--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- lftp.lua -- -- Syncs with lftp -- A (Layer 1) configuration. --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lftp = { ----- -- Spawns rsync for a list of events -- action = function(inlet) -- gets all events ready for syncing local elist = inlet.getEvents( function(event) return event.etype ~= 'Init' and event.etype ~= 'Blanket' end ) ----- -- replaces filter rule by literals -- local function sub(p) if not p then return end return p:gsub('%?', '\\?'): gsub('%*', '\\*'): gsub('%[', '\\['): gsub('%]', '\\]') end local config = inlet.getConfig() local commands = elist.getPaths( function(etype, path1, path2) if etype == 'Delete' then if string.byte(path1, -1) == 47 then return 'rm -r '.. config.targetdir..sub(path1) else return 'rm '.. config.targetdir..sub(path1) end elseif etype == 'Create' or etype == 'Modify' or etype == 'Attrib' then if string.byte(path1, -1) == 47 then return 'mirror -R '.. config.source..sub(path1)..' '.. config.targetdir..sub(path1) else return 'put '.. config.source..sub(path1).. ' -o '..config.targetdir..sub(path1) end end end ) if #commands == 0 then spawn(elist, '/bin/true') return end commands = table.concat(commands, ';\n') log('Normal', 'Calling lftp with commands\n', commands) spawn(elist, '/usr/bin/lftp', '<', commands, '-u', config.user..','..config.pass, config.host ) end, ----- -- Spawns the recursive startup sync -- init = function(event) local config = event.config local inlet = event.inlet local excludes = inlet.getExcludes() local delete = nil if config.delete then delete = { '--delete', '--ignore-errors' }; end if #excludes ~= 0 then error('lftp does not work with excludes', 4) end log('Normal', 'recursive startup lftp: ', config.source, ' to host: ', config.host) spawn(event, '/usr/bin/lftp', '-c', 'open -u '..config.user..','..config.pass..' '..config.host..'; '.. 'mirror -R -e '..config.source..' '..config.targetdir..';' ) end, ----- -- Checks the configuration. -- prepare = function(config) if not config.host then error('lftps needs "host" configured', 4); end if not config.user then error('lftps needs "user" configured', 4); end if not config.pass then error('lftps needs "pass" configured', 4); end if not config.targetdir then error('lftp needs "targetdir" configured', 4) end if config.target then error('lftp needs NOT "target" configured', 4) end if config.exclude then error('lftp does not work with excludes', 4) end if config.rsyncOpts then error('lftp needs NOT "rsyncOpts" configured', 4) end if string.sub(config.targetdir, -1) == '/' then error('please make targetdir not end with a /', 4) end end, ----- -- Exit codes for rsync. -- exitcodes = { [ 0] = 'ok', [ 1] = 'ok', }, ----- -- Default delay -- delay = 1, } sync{ lftp, host = 'localhost', user = 'test', pass = 'test', source = 'src', targetdir = '.', }