import { app, Tray, Menu, ipcMain, nativeImage, BrowserWindow } from 'electron'; import log from 'loglevel'; import { getAppIcon, getCounterValue, isOSX } from '../helpers/helpers'; import { OutputOptions } from '../../../shared/src/options/model'; export function createTrayIcon( nativefierOptions: OutputOptions, mainWindow: BrowserWindow, ): Tray | undefined { const options = { ...nativefierOptions }; if (options.tray && options.tray !== 'false') { const iconPath = getAppIcon(); if (!iconPath) { throw new Error('Icon path not found found to use with tray option.'); } const nimage = nativeImage.createFromPath(iconPath); const appIcon = new Tray(nativeImage.createEmpty()); if (isOSX()) { //sets the icon to the height of the tray. appIcon.setImage( nimage.resize({ height: appIcon.getBounds().height - 2 }), ); } else { appIcon.setImage(nimage); } const onClick = (): void => { log.debug('onClick'); if (mainWindow.isVisible()) { mainWindow.hide(); } else {; } }; const contextMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { label:, click: onClick, }, { label: 'Quit', click: (): void => app.exit(0), }, ]); appIcon.on('click', onClick); if (options.counter) { mainWindow.on('page-title-updated', (event, title) => { log.debug('', { event, title }); const counterValue = getCounterValue(title); if (counterValue) { appIcon.setToolTip( `(${counterValue}) ${ ?? 'Nativefier'}`, ); } else { appIcon.setToolTip( ?? ''); } }); } else { ipcMain.on('notification', () => { log.debug('ipcMain.notification'); if (mainWindow.isFocused()) { return; } if ( { appIcon.setToolTip(`• ${}`); } }); mainWindow.on('focus', () => { log.debug('mainWindow.focus'); appIcon.setToolTip( ?? ''); }); } appIcon.setToolTip( ?? ''); appIcon.setContextMenu(contextMenu); return appIcon; } return undefined; }