---- -- Example lsyncd configuration for syncing with an Amazon S3 bucket -- -- This requires the official AWS CLI to be available, and that credentials -- bet set up through some external method, such as environment variables, -- IAM profiles or the AWS SDK configuration. -- -- The AWS CLI sync exclude rules are not as powerful as the ones supported by -- lsyncd. Hence, some of the do not translate perfectly. For example, '*' -- (asterisk) matches slashes, while it does not in lsyncd. Hence it is a good -- idea to only use exclude patterns for full directories, either by using a -- trailing / (slash) or ** (double asterisk), as those will be correctly -- translated. -- -- An initialSync options is provided as a convenience, since it's not easy to -- make sure exclusion rules match when doing it manually. It will *pull* from -- the target bucket to the local dir (the opposite of the regular behavior) -- then exit immediately. -- -- Author: Daniel Miranda -- s3 = {} s3.checkgauge = { onCreate = false, onModify = false, onDelete = false, onStartup = false, onMove = false, delete = true, exclude = true, excludeFrom = true, target = true, s3 = { -- Path to the AWS CLI binary awscliBinary = true, -- Extra options to pass to the AWS CLI (as a list) awscliOptions = true, -- Whether to do a dry-run, and not make any real changes dryrun = true, -- Do an initial pull from the bucket and exit immediately. initialSync = true } } -- Generate a list of exclude flags for the AWS CLI based on the lsyncd -- patterns provided. Cache it to avoid re-generating it every time. local s3Excludes = function(config, excludes) if config.s3._excludes == nil then config.s3._excludes = {} for _, pat in ipairs(excludes) do pat = pat:gsub('%*%*', '[[ANY]]') pat = pat:gsub('%?', '[[ANY_BUT_SLASH_ONCE]]') pat = pat:gsub('/$', '/*') pat = pat:gsub('%[%[ANY%]%]', '*') pat = pat:gsub('%[%[ANY_BUT_SLASH_ONCE%]%]', '[^/]') if pat:match('^/') then pat = pat:sub(2, -1) else pat = '*/' .. pat end table.insert(config.s3._excludes, '--exclude') table.insert(config.s3._excludes, pat) end log('s3Excludes', table.concat(config.s3._excludes, '\n')) end return config.s3._excludes end -- Generates a command line to call the AWS CLI as configured, with the provided -- S3 action (such as cp, mv, rm or sync). -- Returns a tuple of (binaryPath, arguments) local awscliCommand = function(verb, config) local bin = config.s3.awscliBinary local args = {'s3', verb, '--only-show-errors'} if config.s3.dryrun then table.insert(args, '--dryrun') end if verb == 'sync' and (config.delete == true or config.delete == 'startup') then table.insert(args, '--delete') end for _, opt in ipairs(config.s3.awscliOptions) do table.insert(args, opt) end return bin, args end s3.action = function(inlet) local event, event2 = inlet.getEvent() -- S3 never actually deals with directories - they are just an illusion -- created based on the common prefixes of objects. Hence discard any events -- that do not concern files. if event.isdir then inlet.discardEvent(event) return end local config = inlet.getConfig() if event.etype == 'Create' or event.etype == 'Modify' then local bin, args = awscliCommand('cp', config) spawn( event, bin, args, event.sourcePath, event.targetPath ) elseif event.etype == 'Delete' then if config.delete ~= true and config.delete ~= 'running' then inlet.discardEvent(event) return end local bin, args = awscliCommand('rm', config) spawn( event, bin, args, event.targetPath ) elseif event.etype == 'Move' then local bin, args = awscliCommand('mv', config) spawn( event, bin, args, event.targetPath, event2.targetPath ) else log('Warn', 'ignored an event of type "', event.etype, '"') inlet.discardEvent(event) end end s3.init = function(event) local config = event.config local inlet = event.inlet local excludes = s3Excludes(config, inlet.getExcludes()) local bin, args = awscliCommand('sync', config) -- Do a pull when initialSync is enabled. if config.s3.initialSync then spawn( event, bin, args, excludes, config.target, event.sourcePath ) -- And a push, as usual, otherwise else spawn( event, bin, args, excludes, event.sourcePath, config.target ) end end -- Define a collect callback so we can terminate immediately when initialSync -- is enabled s3.collect = function(agent, exitcode) local config = agent.config if not agent.isList and agent.etype == 'Init' and config.s3.initialSync then terminate(exitcode == 0 and 0 or -1) end return end s3.prepare = function(config, level) default.prepare(config, level + 1) config.target = config.target:gsub('/+$', '') if not config.target:match('^s3://') then config.target = 's3://' .. config.target end end s3.s3 = { awscliBinary = '/usr/bin/aws', awscliOptions = {}, dryrun = false, initialSync = false } s3.delete = false s3.delay = 10 s3.maxProcesses = 1 sync { s3, source = '/my/dir', target = 's3://my-bucket/my-path', delay = 30, delete = true, maxProcesses = 2, exclude = { '/sub/folder/', }, s3 = { awscliBinary = '/usr/local/bin/aws', awscliOptions = {'--acl', 'public-read'}, dryrun = false } }