# atom-shell-packager Build a distributable app from an atom-shell app source code directory. **Currently only Mac OS is implemented** but you can send PRs to implement windows/linux :) [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/atom-shell-packager.png)](https://nodei.co/npm/atom-shell-packager/) For an example project using this, check out [Monu](https://github.com/maxogden/monu) ### installation ``` npm i atom-shell-packager ``` ### usage ``` $ atom-shell-packager my-app-source-dir AppName ``` This will: - Download latest version of Atom Shell - Create a Mac app in `cwd` called `AppName.app` You should be able to double-click `AppName.app` to launch the app. If not, check your settings and try again. **Be careful** not to include node_modules you don't want into your final app. For example, do not include the `node_modules/atom-shell-packager` folder or `node_modules/atom-shell`. You can use `--ignore=node_modules/atom-shell` to ignore of these ### options these are optional CLI options you can pass in - `out` (default current working dir) - the dir to put the app into at the end - `version` (default hardcoded in source) - atom-shell version to use - `app-bundle-id` - bundle identifier to use in the app plist - `helper-bundle-id` - bundle identifier to use in the app helper plist - `ignore` (default none) - do not copy files into App whose filenames regex .match this string - `prune` - runs `npm prune --production` on the app