ wd ] if path then path = path..filename end local path2 = wd2 and wdpaths[ wd2 ] if path2 and filename2 then path2 = path2..filename2 end if not path and path2 and etype == 'Move' then log( 'Inotify', 'Move from deleted directory ', path2, ' becomes Create.' ) path = path2 path2 = nil etype = 'Create' end if not path then -- this is normal in case of deleted subdirs log( 'Inotify', 'event belongs to unknown watch descriptor.' ) return end for sync, root in pairs( syncRoots ) do repeat local relative = splitPath( path, root ) local relative2 = nil if path2 then relative2 = splitPath( path2, root ) end if not relative and not relative2 then -- sync is not interested in this dir break -- continue end -- makes a copy of etype to possibly change it local etyped = etype if etyped == 'Move' then if not relative2 then log( 'Normal', 'Transformed Move to Delete for ', sync.config.name ) etyped = 'Delete' elseif not relative then relative = relative2 relative2 = nil log( 'Normal', 'Transformed Move to Create for ', sync.config.name ) etyped = 'Create' end end if isdir then if etyped == 'Create' then addWatch( path ) elseif etyped == 'Delete' then removeWatch( path, true ) elseif etyped == 'Move' then removeWatch( path, false ) addWatch( path2 ) end end sync:delay( etyped, time, relative, relative2 ) until true end end -- -- Writes a status report about inotify to a file descriptor -- local function statusReport( f ) f:write( 'Inotify watching ', #wdpaths, ' directories\n' ) for wd, path in pairs( wdpaths ) do f:write( ' ', wd, ': ', path, '\n' ) end end -- -- Exported interface. -- Inotify = { addSync = addSync, event = event, statusReport = statusReport, }