
242 lines
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-- lsyncd.lua Live (Mirror) Syncing Demon
-- License: GPLv2 (see COPYING) or any later version
-- Authors: Axel Kittenberger <>
-- This is the "runner" part of lsyncd. It containts all its high-level logic.
-- It works closely together with the lsyncd core in lsyncd.c. This means it
-- cannot be runned directly from the standard lua interpreter.
-- A security measurement.
-- Core will exit if version ids mismatch.
if lsyncd_version ~= nil then
print("You cannot use the lsyncd runner as configuration file!")
lsyncd_version = "2.0b1"
-- Shortcuts (which user is supposed to be able to use them as well)
log = lsyncd.log
-- Table of all directories to watch,
-- filled and used only during initialization.
origins = {}
-- a array of all targets
-- structure:
-- [#] {
-- .targetident .. the identifier of target (like string "host:dir")
-- for lsyncd this passed competly opaquely to the action handlers
-- }
targets = {}
-- all watches
-- structure:
-- [wd] = {
-- .wd .. the watch descriptor (TODO needed?)
-- .attends = [#] {
-- .odir .. origin source dir
-- .path .. path of dir
-- .target .. link to targets[#]
-- .parent .. link to parent directory in watches
-- or nil for origin
-- }
-- }
watches = {}
-- Adds watches for a directory including all subdirectories.
-- @param odir origin dir
-- @param path path in this dir
-- @param target link to target in [targets]
-- @param parent link to parent directory in watches[]
local function attend_dir(odir, path, target, parent)
-- actual dir = origin + path
local op = odir .. path
-- register watch and receive watch descriptor
local wd = lsyncd.add_watch(op);
if wd < 0 then
-- failed adding the watch
log(ERROR, "Failure adding watch " .. op .." -> ignored ")
-- TODO die?
local thiswatch = watches[wd]
if thiswatch == nil then
-- new watch
thiswatch = {wd = wd, attends = {} }
watches[wd] = thiswatch
table.insert(thiswatch.attends, { odir = odir, path = path, target = target, parent = parent })
-- register all subdirectories
local subdirs = lsyncd.sub_dirs(op);
for i, dirname in ipairs(subdirs) do
attend_dir(odir, path .. dirname .. "/", target, thiswatch)
-- Called from core on init or restart after user configuration.
function lsyncd_initialize()
-- makes sure the user gave lsyncd anything to do
if #origins == 0 then
log(ERROR, "nothing to watch. Use directory(SOURCEDIR, TARGET) in your config file.");
lsyncd.terminate(-1) -- ERRNO
-- runs through the origins table filled by user calling directory()
for i, o in ipairs(origins) do
-- resolves source to be an absolute path
local asrc = lsyncd.real_dir(o.source)
if asrc == nil then
print("Cannot resolve source path: ", o.source)
lsyncd.terminate(-1) -- ERRNO
-- appends the target on target lists
local target = { ident = o.targetident }
table.insert(targets, target) = target -- TODO needed?
-- and add the dir watch inclusively all subdirs
attend_dir(asrc, "", target)
-- Called by core to query soonest alarm.
-- @return two variables.
-- number -1 means ... alarm is in the past.
-- 0 means ... no alarm, core can in untimed sleep
-- 1 means ... alarm time specified.
-- times ... the alarm time (only read if number is 1)
function lsyncd_get_alarm()
return 0, 0
-- A list of names of the event types the core sends.
local event_names = {
[ATTRIB] = "Attrib",
[MODIFY] = "Modify",
[CREATE] = "Create",
[DELETE] = "Delete",
[MOVE ] = "Move",
-- Called by core on inotify event
-- @param etype enum (ATTRIB, MODIFY, CREATE, DELETE, MOVE)
-- @param wd watch descriptor (matches lsyncd.add_watch())
-- @param filename string filename without path
-- @param filename2
function lsyncd_event(etype, wd, filename, filename2)
if filename2 == nil then
log(DEBUG, "got event " .. event_names[etype] .. " of " .. filename)
log(DEBUG, "got event " .. event_names[etype] .. " of " .. filename .. " to " .. filename2)
-- looks up the watch descriptor id
local w = watches[wd]
if w == nil then
log(NORMAL, "event belongs to unknown or deleted watch descriptor.")
-- works through all possible source->target pairs
for i, a in ipairs(w.attends) do
log(DEBUG, "odir = " .. a.odir .. " path = " .. a.path)
-- Called by the core for every child process that
-- finished in startup phase
-- Parameters are pid and exitcode of child process
-- Can return either a new pid if one other child process
-- has been spawned as replacement (e.g. retry) or 0 if
-- finished/ok.
local function startup_collector(pid, exitcode)
if exitcode ~= 0 then
log(ERROR, "Startup process", pid, " failed")
lsyncd.terminate(-1) -- ERRNO
return 0
-- lsyncd user interface
-- Adds one directory to be watched.
-- Users primary configuration device.
function directory(source_dir, target_identifier)
local o = { source = source_dir, targetident = target_identifier }
table.insert(origins, o)
return o
-- Called by core when an overflow happened.
function default_overflow()
log(ERROR, "--- OVERFLOW on inotify event queue ---")
lsyncd.terminate(-1) -- TODO reset instead.
overflow = default_overflow
-- Called by core after initialization.
-- Default function will start an simultanous action for every
-- source -> destination pair. And waits for these processes to finish
-- The user can override this function by specifing his/her own
-- "startup". (and yet may still call default startup)
function default_startup()
log(NORMAL, "--- startup ---")
local pids = { }
for i, o in ipairs(origins) do
startup_action(o.source, o.targetident)
table.insert(pids, pid)
lsyncd.wait_pids(pids, "startup_collector")
log(NORMAL, "--- Entering normal operation with " .. #watches .. " monitored directories ---")
startup = default_startup
-- other functions the user might want to use
exec = lsyncd.exec