-- -- sync.lua from Lsyncd -- the Live (Mirror) Syncing Demon -- -- -- Holds information about one observed directory including subdirs. -- -- -- This code assumes your editor is at least 100 chars wide. -- -- License: GPLv2 (see COPYING) or any later version -- Authors: Axel Kittenberger -- if mantle then print( 'Error, Lsyncd mantle already loaded' ) os.exit( -1 ) end -- -- Syncs that have no name specified by the user script -- get an incremental default name 'Sync[X]' -- local nextDefaultName = 1 -- -- Appends a filter to the sync -- local function appendFilter ( self, rule, pattern ) if not self.filters then self.filters = Filters.new( ) end return self.filters:append( rule, pattern ) end -- -- Removes a delay. -- local function removeDelay ( self, delay ) if self.delays[ delay.dpos ] ~= delay then error( 'Queue is broken, delay not at dpos' ) end self.delays:remove( delay.dpos ) -- frees all delays blocked by this one. if delay.blocks then for _, vd in pairs( delay.blocks ) do vd.status = 'wait' end end end -- -- Returns false if the relative path is filtered -- local function testFilter ( self, -- the Sync path -- the relative path ) -- never filter the relative root itself -- ( that would make zero sense ) if path == '/' or not self.filters then return true end return self.filters:test( path ) end -- -- Returns true if this Sync concerns about 'path'. -- local function concerns ( self, -- the Sync path -- the absolute path ) -- not concerned if watch rootdir doesn't match if not path:starts( self.source ) then return false end -- a sub dir and not concerned about subdirs if self.config.subdirs == false and path:sub( #self.source, -1 ):match( '[^/]+/?' ) then return false end return testFilter( self, path:sub( #self.source ) ) end -- -- Collects a child process. -- local function collect ( self, -- the sync pid, -- process id of collected child process exitcode -- exitcode of child process ) local delay = self.processes[ pid ] -- not a child of this sync? if not delay then return end if delay.status then log( 'Delay', 'collected an event' ) if delay.status ~= 'active' then error( 'collecting a non-active process' ) end local rc = self.config.collect( InletFactory.d2e( delay ), exitcode ) if rc == 'die' then log( 'Error', 'Critical exitcode.' ) terminate( -1 ) elseif rc ~= 'again' then -- if its active again the collecter restarted the event removeDelay( self, delay ) log( 'Delay', 'Finish of ', delay.etype, ' on ', self.source,delay.path, ' = ', exitcode ) else -- sets the delay on wait again local alarm = self.config.delay -- delays at least 1 second if alarm < 1 then alarm = 1 end delay:wait( now( ) + alarm ) end else log( 'Delay', 'collected a list' ) local rc = self.config.collect( InletFactory.dl2el( delay ), exitcode ) if rc == 'die' then log( 'Error', 'Critical exitcode.' ); terminate( -1 ) elseif rc == 'again' then -- sets the delay on wait again local alarm = self.config.delay -- delays are at least 1 second if alarm < 1 then alarm = 1 end alarm = now() + alarm for _, d in ipairs( delay ) do d:wait( alarm ) end else for _, d in ipairs( delay ) do removeDelay( self, d ) end end log( 'Delay','Finished list = ',exitcode ) end self.processes[ pid ] = nil if self.onCollect then for _, func in ipairs( self.onCollect ) do func( self:getUserIntf( ) ) end end end -- -- Stacks a newDelay on the oldDelay, -- the oldDelay blocks the new Delay. -- -- A delay can block 'n' other delays, -- but is blocked at most by one, the latest delay. -- local function stack ( oldDelay, newDelay ) newDelay:blockedBy( oldDelay ) end -- -- Puts an action on the delay stack. -- local function delay ( self, -- the sync etype, -- the event type time, -- time of the event path, -- path of the event path2 -- desitination path of move events ) log( 'Function', 'delay( ', self.config.name, ', ', etype, ', ', path, ', ', path2, ' )' ) -- -- In case new directories were created -- looks through this directories and makes create events for -- new stuff found in there. -- local function recurse ( ) if etype == 'Create' and path:byte( -1 ) == 47 then local entries = core.readdir( self.source .. path ) if entries then for dirname, isdir in pairs( entries ) do local pd = path .. dirname if isdir then pd = pd..'/' end log( 'Delay', 'Create creates Create on ', pd ) delay( self, 'Create', time, pd, nil ) end end end end -- exclusion tests if not path2 then -- simple test for single path events if not testFilter( self, path ) then log( 'Filter', 'filtered ', etype, ' on "', path, '"' ) return end else -- for double paths ( move ) it might result into a split local ex1 = not testFilter( self, path ) local ex2 = not testFilter( self, path2 ) if ex1 and ex2 then log( 'Filter', 'filtered "', etype, ' on "', path, '" -> "', path2, '"' ) return elseif not ex1 and ex2 then -- splits the move if only partly filtered log( 'Filter', 'filtered destination transformed ', etype, ' to Delete ', path ) delay( self, 'Delete', time, path, nil ) return elseif ex1 and not ex2 then -- splits the move if only partly filtered log( 'Filter', 'filtered origin transformed ', etype, ' to Create.', path2 ) delay( self, 'Create', time, path2, nil ) return end end if etype == 'Move' and not self.config.onMove then -- if there is no move action defined, -- split a move as delete/create -- layer 1 scripts which want moves events have to -- set onMove simply to 'true' log( 'Delay', 'splitting Move into Delete & Create' ) delay( self, 'Delete', time, path, nil ) delay( self, 'Create', time, path2, nil ) return end -- creates the new action local alarm if time and self.config.delay then alarm = time + self.config.delay else alarm = now( ) end -- new delay local nd = Delay.new( etype, self, alarm, path, path2 ) if nd.etype == 'Init' or nd.etype == 'Blanket' then -- always stack init or blanket events on the last event log( 'Delay', 'Stacking ', nd.etype, ' event.' ) if #self.delays > 0 then stack( self.delays:last( ), nd ) end nd.dpos = self.delays:push( nd ) recurse( ) return end -- detects blocks and combos by working from back until -- front through the fifo for il, od in self.delays:qpairsReverse( ) do -- asks Combiner what to do local ac = Combiner.combine( od, nd ) if ac then Combiner.log( ac, od, nd ) if ac == 'remove' then self.delays:remove( il ) elseif ac == 'stack' then stack( od, nd ) nd.dpos = self.delays:push( nd ) elseif ac == 'toDelete,stack' then if od.status ~= 'active' then -- turns olddelay into a delete local rd = Delay.new( 'Delete', self, od.alarm, od.path ) self.delays:replace( il, rd ) rd.dpos = il -- and stacks delay2 stack( rd, nd ) else -- and stacks delay2 stack( od, nd ) end nd.dpos = self.delays:push( nd ) elseif ac == 'absorb' then -- nada elseif ac == 'replace' then if od.status ~= 'active' then self.delays:replace( il, nd ) nd.dpos = il else stack( od, nd ) nd.dpos = self.delays:push( nd ) end elseif ac == 'split' then delay( self, 'Delete', time, path, nil ) delay( self, 'Create', time, path2, nil ) else error( 'unknown result of combine()' ) end recurse( ) return end il = il - 1 end if nd.path2 then log( 'Delay', 'New ', nd.etype, ': ', nd.path, ' -> ', nd.path2 ) else log( 'Delay', 'New ', nd.etype, ': ', nd.path ) end -- no block or combo nd.dpos = self.delays:push( nd ) recurse( ) end -- -- Returns the soonest alarm for this Sync. -- local function getAlarm ( self ) -- first checks if more processes could be spawned if self.stopped or #self.processes >= self.config.maxProcesses then return false end -- finds the nearest delay waiting to be spawned for _, d in self.delays:qpairs( ) do if d.status == 'wait' then return d.alarm end end -- nothing to spawn return false end -- -- Gets all delays that are not blocked by active delays. -- local function getDelays ( self, -- the sync test -- function to test each delay ) local dlist = { sync = self } local dlistn = 1 local blocks = { } -- -- inheritly transfers all blocks from delay -- local function getBlocks ( delay ) blocks[ delay ] = true if delay.blocks then for _, d in ipairs( delay.blocks ) do getBlocks( d ) end end end for _, d in self.delays:qpairs( ) do local tr = true if test then tr = test( InletFactory.d2e( d ) ) end if tr == 'break' then break end if d.status == 'active' or not tr then getBlocks( d ) elseif not blocks[ d ] then dlist[ dlistn ] = d dlistn = dlistn + 1 end end return dlist end -- -- Creates new actions -- local function invokeActions ( self, timestamp ) log( 'Function', 'invokeActions( "', self.config.name, '", ', timestamp, ' )' ) if self.stopped or #self.processes >= self.config.maxProcesses then -- no new processes return end for _, d in self.delays:qpairs( ) do -- if reached the global limit return if uSettings.maxProcesses and processCount >= uSettings.maxProcesses then log( 'Alarm', 'at global process limit.' ) return end if #self.delays < self.config.maxDelays then -- time constrains are only concerned if not maxed -- the delay FIFO already. if d.alarm ~= true and timestamp < d.alarm then -- reached point in stack where delays are in future return end end if d.status == 'wait' then -- found a waiting delay if d.etype ~= 'Init' then self.config.action( self.inlet ) else self.config.init( InletFactory.d2e( d ) ) end if #self.processes >= self.config.maxProcesses then -- no further processes return end end end end -- -- Gets the next event to be processed. -- local function getNextDelay ( self, timestamp ) for i, d in self.delays:qpairs( ) do if #self.delays < self.config.maxDelays then -- time constrains are only concerned if not maxed -- the delay FIFO already. if d.alarm ~= true and timestamp < d.alarm then -- reached point in stack where delays are in future return nil end end if d.status == 'wait' then -- found a waiting delay return d end end end -- -- Adds and returns a blanket delay thats blocks all. -- Used as custom marker. -- local function addBlanketDelay ( self ) local newd = Delay.new( 'Blanket', self, true, '' ) newd.dpos = self.delays:push( newd ) return newd end -- -- Adds and returns a blanket delay thats blocks all. -- Used as startup marker to call init asap. -- local function addInitDelay ( self ) local newd = Delay.new( 'Init', self, true, '' ) newd.dpos = self.delays:push( newd ) return newd end -- -- Writes a status report about delays in this sync. -- local function statusReport ( self, f ) local spaces = ' ' f:write( self.config.name, ' source=', self.source, '\n' ) f:write( 'There are ', #self.delays, ' delays\n') for i, vd in self.delays:qpairs( ) do local st = vd.status f:write( st, string.sub( spaces, 1, 7 - #st ) ) f:write( vd.etype, ' ' ) f:write( vd.path ) if vd.path2 then f:write( ' -> ',vd.path2 ) end f:write('\n') end f:write( 'Filtering:\n' ) local nothing = true if self.filters then for _, e in pairs( self.filters.list ) do nothing = false f:write( e.rule, ' ', e.pattern,'\n' ) end end if nothing then f:write(' nothing.\n') end f:write( '\n' ) end -- -- Returns a user interface for this sync -- local function getUserIntf ( self ) local ui = self.userIntf if ui then return ui end ui = { -- Stops the sync, meaning no more -- processes will be spawned stop = function( ) self.stopped = true end, -- Registers an additional function to be called -- after each collect. -- -- Used by default signal handlers to wait -- for children to finish (or react on forwarded signal) onCollect = function( func ) if not self.onCollect then self.onCollect = { func } else table.insert( self.onCollect, func ) end end, -- Returns a list of pids of children -- processes pids = function ( ) local c = 1 local pids = { } for pid, delay in pairs( self.processes ) do pids[ c ] = pid c = c + 1 end return pids end, processCount = function ( ) return #self.processes end, } self.userIntf = ui return ui end -- -- Creates a new Sync. -- local function new ( config ) local s = { -- fields config = config, delays = Queue.new( ), source = config.source, processes = Counter.new( ), filters = nil, stopped = false, -- functions addBlanketDelay = addBlanketDelay, addExclude = addExclude, addInitDelay = addInitDelay, appendFilter = appendFilter, collect = collect, concerns = concerns, delay = delay, getAlarm = getAlarm, getDelays = getDelays, getNextDelay = getNextDelay, invokeActions = invokeActions, removeDelay = removeDelay, rmExclude = rmExclude, statusReport = statusReport, -- use interface getUserIntf = getUserIntf, } s.inlet = InletFactory.newInlet( s ) -- provides a default name if needed if not config.name then config.name = 'Sync' .. nextDefaultName end -- increments defaults if a config name was given or not -- so Sync{n} will be the n-th call to sync{} nextDefaultName = nextDefaultName + 1 -- loads filters if config.filter then local te = type( config.filter ) s.filters = Filters.new( ) if te == 'table' then s.filters:appendList( config.filter ) elseif te == 'string' then s.filters:append( config.filter ) else error( 'type for filter must be table or string', 2 ) end end if config.delay ~= nil and ( type( config.delay ) ~= 'number' or config.delay < 0 ) then error( 'delay must be a number and >= 0', 2 ) end -- this is written in a negated way -- since this way it will raise any issues of mindelay or delay -- not being numbers as well if not ( config.mindelay >= config.delay ) then error( 'mindelay (= '..config.mindelay.. ') must be larger '.. 'or equal than delay (= '..config.delay..')', level ) end if config.filterFrom then if not s.filters then s.filters = Filters.new( ) end s.filters:loadFile( config.filterFrom ) end return s end -- -- Exported interface. -- Sync = { new = new }