# -*- Autoconf -*- echo XXXXXXXXX # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. #AC_PREREQ(2.60) AC_INIT(lsyncd, 2.0beta3, axkibe@gmail.com) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([lsyncd.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(AC_PACKAGE_NAME, AC_PACKAGE_VERSION) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_MAKE_SET # Checks for libraries. PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBLUA, lua5.1) # Checks for header files. AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/inotify.h]) ### # --with-runner option AC_ARG_WITH([runner], [ --with-runner= Specify directory where lsyncds part written in Lua will be placed. If missing it will be compiled into the binary]) if test "x${with_runner}" != x; then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(LSYNCD_DEFAULT_RUNNER_FILE, "${with_runner}/lsyncd.lua", "descr") AC_SUBST(RUNNER_DIR, "${with_runner}") fi AM_CONDITIONAL([RUNNER], [test x${with_runner} != x]) ### # --without-inotify option AC_ARG_WITH([inotify], [ --without-inotify Do not compile Linux inotify event interface. On by default.]) if test "x${with_inotify}" == xno; then echo "compiling without inotify" else echo "compiling with inotify" AC_DEFINE(LSYNCD_WITH_INOTIFY,,"descr") fi AM_CONDITIONAL([INOTIFY], [test x${with_inotify} != xno]) ### # --with-fsevents AC_ARG_WITH([fsevents], [ --with-fsevents=DIR Uses MacOS (10.5) /dev/fsevents, experimental! Off by default. As DIR specify dir where xnu headers can be found.]) if test "x${with_fsevents}" == xno; then with_fsevents= fi if test "x${with_fsevents}" != x; then echo "compiling with fsevents. Warning experimental!" AC_DEFINE(LSYNCD_WITH_FSEVENTS,,"descr") else echo "compiling without fsevents" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([FSEVENTS], [test x${with_fsevents} != x]) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. # Checks for library functions. AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT