--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- lsyncd.lua Live (Mirror) Syncing Demon -- -- -- Writes functions for the user for layer 3 configurations. -- -- -- This code assumes your editor is at least 100 chars wide. -- -- License: GPLv2 (see COPYING) or any later version -- Authors: Axel Kittenberger -- --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if mantle then print( 'Error, Lsyncd mantle already loaded' ) os.exit( -1 ) end -- -- All variables known to layer 3 configs. -- transVars = { { '%^pathname', 'event.pathname', 1 }, { '%^pathdir', 'event.pathdir', 1 }, { '%^path', 'event.path', 1 }, { '%^sourcePathname', 'event.sourcePathname', 1 }, { '%^sourcePathdir', 'event.sourcePathdir', 1 }, { '%^sourcePath', 'event.sourcePath', 1 }, { '%^source', 'event.source', 1 }, { '%^targetPathname', 'event.targetPathname', 1 }, { '%^targetPathdir', 'event.targetPathdir', 1 }, { '%^targetPath', 'event.targetPath', 1 }, { '%^target', 'event.target', 1 }, { '%^o%.pathname', 'event.pathname', 1 }, { '%^o%.path', 'event.path', 1 }, { '%^o%.sourcePathname', 'event.sourcePathname', 1 }, { '%^o%.sourcePathdir', 'event.sourcePathdir', 1 }, { '%^o%.sourcePath', 'event.sourcePath', 1 }, { '%^o%.targetPathname', 'event.targetPathname', 1 }, { '%^o%.targetPathdir', 'event.targetPathdir', 1 }, { '%^o%.targetPath', 'event.targetPath', 1 }, { '%^d%.pathname', 'event2.pathname', 2 }, { '%^d%.path', 'event2.path', 2 }, { '%^d%.sourcePathname', 'event2.sourcePathname', 2 }, { '%^d%.sourcePathdir', 'event2.sourcePathdir', 2 }, { '%^d%.sourcePath', 'event2.sourcePath', 2 }, { '%^d%.targetPathname', 'event2.targetPathname', 2 }, { '%^d%.targetPathdir', 'event2.targetPathdir', 2 }, { '%^d%.targetPath', 'event2.targetPath', 2 }, } -- -- Splits a user string into its arguments. -- Returns a table of arguments -- local function splitStr( str -- a string where parameters are seperated by spaces. ) local args = { } while str ~= '' do -- break where argument stops local bp = #str -- in a quote local inQuote = false -- tests characters to be space and not within quotes for i = 1, #str do local c = string.sub( str, i, i ) if c == '"' then inQuote = not inQuote elseif c == ' ' and not inQuote then bp = i - 1 break end end local arg = string.sub( str, 1, bp ) arg = string.gsub( arg, '"', '\\"' ) table.insert( args, arg ) str = string.sub( str, bp + 1, -1 ) str = string.match( str, '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) end return args end -- -- Translates a call to a binary to a lua function. -- TODO this has a little too blocking. -- local function translateBinary ( str ) -- splits the string local args = splitStr( str ) -- true if there is a second event local haveEvent2 = false for ia, iv in ipairs( args ) do -- a list of arguments this arg is being split into local a = { { true, iv } } -- goes through all translates for _, v in ipairs( transVars ) do local ai = 1 while ai <= #a do if a[ ai ][ 1 ] then local pre, post = string.match( a[ ai ][ 2 ], '(.*)'..v[1]..'(.*)' ) if pre then if v[3] > 1 then haveEvent2 = true end if pre ~= '' then table.insert( a, ai, { true, pre } ) ai = ai + 1 end a[ ai ] = { false, v[ 2 ] } if post ~= '' then table.insert( a, ai + 1, { true, post } ) end end end ai = ai + 1 end end -- concats the argument pieces into a string. local as = '' local first = true for _, v in ipairs( a ) do if not first then as = as..' .. ' end if v[ 1 ] then as = as .. '"' .. v[ 2 ] .. '"' else as = as .. v[ 2 ] end first = false end args[ ia ] = as end local ft if not haveEvent2 then ft = 'function( event )\n' else ft = 'function( event, event2 )\n' end ft = ft .. " log('Normal', 'Event ', event.etype, \n" .. " ' spawns action \"".. str.."\"')\n" .. " spawn( event" for _, v in ipairs( args ) do ft = ft .. ',\n ' .. v end ft = ft .. ')\nend' return ft end -- -- Translates a call using a shell to a lua function -- local function translateShell ( str ) local argn = 1 local args = { } local cmd = str local lc = str -- true if there is a second event local haveEvent2 = false for _, v in ipairs( transVars ) do local occur = false cmd = string.gsub( cmd, v[ 1 ], function ( ) occur = true return '"$' .. argn .. '"' end ) lc = string.gsub( lc, v[1], ']]..' .. v[2] .. '..[[' ) if occur then argn = argn + 1 table.insert( args, v[ 2 ] ) if v[ 3 ] > 1 then haveEvent2 = true end end end local ft if not haveEvent2 then ft = 'function( event )\n' else ft = 'function( event, event2 )\n' end -- TODO do array joining instead ft = ft.. " log('Normal', 'Event ',event.etype,\n".. " [[ spawns shell \""..lc.."\"]])\n".. " spawnShell(event, [["..cmd.."]]" for _, v in ipairs( args ) do ft = ft..',\n '..v end ft = ft .. ')\nend' return ft end -- -- Writes a lua function for a layer 3 user script. -- local function translate ( str ) -- trims spaces str = string.match( str, '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) local ft if string.byte( str, 1, 1 ) == 47 then -- starts with / ft = translateBinary( str ) elseif string.byte( str, 1, 1 ) == 94 then -- starts with ^ ft = translateShell( str:sub( 2, -1 ) ) else ft = translateShell( str ) end log( 'FWrite', 'translated "', str, '" to \n', ft ) return ft end -- -- Exporter interface. -- FWriter = { translate = translate }