require("socket") settings.nodaemon = true --hostname = "" hostname = "" port = 6667 nick = "lbot01" chan = "##lfile01" ----- -- this blocks until the connection is established -- for once this ok since Lsyncd didnt yet start. local ircSocket, err = socket.connect(hostname, port) if not ircSocket then log("Error", "Cannot connect to IRC: ", err) terminate(-1) end ----- -- from now it must not block! ircSocket:settimeout(0) ------ -- Buffer for stuff to send and receive on IRC: local ircWBuf = "" local ircRBuf = "" local writeIrc ----- -- Called when the IRC socket can be written local function ircWritey(fd) writeIrc() end ---- -- Called when socket can be read local function ircReady(socket) local l, err, ircRBuf = ircSocket:receive("*l", ircRBuf) log("Normal", "XXX", l) if not l then if errr ~= "timeout" then log("Error", "IRC connection failed: ", err) terminate(-1) end else ircRBuf = "" return end log("Normal", "ircin :", l) --- answers ping messages local ping = l:match("PING :(.*)") if ping then writeIRC("PONG :", ping) end end ----- -- Writes on IRC socket function writeIrc(...) ircWBuf = ircWBuf..table.concat({...}) local s, err = ircSocket:send(ircWBuf) if not s then log("Error", "IRC connection failed: ", err) terminate(-1) end --- log what has been send, but dont log the linefeed. if (ircWBuf:sub(s, s) == "\n") then log("Normal", "ircout: ", ircWBuf:sub(1, s - 1)) else log("Normal", "ircout: ", ircWBuf:sub(1, s), "\\") end ircWBuf = ircWBuf:sub(s + 1, -1) -- when the write buffer is empty unregister from core -- this script no longer wants to be called when it can write -- on the socket. If the buffer is filled register at the core. if ircWBuf == "" then observefd(ircSocket:getfd(), ircReady, nil) else observefd(ircSocket:getfd(), ircReady, ircWritey) end end writeIrc("NICK ", nick, "\n") writeIrc("USER ", nick, " 0 * :testbot", "\n") writeIrc("JOIN ", chan, "\n") ---- -- Lets the Lsyncd core watch the IRCs filedescriptor -- and call ircReady and ircWritey when they are -- ready for transfer observefd(ircSocket:getfd(), ircReady, ircWritey) local function action(inlet) -- event2 is the target of a move event local event, event2 = inlet.getEvent() if not event2 then writeIrc("PRIVMSG ",chan," :",event.etype," ", event.path) else writeIrc("PRIVMSG ",chan," :",event.etype," ", event.path," -> ",event2.path) end inlet.discardEvent(event) end sync{source= "src", action= action, delay= 1 }