var child = require('child_process') var fs = require('fs') var os = require('os') var path = require('path') var asar = require('asar') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var ncp = require('ncp').ncp var rimraf = require('rimraf') var series = require('run-series') function asarApp (appPath, cb) { var src = path.join(appPath) var dest = path.join(appPath, '..', 'app.asar') asar.createPackage(src, dest, function (err) { if (err) return cb(err) rimraf(src, function (err) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, dest) }) }) } function generateFinalBasename (opts) { return + '-' + opts.platform + '-' + opts.arch } function generateFinalPath (opts) { return path.join(opts.out || process.cwd(), generateFinalBasename(opts)) } function userIgnoreFilter (opts) { return function filter (file) { file = file.split(path.resolve(opts.dir))[1] if (path.sep === '\\') { // convert slashes so unix-format ignores work file = file.replace(/\\/g, '/') } var ignore = opts.ignore || [] if (!Array.isArray(ignore)) ignore = [ignore] for (var i = 0; i < ignore.length; i++) { if (file.match(ignore[i])) { return false } } return true } } module.exports = { generateFinalPath: generateFinalPath, initializeApp: function initializeApp (opts, templatePath, appRelativePath, callback) { // Performs the following initial operations for an app: // * Creates temporary directory // * Copies template into temporary directory // * Copies user's app into temporary directory // * Prunes non-production node_modules (if opts.prune is set) // * Creates an asar (if opts.asar is set) var tempParent = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'electron-packager', opts.platform + '-' + opts.arch) var tempPath = path.join(tempParent, generateFinalBasename(opts)) // Path to `app` directory var appPath = path.join(tempPath, appRelativePath) var operations = [ function (cb) { rimraf(tempParent, function () { // Ignore errors (e.g. directory didn't exist anyway) cb() }) }, function (cb) { mkdirp(tempPath, cb) }, function (cb) { ncp(templatePath, tempPath, cb) }, function (cb) { ncp(opts.dir, appPath, {filter: userIgnoreFilter(opts), dereference: true}, cb) } ] // Prune and asar are now performed before platform-specific logic, primarily so that // appPath is predictable (e.g. before .app is renamed for mac) if (opts.prune) { operations.push(function (cb) { child.exec('npm prune --production', {cwd: appPath}, cb) }) } if (opts.asar) { operations.push(function (cb) { asarApp(path.join(appPath), cb) }) } series(operations, function (err) { if (err) return callback(err) // Resolve to path to temporary app folder for platform-specific processes to use callback(null, tempPath) }) }, moveApp: function finalizeApp (opts, tempPath, callback) { var finalPath = generateFinalPath(opts) // Prefer ncp over mv (which seems to cause issues on Win8) series([ function (cb) { mkdirp(finalPath, cb) }, function (cb) { ncp(tempPath, finalPath, cb) } ], function (err) { callback(err, finalPath) }) }, normalizeExt: function normalizeExt (filename, targetExt, cb) { // Forces a filename to a given extension and fires the given callback with the normalized filename, // if it exists. Otherwise reports the error from the fs.stat call. // (Used for resolving icon filenames, particularly during --all runs.) // This error path is used by win32.js if no icon is specified if (!filename) return cb(new Error('No filename specified to normalizeExt')) var ext = path.extname(filename) if (ext !== targetExt) { filename = filename.slice(0, filename.length - ext.length) + targetExt } fs.stat(filename, function (err) { cb(err, err ? null : filename) }) } }