# -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. #AC_PREREQ(2.60) AC_INIT(lsyncd, 2.1.4, axkibe@gmail.com) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([lsyncd.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) ### # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_MAKE_SET #AC_PATH_PROG([A2X], [a2x], [no]) #if test x${A2X} = xno ; then # AC_MSG_ERROR([Program 'a2x' (package asciidoc) is required]) #fi ### # Checks for Lua # Try versioned Lua 5.2 first PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LUA52], [lua5.2],,[ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LUA52], [lua52],,[ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LUA52], [lua-5.2],,[:]) ]) ]) AC_PATH_PROGS([LUA52], [lua5.2 lua52], [no]) AC_PATH_PROGS([LUAC52], [luac5.2 luac52], [no]) if test -z "${LUA52_PKG_ERRORS}" -a "${LUA52}" != no -a "${LUAC52}" != no ; then LUA_VERSION="5.2" LUA_CFLAGS="${LUA52_CFLAGS}" LUA_LIBS="${LUA52_LIBS}" LUA="${LUA52}" LUAC="${LUAC52}" else # Fall back to versioned Lua 5.1 PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LUA51], [lua5.1 >= 5.1.3],,[ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LUA51], [lua51 >= 5.1.3],,[ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LUA51], [lua-5.1 >= 5.1.3],,[:]) ]) ]) AC_PATH_PROGS([LUA51], [lua5.1 lua51], [no]) AC_PATH_PROGS([LUAC51], [luac5.1 luac51], [no]) if test -z "${LUA51_PKG_ERRORS}" -a "${LUA51}" != no -a "${LUAC51}" != no ; then LUA_VERSION="5.1" LUA_CFLAGS="${LUA51_CFLAGS}" LUA_LIBS="${LUA51_LIBS}" LUA="${LUA51}" LUAC="${LUAC51}" else # Try any Lua now PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LUA], [lua >= 5.1.3],,[:]) AC_PATH_PROG([LUA], [lua], [no]) AC_PATH_PROG([LUAC], [luac], [no]) if test -z "${LUA_PKG_ERRORS}" -a "${LUA}" != no -a "${LUAC}" != no ; then LUA_VERSION="(unknown version)" else AC_MSG_ERROR([Need a Lua toolchain with matching versions ('lua' library and 'lua' and 'luac' programs)]) fi fi fi _LIBS="${LIBS}" _CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" _CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS}" LIBS="-lm ${LIBS} ${LUA_LIBS}" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${LUA_CFLAGS}" CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} ${LUA_CFLAGS}" AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether Lua library was compiled with compat support]) AC_LINK_IFELSE( [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([ #define LUA_COMPAT_ALL #include ],[luaL_register(0,0,0);])], [lua_compat_support=yes], [lua_compat_support=no] ) AC_MSG_RESULT([${lua_compat_support}]) if test "x${lua_compat_support}" = xno ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Lua library needs to be compiled with compat support]) fi LIBS="${_LIBS}" CFLAGS="${_CFLAGS}" CPPFLAGS="${_CPPFLAGS}" unset _LIBS _CFLAGS _CPPFLAGS AX_SUBST_L([LUA_CFLAGS], [LUA_LIBS], [LUA], [LUAC]) ### # Checks for header files. AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/inotify.h]) ### # --without-inotify option AC_ARG_WITH([inotify], [ --without-inotify Do not use Linux inotify event interface. On by default.], [],[with_inotify=yes]) if test "x${with_inotify}" == xyes; then echo "compiling with inotify" AC_DEFINE(LSYNCD_WITH_INOTIFY,,"descr") else echo "compiling without inotify" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([INOTIFY], [test x${with_inotify} != xno]) ### # --with-fsevents # disabled per default, experimental, works only with OS X 10.5/10.6 AC_ARG_WITH([fsevents], [ --with-fsevents Uses MacOS (10.5) /dev/fsevents. EXPERIMENTAL! Off by default.]) if test "x${with_fsevents}" == xyes; then echo "compiling with fsevents. WARNING experimental!" AC_DEFINE(LSYNCD_WITH_FSEVENTS,,"descr") fi AM_CONDITIONAL([FSEVENTS], [test x${with_fsevents} != x -a xno${with_fsevents} != xno]) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. # Checks for library functions. AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT AC_MSG_NOTICE([ Summary: Using Lua ${LUA_VERSION} ])