var fs = require('fs') var path = require('path') var packager = require('..') var waterfall = require('run-waterfall') var config = require('./config.json') var util = require('./util') function generateBasename (opts) { return + '-' + opts.platform + '-' + opts.arch } function generateNamePath (opts) { // Generates path to verify reflects the name given in the options. // Returns the location on darwin since the top-level .app is already tested for the resources path; // returns the executable for other OSes if (opts.platform === 'darwin') { return path.join( + '.app', 'Contents', 'Frameworks', + '') } return + (opts.platform === 'win32' ? '.exe' : '') } function createDefaultsTest (combination) { return function (t) { t.timeoutAfter(config.timeout) var opts = Object.create(combination) = 'basicTest' opts.dir = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic') var finalPath var resourcesPath waterfall([ function (cb) { packager(opts, cb) }, function (paths, cb) { t.true(Array.isArray(paths), 'packager call should resolve to an array') t.equal(paths.length, 1, 'Single-target run should resolve to a 1-item array') finalPath = paths[0] t.equal(finalPath, path.join(util.getWorkCwd(), generateBasename(opts)), 'Path should follow the expected format and be in the cwd') fs.stat(finalPath, cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The expected output directory should exist') resourcesPath = path.join(finalPath, util.generateResourcesPath(opts)) fs.stat(path.join(finalPath, generateNamePath(opts)), cb) }, function (stats, cb) { if (opts.platform === 'darwin') { t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The should reflect') } else { t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The executable should reflect') } fs.stat(resourcesPath, cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The output directory should contain the expected resources subdirectory') fs.stat(path.join(resourcesPath, 'app', 'node_modules', 'run-waterfall'), cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The output directory should contain devDependencies by default (no prune)') util.areFilesEqual(path.join(opts.dir, 'main.js'), path.join(resourcesPath, 'app', 'main.js'), cb) }, function (equal, cb) { t.true(equal, 'File under packaged app directory should match source file') util.areFilesEqual(path.join(opts.dir, 'ignore', 'this.txt'), path.join(resourcesPath, 'app', 'ignore', 'this.txt'), cb) }, function (equal, cb) { t.true(equal, 'File under subdirectory of packaged app directory should match source file and not be ignored by default') cb() } ], function (err) { t.end(err) }) } } function createOutTest (combination) { return function (t) { t.timeoutAfter(config.timeout) var opts = Object.create(combination) = 'basicTest' opts.dir = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic') opts.out = 'dist' var finalPath waterfall([ function (cb) { packager(opts, cb) }, function (paths, cb) { finalPath = paths[0] t.equal(finalPath, path.join('dist', generateBasename(opts)), 'Path should follow the expected format and be under the folder specifed in `out`') fs.stat(finalPath, cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The expected output directory should exist') fs.stat(path.join(finalPath, util.generateResourcesPath(opts)), cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The output directory should contain the expected resources subdirectory') cb() } ], function (err) { t.end(err) }) } } function createAsarTest (combination) { return function (t) { t.timeoutAfter(config.timeout) var opts = Object.create(combination) = 'basicTest' opts.dir = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic') opts.asar = true var finalPath var resourcesPath waterfall([ function (cb) { packager(opts, cb) }, function (paths, cb) { finalPath = paths[0] fs.stat(finalPath, cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The expected output directory should exist') resourcesPath = path.join(finalPath, util.generateResourcesPath(opts)) fs.stat(resourcesPath, cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The output directory should contain the expected resources subdirectory') fs.stat(path.join(resourcesPath, 'app.asar'), cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isFile(), 'app.asar should exist under the resources subdirectory when opts.asar is true') fs.exists(path.join(resourcesPath, 'app'), function (exists) { t.false(exists, 'app subdirectory should NOT exist when app.asar is built') cb() }) } ], function (err) { t.end(err) }) } } function createPruneTest (combination) { return function (t) { t.timeoutAfter(config.timeout) var opts = Object.create(combination) = 'basicTest' opts.dir = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic') opts.prune = true var finalPath var resourcesPath waterfall([ function (cb) { packager(opts, cb) }, function (paths, cb) { finalPath = paths[0] fs.stat(finalPath, cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The expected output directory should exist') resourcesPath = path.join(finalPath, util.generateResourcesPath(opts)) fs.stat(resourcesPath, cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The output directory should contain the expected resources subdirectory') fs.stat(path.join(resourcesPath, 'app', 'node_modules', 'run-series'), cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'npm dependency should exist under app/node_modules') fs.exists(path.join(resourcesPath, 'app', 'node_modules', 'run-waterfall'), function (exists) { t.false(exists, 'npm devDependency should NOT exist under app/node_modules') cb() }) } ], function (err) { t.end(err) }) } } function createIgnoreTest (combination, ignorePattern, ignoredFile) { return function (t) { t.timeoutAfter(config.timeout) var opts = Object.create(combination) = 'basicTest' opts.dir = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic') opts.ignore = ignorePattern var appPath waterfall([ function (cb) { packager(opts, cb) }, function (paths, cb) { appPath = path.join(paths[0], util.generateResourcesPath(opts), 'app') fs.stat(path.join(appPath, 'package.json'), cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The expected output directory should exist and contain files') fs.exists(path.join(appPath, ignoredFile), function (exists) { t.false(exists, 'Ignored file should not exist in output app directory') cb() }) } ], function (err) { t.end(err) }) } } function createOverwriteTest (combination) { return function (t) { t.timeoutAfter(config.timeout * 2) // Multiplied since this test packages the application twice var opts = Object.create(combination) = 'basicTest' opts.dir = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'basic') var finalPath var testPath waterfall([ function (cb) { packager(opts, cb) }, function (paths, cb) { finalPath = paths[0] fs.stat(finalPath, cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isDirectory(), 'The expected output directory should exist') // Create a dummy file to detect whether the output directory is replaced in subsequent runs testPath = path.join(finalPath, 'test.txt') fs.writeFile(testPath, 'test', cb) }, function (cb) { // Run again, defaulting to overwrite false packager(opts, cb) }, function (paths, cb) { fs.stat(testPath, cb) }, function (stats, cb) { t.true(stats.isFile(), 'The existing output directory should exist as before (skipped by default)') // Run a third time, explicitly setting overwrite to true opts.overwrite = true packager(opts, cb) }, function (paths, cb) { fs.exists(testPath, function (exists) { t.false(exists, 'The output directory should be regenerated when overwrite is true') cb() }) } ], function (err) { t.end(err) }) } } util.testAllPlatforms('defaults test', createDefaultsTest) util.testAllPlatforms('out test', createOutTest) util.testAllPlatforms('asar test', createAsarTest) util.testAllPlatforms('prune test', createPruneTest) util.testAllPlatforms('ignore test: string in array', createIgnoreTest, ['ignorethis'], 'ignorethis.txt') util.testAllPlatforms('ignore test: string', createIgnoreTest, 'ignorethis', 'ignorethis.txt') util.testAllPlatforms('ignore test: RegExp', createIgnoreTest, /ignorethis/, 'ignorethis.txt') util.testAllPlatforms('ignore test: string with slash', createIgnoreTest, 'ignore/this', path.join('ignore', 'this.txt')) util.testAllPlatforms('ignore test: only match subfolder of app', createIgnoreTest, 'electron-packager', path.join('electron-packager', 'readme.txt')) util.testAllPlatforms('overwrite test', createOverwriteTest)