--============================================================================ -- lsyncd.lua Live (Mirror) Syncing Demon -- -- License: GPLv2 (see COPYING) or any later version -- -- Authors: Axel Kittenberger -- -- This is the "runner" part of lsyncd. It containts all its high-level logic. -- It works closely together with the lsyncd core in lsyncd.c. This means it -- cannot be runned directly from the standard lua interpreter. --============================================================================ ----- -- A security measurement. -- Core will exit if version ids mismatch. -- if lsyncd_version then -- checks if the runner is being loaded twice lsyncd.log("Error", "You cannot use the lsyncd runner as configuration file!") lsyncd.terminate(-1) -- ERRNO end lsyncd_version = "2.0beta1" ----- -- Hides the core interface from user scripts -- local _l = lsyncd lsyncd = nil local lsyncd = _l _l = nil ----- -- Shortcuts (which user is supposed to be able to use them as well) -- log = lsyncd.log terminate = lsyncd.terminate --============================================================================ -- Lsyncd Prototypes --============================================================================ ----- -- The array objects are tables that error if accessed with a non-number. -- local Array = (function() -- Metatable local mt = {} -- on accessing a nil index. mt.__index = function(t, k) if type(k) ~= "number" then error("Key '"..k.."' invalid for Array", 2) end return rawget(t, k) end -- on assigning a new index. mt.__newindex = function(t, k, v) if type(k) ~= "number" then error("Key '"..k.."' invalid for Array", 2) end rawset(t, k, v) end -- creates a new object local function new() local o = {} setmetatable(o, mt) return o end -- objects public interface return {new = new} end)() ----- -- The count array objects are tables that error if accessed with a non-number. -- Additionally they maintain their length as "size" attribute. -- Lua's # operator does not work on tables which key values are not -- strictly linear. -- local CountArray = (function() -- Metatable local mt = {} ----- -- key to native table local k_nt = {} ----- -- on accessing a nil index. mt.__index = function(t, k) if type(k) ~= "number" then error("Key '"..k.."' invalid for CountArray", 2) end return t[k_nt][k] end ----- -- on assigning a new index. mt.__newindex = function(t, k, v) if type(k) ~= "number" then error("Key '"..k.."' invalid for CountArray", 2) end -- value before local vb = t[k_nt][k] if v and not vb then t._size = t._size + 1 elseif not v and vb then t._size = t._size - 1 end t[k_nt][k] = v end ----- -- Walks through all entries in any order. -- local function walk(self) return pairs(self[k_nt]) end ----- -- returns the count -- local function size(self) return self._size end ----- -- creates a new count array -- local function new() -- k_nt is native table, private for this object. local o = {_size = 0, walk = walk, size = size, [k_nt] = {} } setmetatable(o, mt) return o end ----- -- public interface -- return {new = new} end)() ---- -- Locks globals, -- no more globals can be created -- local function lockGlobals() local t = _G local mt = getmetatable(t) or {} mt.__index = function(t, k) if (k~="_" and string.sub(k, 1, 2) ~= "__") then error("Access of non-existing global '"..k.."'", 2) else rawget(t, k) end end mt.__newindex = function(t, k, v) if (k~="_" and string.sub(k, 1, 2) ~= "__") then error("Lsyncd does not allow GLOBALS to be created on the fly. " .. "Declare '" ..k.."' local or declare global on load.", 2) else rawset(t, k, v) end end setmetatable(t, mt) end ----- -- Holds information about a delayed event of one Sync. -- local Delay = (function() ----- -- Creates a new delay. -- -- @params see below -- local function new(etype, alarm, path, path2) local o = { ----- -- Type of event. -- Can be 'Create', 'Modify', 'Attrib', 'Delete' and 'Move' etype = etype, ----- -- Latest point in time this should be catered for. -- This value is in kernel ticks, return of the C's -- times(NULL) call. alarm = alarm, ----- -- path and filename or dirname of the delay relative -- to the syncs root. -- for the directories it contains a trailing slash -- path = path, ------ -- only not nil for 'Move's. -- path and file/dirname of a move destination. -- path2 = path2, ------ -- Status of the event. Valid stati are: -- 'wait' ... the event is ready to be handled. -- 'active' ... there is process running catering for this event. -- 'blocked' ... this event waits for another to be handled first. -- 'done' ... event has been collected. This should never be -- visible as all references should be droped on -- collection, nevertheless seperat status for -- insurrance. -- status = "wait", } return o end return {new = new} end)() ----- -- User interface to grap events -- -- InletControl is the runners part to control the interface -- hidden from the user. -- local Inlet, InletControl = (function() -- lua runner controlled variables local sync ----- -- table to receive the delay of an event. local e2d = {} -- doesnt stop the garbage collect to remove entries. setmetatable(e2d, { __mode = 'kv' }) -- table to receive the delay list of an event list. local el2dl = {} -- doesnt stop the garbage collect to remove entries. setmetatable(el2dl, { __mode = 'kv' }) ----- -- removes the trailing slash from a path local function cutSlash(path) if string.byte(path, -1) == 47 then return string.sub(path, 1, -2) else return path end end local function getPath(event) if event.move ~= "To" then return e2d[event].path else return e2d[event].path2 end end ----- -- Interface for user scripts to get event fields. -- local eventFields = { ----- -- Returns a copy of the configuration as called by sync. -- But including all inherited data and default values. -- -- TODO give user a readonly version. -- config = function(event) return e2d[event].sync.config end, ----- -- Returns the type of the event. -- Can be: -- "Attrib", -- "Create", -- "Delete", -- "Modify", -- "Move", -- etype = function(event) return e2d[event].etype end, ----- -- Tells script this isnt a list. -- isList = function() return false end, ----- -- Returns 'Fr'/'To' for events of moves. move = function(event) local d = e2d[event] if d.move then return d.move else return "" end end, ----- -- Status status = function(event) return e2d[event].status end, ----- -- Returns true if event relates to a directory. -- isdir = function(event) return string.byte(getPath(event), -1) == 47 end, ----- -- Returns the name of the file/dir. -- Includes a trailing slash for dirs. -- name = function(event) return string.match(getPath(event), "[^/]+/?$") end, ----- -- Returns the name of the file/dir. -- Excludes a trailing slash for dirs. -- basename = function(event) return string.match(getPath(event), "([^/]+)/?$") end, ----- -- Returns the file/dir relative to watch root -- Includes a trailing slash for dirs. -- path = function(event) return getPath(event) end, ----- -- Returns the file/dir relativ to watch root -- Excludes a trailing slash for dirs. -- pathname = function(event) return cutSlash(getPath(event)) end, ------ -- Returns the absolute path of the watch root. -- All symlinks will have been resolved. -- source = function(event) return sync.source end, ------ -- Returns the absolute path of the file/dir. -- Includes a trailing slash for dirs. -- sourcePath = function(event) return sync.source .. getPath(event) end, ------ -- Returns the absolute path of the file/dir. -- Excludes a trailing slash for dirs. -- sourcePathname = function(event) return sync.source .. cutSlash(getPath(event)) end, ------ -- Returns the target. -- Just for user comfort, for most case -- (Actually except of here, the lsyncd.runner itself -- does not care event about the existance of "target", -- this is completly up to the action scripts.) -- target = function(event) return sync.config.target end, ------ -- Returns the relative dir/file appended to the target. -- Includes a trailing slash for dirs. -- targetPath = function(event) return sync.config.target .. getPath(event) end, ------ -- Returns the relative dir/file appended to the target. -- Excludes a trailing slash for dirs. -- targetPathname = function(event) return sync.config.target .. cutSlash(getPath(event)) end, } ----- -- Retrievs event fields for the user script. -- local eventMeta = { __index = function(t, k) local f = eventFields[k] if not f then if k == 'move' then -- possibly undefined return nil end error("event does not have field '"..k.."'", 2) end return f(t) end } ----- -- Interface for user scripts to get event fields. -- local eventListFuncs = { ----- -- Returns the paths of all events. -- getPaths = function(elist, delimiter) local dlist = el2dl[elist] if not dlist then error("cannot find delay list from event list.") end if not delimiter then delimiter = '\n' end local pl = {} local i = 1 for k, d in pairs(dlist) do if type(k) == "number" then pl[i] = d.path i = i + 1 if d.path2 then pl[i] = d.path2 i = i + 1 end end end return table.concat(pl, delimiter) .. delimiter end, ----- -- Returns the absolute local paths of all events. -- getSourcePaths = function(elist, delimiter) local dlist = el2dl[elist] if not dlist then error("cannot find delay list from event list.") end if not delimiter then delimiter = '\n' end local pl = {} local i = 1 for k, d in pairs(dlist) do if type(k) == "number" then pl[i] = sync.source .. d.path i = i + 1 if d.path2 then pl[i] = sync.source .. d.path2 i = i + 1 end end end return table.concat(pl, delimiter) .. delimiter end, } ----- -- Retrievs event list fields for the user script. -- local eventListMeta = { __index = function(t, k) if k == "isList" then return true end local f = eventListFuncs[k] if not f then error("event list does not have function '"..k.."'", 2) end return function() return f(t) end end } ----- -- Encapsulates a delay into an event for the user script. -- local function d2e(delay) if delay.etype ~= "Move" then if not delay.event then local event = {} delay.event = event setmetatable(event, eventMeta) e2d[event] = delay end return delay.event else -- moves have 2 events - origin and destination if not delay.event then local event = {} local event2 = {} delay.event = event delay.event2 = event2 setmetatable(event, eventMeta) setmetatable(event2, eventMeta) e2d[delay.event] = delay e2d[delay.event2] = delay -- move events have a field 'event' event.move = "Fr" event2.move = "To" end return delay.event, delay.event2 end end ----- -- Encapsulates a delay list into an event list for the user script. -- local function dl2el(dlist) if not dlist.elist then local elist = {} dlist.elist = elist setmetatable(elist, eventListMeta) el2dl[elist] = dlist end return dlist.elist end ----- -- Creates a blanketEvent that blocks everything -- and is blocked by everything. -- local function createBlanketEvent() return d2e(sync:addBlanketDelay()) end ----- -- Discards a waiting event. -- local function discardEvent(event) local delay = e2d[event] if delay.status ~= "wait" then log("Error", "Ignored try to cancel a non-waiting event of type ", event.etype) return end delay.sync:removeDelay(delay) end ----- -- Gets the next not blocked event from queue. -- local function getEvent() return d2e(sync:getNextDelay(lysncd.now())) end ----- -- Gets all events that are not blocked by active events. -- local function getEvents() local dlist = sync:getDelays() return dl2el(dlist) end ----- -- Returns the configuration table specified by sync{} -- local function getConfig() -- TODO give a readonly handler only. return sync.config end ----- -- Interface for lsyncd runner to control what -- the inlet will present the user. -- local function setSync(setSync) sync = setSync end ----- -- Returns the delay from a event. -- not to be called from user script. local function getDelay(event) return e2d[event] end ----- -- Returns the delay list from a event list. -- not to be called from user script. local function getDelayList(elist) return el2dl[elist] end ----- -- Return the currentsync -- not to be called from user script. local function getSync() return sync end ----- -- public interface. -- this one is split, one for user one for runner. return { getEvent = getEvent, getEvents = getEvents, getConfig = getConfig, createBlanketEvent = createBlanketEvent, }, { setSync = setSync, getSync = getSync, getDelay = getDelay, getDelayList = getDelayList, d2e = d2e, dl2el = dl2el, } end)() ----- -- Holds information about one observed directory inclusively subdirs. -- local Sync = (function() ----- -- Syncs that have no name specified by the user script -- get an incremental default name 'Sync[X]' -- local nextDefaultName = 1 ----- -- Removes a delay. -- local function removeDelay(self, delay) local found for i, d in ipairs(self.delays) do if d == delay then found = true table.remove(self.delays, i) break end end if not found then error("Did not find a delay to be removed!") end -- free all delays blocked by this one. if delay.blocks then for i, vd in pairs(delay.blocks) do vd.status = "wait" end end end ----- -- Collects a child process -- local function collect(self, pid, exitcode) local delay = self.processes[pid] if not delay then -- not a child of this sync. return end if delay.status then -- collected an event if delay.status ~= "active" then error("internal fail, collecting a non-active process") end InletControl.setSync(self) local rc = self.config.collect(InletControl.d2e(delay), exitcode) -- TODO honor return codes of the collect? removeDelay(self, delay) log("Delay","Finish of ",delay.etype," on ", self.source,delay.path," = ",exitcode) else log("Delay", "collected a list") InletControl.setSync(self) local rc = self.config.collect(InletControl.dl2el(delay), exitcode) -- TODO honor return codes of collect? for k, d in pairs(delay) do if type(k) == "number" then removeDelay(self, d) end end log("Delay","Finished list = ",exitcode) end self.processes[pid] = nil end ----- -- Stacks a newDelay on the oldDelay, -- the oldDelay blocks the new Delay. -- -- A delay can block 'n' other delays, -- but is blocked at most by one, the latest delay. -- local function stack(oldDelay, newDelay) newDelay.status = "block" if not oldDelay.blocks then oldDelay.blocks = {} end table.insert(oldDelay.blocks, newDelay) end ----- -- Puts an action on the delay stack. -- local function delay(self, etype, time, path, path2) log("Function", "delay(", self.config.name,", ",etype,", ",path,")") if path2 then log("Function", "+ ",path2) end if etype == "Move" and not self.config.onMove then -- if there is no move action defined, -- split a move as delete/create log("Delay", "splitting Move into Delete & Create") delay(self, "Delete", time, path, nil) delay(self, "Create", time, path2, nil) return end -- creates the new action local alarm if time and self.config.delay then alarm = lsyncd.addtoclock(time, self.config.delay) else alarm = lsyncd.now() end -- new delay local nd = Delay.new(etype, alarm, path, path2) if nd.etype == "Blanket" then -- always stack blanket events on the last event log("Delay", "Stacking blanket event.") if #self.delays > 0 then stack(self.delays[#self.delays], nd) end addDelayPath("", nd) table.insert(self.delays, nd) return end ----- -- detects blocks and collapses by working from back until -- front through the fifo InletControl.setSync(self) local ne, ne2 = InletControl.d2e(nd) local il = #self.delays -- last delay while il > 0 do -- get 'old' delay local od = self.delays[il] -- tries to collapse identical paths local oe, oe2 = InletControl.d2e(od) if oe.etype == "Blanket" then -- everything is blocked by a blanket event. log("Delay", "Stacking ",nd.etype," upon blanket event.") stack(od, nd) table.insert(self.delays, nd) return end -- this mini loop repeats the collapse a second -- time for move events local oel = oe local nel = ne while oel and nel do local c = self.config.collapse(oel, nel, self.config) if c == 0 then -- events nullificate each ether od.etype = "None" -- TODO better remove? return elseif c == 1 then log("Delay",nd.etype," is absored by event ", od.etype," on ",path) return elseif c == 2 then if od.etype ~= "Move" then log("Delay",nd.etype," replaces event ", od.etype," on ",path) od.etype = nd.etype if od.path ~= nd.path then error("Cannot replace events with different paths") end else log("Delay",nd.etype," turns a Move into delete of ", od.path) od.etype = "Delete" od.path2 = nil table.insert(self.delays, nd) end return elseif c == 3 then log("Delay", "Stacking ",nd.etype," upon ", od.etype," on ",path) stack(od, nd) table.insert(self.delays, nd) return end -- loops over all oe, oe2, ne, ne2 combos. if oel == oe and oe2 then -- do another time for oe2 if present oel = oe2 elseif nel == ne then -- do another time for ne2 if present -- start with first oe nel = ne2 oel = oe else oel = false end end il = il - 1 end log("Delay", "Registering ",nd.etype," on ",path) -- there was no hit on collapse or it decided to stack. table.insert(self.delays, nd) end ----- -- Returns the nearest alarm for this Sync. -- local function getAlarm(self) -- first checks if more processses could be spawned if self.processes:size() >= self.config.maxProcesses then return nil end -- finds the nearest delay waiting to be spawned for _, d in ipairs(self.delays) do if d.status == "wait" then return d.alarm end end -- nothing to spawn. return nil end ----- -- Gets all delays that are not blocked by active delays. -- local function getDelays(self) local dlist = {} local blocks = {} ---- -- inheritly transfers all blocks from delay -- local function getBlocks(delay) blocks[delay] = true for i, d in ipairs(delay.blocks) do getBlocks(d) end end for i, d in ipairs(self.delays) do if d.status == "active" then getBlocks(d) elseif not blocks[d] then dlist[i] = d end end return dlist end ----- -- Creates new actions -- local function invokeActions(self, now) log("Function", "invokeActions('",self.config.name,"',",now,")") if self.processes:size() >= self.config.maxProcesses then -- no new processes return end for _, d in ipairs(self.delays) do if #self.delays < self.config.maxDelays then -- time constrains only are only a concern if not maxed -- the delay FIFO already. if d.alarm ~= true and lsyncd.clockbefore(now, d.alarm) then -- reached point in stack where delays are in future return end end if d.status == "wait" then -- found a waiting delay InletControl.setSync(self) self.config.action(Inlet) if self.processes:size() >= self.config.maxProcesses then -- no further processes return end end end end ----- -- Gets the next event to be processed. -- local function getNextDelay(self, now) for i, d in ipairs(self.delays) do if #self.delays < self.config.maxDelays then -- time constrains only are only a concern if not maxed -- the delay FIFO already. if d.alarm ~= true and lsyncd.clockbefore(now, d.alarm) then -- reached point in stack where delays are in future return nil end end if d.status == "wait" then -- found a waiting delay return d end end end ------ -- adds and returns a blanket delay thats blocks all -- (used in startup) -- local function addBlanketDelay(self) local newd = Delay.new("Blanket", true, "") table.insert(self.delays, newd) return newd end ----- -- Writes a status report about delays in this sync. -- local function statusReport(self, f) local spaces = " " f:write(self.config.name," source=",self.source,"\n") f:write("There are ",#self.delays, " delays\n") for i, vd in ipairs(self.delays) do local st = vd.status f:write(st, string.sub(spaces, 1, 7 - #st)) f:write(vd.etype," ") -- TODO spaces f:write(vd.path) if (vd.path2) then f:write(" -> ",vd.path2) end f:write("\n") end end ----- -- Creates a new Sync -- local function new(config) local s = { -- fields config = config, delays = CountArray.new(), source = config.source, processes = CountArray.new(), -- functions collect = collect, delay = delay, addBlanketDelay = addBlanketDelay, getAlarm = getAlarm, getDelays = getDelays, getNextDelay = getNextDelay, invokeActions = invokeActions, removeDelay = removeDelay, statusReport = statusReport, } -- provides a default name if needed if not config.name then config.name = "Sync" .. nextDefaultName end -- increments default nevertheless to cause less confusion -- so name will be the n-th call to sync{} nextDefaultName = nextDefaultName + 1 return s end ----- -- public interface -- return {new = new} end)() ----- -- Syncs - a singleton -- -- It maintains all configured directories to be synced. -- local Syncs = (function() ----- -- the list of all syncs -- local list = Array.new() ----- -- inheritly copies all non integer keys from -- @cd copy destination -- to -- @cs copy source -- all integer keys are treated as new copy sources -- local function inherit(cd, cs) -- first copies from source all -- non-defined non-integer keyed values for k, v in pairs(cs) do if type(k) ~= "number" and not cd[k] then cd[k] = v end end -- first recurses into all integer keyed tables for i, v in ipairs(cs) do if type(v) == "table" then inherit(cd, v) end end end ----- -- Adds a new directory to observe. -- local function add(config) ----- -- Creates a new config table and inherit all keys/values -- from integer keyed tables -- local uconfig = config config = {} inherit(config, uconfig) -- at very first let the userscript 'prepare' function -- fill out more values. if type(config.prepare) == "function" then -- give explicitly a writeable copy of config. config.prepare(config) end if not config["source"] then local info = debug.getinfo(3, "Sl") log("Error", info.short_src, ":", info.currentline, ": source missing from sync.") terminate(-1) -- ERRNO end -- absolute path of source local realsrc = lsyncd.realdir(config.source) if not realsrc then log("Error", "Cannot access source directory: ",config.source) terminate(-1) -- ERRNO end config._source = config.source config.source = realsrc if not config.action and not config.onAttrib and not config.onCreate and not config.onModify and not config.onDelete and not config.onMove then local info = debug.getinfo(3, "Sl") log("Error", info.short_src, ":", info.currentline, ": no actions specified, use e.g. 'config=default.rsync'.") terminate(-1) -- ERRNO end -- loads a default value for an option if not existent local defaultValues = { 'action', 'collapse', 'collapseTable', 'collect', 'init', 'maxDelays', 'maxProcesses', } for _, dn in pairs(defaultValues) do if config[dn] == nil then config[dn] = settings[dn] or default[dn] end end --- creates the new sync local s = Sync.new(config) table.insert(list, s) end ----- -- allows to walk through all syncs -- local function iwalk() return ipairs(list) end ----- -- returns the number of syncs -- local size = function() return #list end -- public interface return {add = add, iwalk = iwalk, size = size} end)() ----- -- Interface to inotify, watches recursively subdirs and -- sends events. -- -- All inotify specific implementation should be enclosed here. -- So lsyncd can work with other notifications mechanisms just -- by changing this. -- local Inotifies = (function() ----- -- A list indexed by inotifies watch descriptor. -- Contains a list of all syncs observing this directory -- (directly or by recurse) local wdlist = CountArray.new() ----- -- A list indexed by sync's containing a list of all paths -- watches by this sync pointing to the watch descriptor. local syncpaths = {} ----- -- Adds watches for a directory including all subdirectories. -- -- @param root+path directory to observe -- @param recurse true if recursing into subdirs or -- the relative path to root for recursed inotifies -- @param sync link to the observer to be notified. -- Note: Inotifies should handle this opaquely local function add(root, path, recurse, sync) log("Function", "Inotifies.add(",root,", ",path,", ",recurse,", ",sync,")") -- registers watch local wd = lsyncd.inotifyadd(root .. path); if wd < 0 then log("Error","Failure adding watch ",dir," -> ignored ") return end if not wdlist[wd] then wdlist[wd] = Array.new() end table.insert(wdlist[wd], { root = root, path = path, recurse = recurse, sync = sync }) -- create an entry for receival of with sync/path keys local sp = syncpaths[sync] if not sp then sp = {} syncpaths[sync] = sp end sp[path] = wd -- registers and adds watches for all subdirectories if recurse then local subdirs = lsyncd.subdirs(root .. path) for _, dirname in ipairs(subdirs) do add(root, path..dirname.."/", true, sync) end end end ----- -- Removes one event receiver from a directory. -- local function removeSync(sync, path) local sp = syncpaths[sync] if not sp then error("internal fail, removeSync, nonexisting sync: ") end local wd = sp[path] if not wd then error("internal fail, removeSync, nonexisting wd.") end local ilist = wdlist[wd] if not ilist then error("internal fail, removeSync, nonexisting ilist.") end -- TODO optimize for 1 entry only case local i, found for i, v in ipairs(ilist) do if v.sync == sync then found = true break end end if not found then error("internal fail, removeSync, nonexisiting i.") end table.remove(ilist, i) if #ilist == 0 then wdlist[wd] = nil lsyncd.inotifyrm(wd) end sp[path] = nil end ----- -- Called when an event has occured. -- -- @param etype "Attrib", "Mofify", "Create", "Delete", "Move") -- @param wd watch descriptor (matches lsyncd.inotifyadd()) -- @param isdir true if filename is a directory -- @param time time of event -- @param filename string filename without path -- @param filename2 -- local function event(etype, wd, isdir, time, filename, filename2) local ftype; if isdir then ftype = "directory" filename = filename .. "/" if filename2 then filename2 = filename2 .. "/" end end if filename2 then log("Inotify", "got event ", etype, " ", filename, " to ", filename2) else log("Inotify", "got event ", etype, " ", filename) end local ilist = wdlist[wd] -- looks up the watch descriptor id if not ilist then -- this is normal in case of deleted subdirs log("Inotify", "event belongs to unknown watch descriptor.") return end -- works through all observers interested in this directory for _, inotify in ipairs(ilist) do local path = inotify.path .. filename local path2 if filename2 then path2 = inotify.path .. filename2 end inotify.sync:delay(etype, time, path, path2) -- adds subdirs for new directories if isdir and inotify.recurse then if etype == "Create" then add(inotify.root, path, true, inotify.sync) elseif etype == "Delete" then removeSync(inotify.sync, path) elseif etype == "Move" then removeSync(inotify.sync, path) add(inotify.root, path2, true, inotify.sync) end end end end ----- -- Writes a status report about inotifies to a filedescriptor -- local function statusReport(f) f:write("Watching ",wdlist:size()," directories\n") for wd, v in wdlist:walk() do f:write(" ",wd,": ") local sep = "" for _, v in ipairs(v) do f:write(v.root,"/",v.path or "",sep) sep = ", " end f:write("\n") end end ----- -- Returns the number of directories watched in total. local function size() return wdlist:size() end -- public interface return { add = add, size = size, event = event, statusReport = statusReport } end)() ---- -- Writes a status report file at most every [statusintervall] seconds. -- -- local StatusFile = (function() ----- -- Timestamp when the status file has been written. local lastWritten = false ----- -- Timestamp when a status file should be written local alarm = false ----- -- Returns when the status file should be written -- local function getAlarm() return alarm end ----- -- Called to check if to write a status file. -- local function write(now) log("Function", "write(", now, ")") -- some logic to not write too often if settings.statusIntervall > 0 then -- already waiting if alarm and lsyncd.clockbefore(now, alarm) then log("Statusfile", "waiting(",now," < ",alarm,")") return end -- determines when a next write will be possible if not alarm then local nextWrite = lastWritten and lsyncd.addtoclock(now, settings.statusIntervall) if nextWrite and lsyncd.clockbefore(now, nextWrite) then log("Statusfile", "setting alarm: ", nextWrite) alarm = nextWrite return end end lastWritten = now alarm = false end log("Statusfile", "writing now") local f, err = io.open(settings.statusFile, "w") if not f then log("Error", "Cannot open status file '"..settings.statusFile.. "' :"..err) return end f:write("Lsyncd status report at ", os.date(), "\n\n") for i, s in Syncs.iwalk() do s:statusReport(f) f:write("\n") end Inotifies.statusReport(f) f:close() end -- public interface return {write = write, getAlarm = getAlarm} end)() --============================================================================ -- lsyncd runner plugs. These functions will be called from core. --============================================================================ ----- -- Current status of lsyncd. -- -- "init" ... on (re)init -- "run" ... normal operation -- "fade" ... waits for remaining processes -- local lsyncdStatus = "init" ---- -- the cores interface to the runner local runner = {} ----- -- Called from core whenever lua code failed. -- Logs a backtrace -- function runner.callError(message) log("Error", "IN LUA: ", message) -- prints backtrace local level = 2 while true do local info = debug.getinfo(level, "Sl") if not info then terminate(-1) -- ERRNO end log("Error", "Backtrace ", level - 1, " :", info.short_src, ":", info.currentline) level = level + 1 end end ----- -- Called from code whenever a child process finished and -- zombie process was collected by core. -- function runner.collectProcess(pid, exitcode) for _, s in Syncs.iwalk() do if s:collect(pid, exitcode) then return end end end ---- -- Called from core everytime a masterloop cycle runs through. -- This happens in case of -- * an expired alarm. -- * a returned child process. -- * received inotify events. -- * received a HUP or TERM signal. -- -- @param now the current kernel time (in jiffies) -- function runner.cycle(now) -- goes through all syncs and spawns more actions -- if possible for _, s in Syncs.iwalk() do s:invokeActions(now) end if settings.statusFile then StatusFile.write(now) end end ----- -- Called by core before anything is "-help" or "--help" is in -- the arguments. -- function runner.help() io.stdout:write( [[ USAGE: run a config file: lsyncd [OPTIONS] [CONFIG-FILE] default rsync behaviour: lsyncd [OPTIONS] -rsync [SOURCE] [TARGET1] [TARGET2] ... OPTIONS: -help Shows this -log all Logs everything -log scarce Logs errors only -log [Category] Turns on logging for a debug category -runner FILE Loads lsyncds lua part from FILE LICENSE: GPLv2 or any later version. SEE: `man lsyncd` for further information. ]]) os.exit(-1) -- ERRNO end ----- -- Called from core to parse the command line arguments -- @returns a string as user script to load. -- or simply 'true' if running with rsync bevaiour -- terminates on invalid arguments -- function runner.configure(args) -- a list of all valid --options local options = { -- log is handled by core already. log = {1}, } -- filled with all args that were non --options local nonopts = {} local i = 1 while i <= #args do local a = args[i] if a:sub(1, 1) ~= "-" then table.insert(nonopts, args[i]) else if a:sub(1, 2) == "--" then a = a:sub(3) else a = a:sub(2) end local o = options[a] if o then -- TODO -- i = i + o[1] else log("Error","unknown option command line option ", a) os.exit(-1) -- ERRNO end end i = i + 1 end if #nonopts == 0 then runner.help(args[0]) elseif #nonopts == 1 then return nonopts[1] else log("Error", "There can only be one config file in command line.") os.exit(-1) -- ERRNO end end ---- -- Called from core on init or restart after user configuration. -- function runner.initialize() -- creates settings if user didnt settings = settings or {} -- From this point on, no globals may be created anymore lockGlobals() ----- -- transfers some defaults to settings -- TODO: loop if settings.statusIntervall == nil then settings.statusIntervall = default.statusIntervall end -- makes sure the user gave lsyncd anything to do if Syncs.size() == 0 then log("Error", "Nothing to watch!") log("Error", "Use sync(SOURCE, TARGET, BEHAVIOR) in your config file."); terminate(-1) -- ERRNO end -- from now on use logging as configured instead of stdout/err. lsyncdStatus = "run"; lsyncd.configure("running"); -- runs through the syncs table filled by user calling directory() for _, s in Syncs.iwalk() do Inotifies.add(s.source, "", true, s) if s.config.init then InletControl.setSync(s) s.config.init(Inlet) end end end ---- -- Called by core to query soonest alarm. -- -- @return false ... no alarm, core can in untimed sleep, or -- true ... immediate action -- times ... the alarm time (only read if number is 1) -- function runner.getAlarm() local alarm = false ---- -- checks if current nearest alarm or a is earlier -- local function checkAlarm(a) if alarm == true or not a then -- already immediate or no new alarm return end if not alarm then alarm = a else alarm = lsyncd.earlier(alarm, a) end end -- checks all syncs for their earliest alarm for _, s in Syncs.iwalk() do checkAlarm(s:getAlarm()) end -- checks if a statusfile write has been delayed checkAlarm(StatusFile.getAlarm()) log("Debug", "getAlarm returns: ",alarm) return alarm end ----- -- Called when an inotify event arrived. -- Simply forwards it directly to the object. runner.inotifyEvent = Inotifies.event ----- -- Collector for every child process that finished in startup phase -- -- Parameters are pid and exitcode of child process -- -- Can return either a new pid if one other child process -- has been spawned as replacement (e.g. retry) or 0 if -- finished/ok. -- function runner.collector(pid, exitcode) if exitcode ~= 0 then log("Error", "Startup process", pid, " failed") terminate(-1) -- ERRNO end return 0 end ---- -- Called by core when an overflow happened. -- function runner.overflow() log("Error", "--- OVERFLOW on inotify event queue ---") terminate(-1) -- TODO reset instead. end --============================================================================ -- lsyncd user interface --============================================================================ ----- -- Main utility to create new observations. -- function sync(opts) if lsyncdStatus ~= "init" then error("Sync can only be created on initialization.", 2) end Syncs.add(opts) end ----- -- Spawn a new child process -- -- @param agent the reason why a process is spawned. -- normally this is a delay/event of a sync. -- it will mark the related files as blocked. -- or it is a string saying "all", that this -- process blocks all events and is blocked by all -- this is used on startup. -- @param collect a table of exitvalues and the action that shall taken. -- @param binary binary to call -- @param ... arguments -- function spawn(agent, binary, ...) if agent == nil or type(agent) ~= "table" then error("spawning with an invalid agent", 2) end local pid = lsyncd.exec(binary, ...) if pid and pid > 0 then local sync = InletControl.getSync() local delay = InletControl.getDelay(agent) if delay then delay.status = "active" sync.processes[pid] = delay else local dlist = InletControl.getDelayList(agent) if not dlist then error("spawning with an unknown agent", 2) end for k, d in pairs(dlist) do if type(k) == "number" then d.status = "active" end end sync.processes[pid] = dlist end end end ----- -- Spawns a child process using bash. -- function spawnShell(agent, command, ...) return spawn(agent, "/bin/sh", "-c", command, "/bin/sh", ...) end ----- -- Comfort routine also for user. -- Returns true if 'String' starts with 'Start' -- function string.starts(String,Start) return string.sub(String,1,string.len(Start))==Start end ----- -- Comfort routine also for user. -- Returns true if 'String' ends with 'End' -- function string.ends(String,End) return End=='' or string.sub(String,-string.len(End))==End end --============================================================================ -- lsyncd default settings --============================================================================ ----- -- lsyncd classic - sync with rsync -- local defaultRsync = { ----- -- Spawns rsync for a list of events -- action = function(inlet) local elist = inlet.getEvents() local config = inlet.getConfig() local spaths = elist.getSourcePaths() log("Normal", "rsyncing list\n", spaths) spawn(elist, "/usr/bin/rsync", "<", spaths, "--delete", config.rsyncOps.."d", "--include-from=-", "--exclude=\"*\"", config.source, config.target) end, ----- -- Spawns the recursive startup sync -- init = function(inlet) local config = inlet.getConfig() local event = inlet.createBlanketEvent() if string.sub(config.target, -1) ~= "/" then config.target = config.target .. "/" end log("Normal", "recursive startup rsync: ", config.source, " -> ", config.target) spawn(event, "/usr/bin/rsync", "--delete", config.rsyncOps.."r", config.source, config.target) end, ----- -- Calls rsync with this options -- rsyncOps = "-lts", ----- -- Default delay 3 seconds -- delay = 3, } ----- -- The default table for the user to access -- TODO make readonly -- default = { ----- -- Default action calls user scripts on**** functions. -- action = function(inlet) -- in case of moves getEvent returns the origin and dest of the move local event, event2 = inlet.getEvent() local config = inlet.getConfig() local func = config["on".. event.etype] if func then func(event, event2) end -- if function didnt change the wait status its not interested -- in this event -> drop it. if event.status == "wait" then inlet.discardEvent(event) end end, ----- -- Called to see if two events can be collapsed. -- -- Default function uses the collapseTable. -- -- @param event1 first event -- @param event2 second event -- @return -1 ... no interconnection -- 0 ... drop both events. -- 1 ... keep first event only -- 2 ... keep second event only -- 3 ... events block. -- collapse = function(event1, event2, config) if event1.path == event2.path then local e1 = event1.etype .. event1.move local e2 = event2.etype .. event2.move return config.collapseTable[e1][e2] end ----- -- Block events if one is a parent directory of another -- if event1.isdir and string.starts(event2.path, event1.path) then return 3 end if event2.isdir and string.starts(event1.path, event2.path) then return 3 end return -1 end, ----- -- Used by default collapse function. -- Specifies how two event should be collapsed when here -- horizontal event meets upon a vertical event. -- values: -- 0 ... nullification of both events. -- 1 ... absorbtion of horizontal event. -- 2 ... replace of vertical event. -- 3 ... stack both events, vertical blocking horizonal. -- 9 ... combines two move events. -- collapseTable = { Attrib = {Attrib=1, Modify=2, Create=2, Delete=2, MoveFr=3, MoveTo= 2}, Modify = {Attrib=1, Modify=1, Create=2, Delete=2, MoveFr=3, MoveTo= 2}, Create = {Attrib=1, Modify=1, Create=1, Delete=0, MoveFr=3, MoveTo= 2}, Delete = {Attrib=1, Modify=1, Create=3, Delete=1, MoveFr=3, MoveTo= 2}, MoveFr = {Attrib=3, Modify=3, Create=3, Delete=3, MoveFr=3, MoveTo= 3}, -- MoveTo = {Attrib=3, Modify=3, Create=2, Delete=2, MoveFr=9, MoveTo= 2}, TODO 9 MoveTo = {Attrib=3, Modify=3, Create=2, Delete=2, MoveFr=3, MoveTo= 2}, }, ----- -- Called when collecting a finished child process -- collect = function(agent, exitcode) if agent.isList then log("Normal", "Finished a list = ",exitcode) else if agent.etype == "Blanket" then if exitcode == 0 then log("Normal", "Startup of '",agent.source,"' finished.") else log("Error", "Failure on startup of '",agent.source,"'.") terminate(-1) -- ERRNO end return end log("Normal", "Finished ",agent.etype, " on ",agent.sourcePath," = ",exitcode) end end, ----- -- called on (re)initalizing of lsyncd. -- init = function(inlet) local config = inlet.getConfig() -- creates a prior startup if configured if type(config.onStartup) == "function" then local event = inlet.createBlanketEvent() local startup = config.onStartup(event) if event.status == "wait" then -- user script did not spawn anything -- thus the blanket event is deleted again. inlet.discardEvent(event) end -- TODO honor some return codes of startup like "warmstart". end end, ----- -- The maximum number of processes lsyncd will spawn simultanously for -- one sync. -- maxProcesses = 1, ----- -- Try not to have more than these delays. -- not too large, since total calculation for stacking -- events is n*log(n) or so.. -- maxDelays = 1000, ----- -- a default rsync configuration for easy usage. -- rsync = defaultRsync, ----- -- Minimum seconds between two writes of a status file. -- statusIntervall = 10, } ----- -- Returns the core the runners function interface. -- return runner