import * as path from 'path'; import { writeFile } from 'fs'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import gitCloud = require('gitcloud'); import pageIcon from 'page-icon'; import { downloadFile, DownloadResult, getAllowedIconFormats, getTempDir, } from '../helpers/helpers'; import * as log from 'loglevel'; const writeFileAsync = promisify(writeFile); const GITCLOUD_SPACE_DELIMITER = '-'; const GITCLOUD_URL = ''; type GitCloudIcon = { ext?: string; name?: string; score?: number; url?: string; }; function getMaxMatchScore(iconWithScores: GitCloudIcon[]): number { const score = iconWithScores.reduce((maxScore, currentIcon) => { const currentScore = currentIcon.score; if (currentScore && currentScore > maxScore) { return currentScore; } return maxScore; }, 0); log.debug('Max icon match score:', score); return score; } function getMatchingIcons( iconsWithScores: GitCloudIcon[], maxScore: number, ): GitCloudIcon[] { return iconsWithScores.filter((item) => item.score === maxScore); } function mapIconWithMatchScore( cloudIcons: { name: string; url: string }[], targetUrl: string, ): GitCloudIcon[] { const normalisedTargetUrl = targetUrl.toLowerCase(); return => { const itemWords =; const score: number = itemWords.reduce( (currentScore: number, word: string) => { if (normalisedTargetUrl.includes(word)) { return currentScore + 1; } return currentScore; }, 0, ); return { ...item, ext: path.extname(item.url), score }; }); } async function inferIconFromStore( targetUrl: string, platform: string, ): Promise { log.debug(`Inferring icon from store for ${targetUrl} on ${platform}`); const allowedFormats = new Set( getAllowedIconFormats(platform), ); const cloudIcons = await gitCloud(GITCLOUD_URL); log.debug(`Got ${cloudIcons.length} icons from gitcloud`); const iconWithScores = mapIconWithMatchScore(cloudIcons, targetUrl); const maxScore = getMaxMatchScore(iconWithScores); if (maxScore === 0) { log.debug('No relevant icon in store.'); return undefined; } const iconsMatchingScore = getMatchingIcons(iconWithScores, maxScore); const iconsMatchingExt = iconsMatchingScore.filter((icon) => allowedFormats.has(icon.ext ?? path.extname(icon.url as string)), ); const matchingIcon = iconsMatchingExt[0]; const iconUrl = matchingIcon && matchingIcon.url; if (!iconUrl) { log.debug('Could not infer icon from store'); return undefined; } return downloadFile(iconUrl); } export async function inferIcon( targetUrl: string, platform: string, ): Promise { log.debug(`Inferring icon for ${targetUrl} on ${platform}`); const tmpDirPath = getTempDir('iconinfer'); let icon: { ext: string; data: Buffer } | undefined = await inferIconFromStore(targetUrl, platform); if (!icon) { const ext = platform === 'win32' ? '.ico' : '.png'; log.debug(`Trying to extract a ${ext} icon from the page.`); icon = await pageIcon(targetUrl, { ext }); } if (!icon) { return undefined; } log.debug(`Got an icon from the page.`); const iconPath = path.join(tmpDirPath, `/icon${icon.ext}`); log.debug( `Writing ${( / 1024).toFixed(1)} kb icon to ${iconPath}`, ); await writeFileAsync(iconPath,; return iconPath; }