import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import { BrowserWindow, OpenExternalOptions, shell } from 'electron'; import * as log from '../helpers/loggingHelper'; import { showNavigationBlockedMessage } from './windowHelpers'; export const INJECT_DIR = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'inject'); /** * Firefox's list of protocols for which opening an external handler is allowed without confirmation. * Taken from Firefox's. Location might vary in codebase, search for one of them, e.g. *®exp=false */ const URL_PROTOCOLS_NOCONFIRMATION_FIREFOX = [ 'bitcoin:', 'ftp:', 'ftps:', 'geo:', 'im:', 'irc:', 'ircs:', 'magnet:', 'mailto:', 'matrix:', 'mms:', 'news:', 'nntp:', 'openpgp4fpr:', 'sftp:', 'sip:', 'sms:', 'smsto:', 'ssh:', 'tel:', 'urn:', 'webcal:', 'wtai:', 'xmpp:', ]; /** * Our extension to Firefox's list. If extending this list too much, we should * really add a confirmation modal (for now we just block), like browsers do. * But for now, since nobody shouts at us for bluntly blocking anything else, * let's keep rolling with it. */ const URL_PROTOCOLS_NOCONFIRMATION_EXTRA = ['zoommtg:']; /** * List of protocols for which opening an external handler is allowed without confirmation. * Note: "without confirmation" is currently a lie. It was implemented this way * as a way to know from user feedback what protocols would cause users to shout, * but there wasn't much shouting happening, so we currently don't have a confirmation * mechanism, we just bluntly block. That might need to change at some point. */ const URL_PROTOCOLS_NOCONFIRMATION = [ 'http:', 'https:', ...URL_PROTOCOLS_NOCONFIRMATION_FIREFOX, ...URL_PROTOCOLS_NOCONFIRMATION_EXTRA, ]; const SHELL_SAFETY_FEEDBACK_STR = 'If you believe this URL should open, you might be right, and our validation might be excessive.' + 'Please share this error & URL at'; export function isUrlShellSafe( urlToGo: string, ): { blocked: false } | { blocked: true; reason: string } { let url: URL; try { url = new URL(urlToGo.toLowerCase()); } catch (err: unknown) { return { blocked: true, reason: `URL appears malformed. ${SHELL_SAFETY_FEEDBACK_STR}`, }; } if (!URL_PROTOCOLS_NOCONFIRMATION.includes(url.protocol)) { return { blocked: true, reason: `URL protocol is disallowed. ${SHELL_SAFETY_FEEDBACK_STR}`, }; } // if ( urlToGo.includes('%00') || urlToGo.includes('%0a') || urlToGo.includes('%2e') || urlToGo.includes('%2f') || urlToGo.includes('%5c') ) { return { blocked: true, reason: `URL might be malicious. ${SHELL_SAFETY_FEEDBACK_STR}`, }; } return { blocked: false }; } /** * Helper to print debug messages from the main process in the browser window */ export function debugLog(browserWindow: BrowserWindow, message: string): void { // Need a delay, as it takes time for the preloaded js to be loaded by the window setTimeout(() => { browserWindow.webContents.send('debug', message); }, 3000); log.debug(message); } /** * Helper to determine domain-ish equality for many cases, the trivial ones * and the trickier ones, e.g. `` and ``, * in a way that is "good enough", and doesn't need a list of SLDs. * See chat at */ function domainify(url: string): string { // So here's what we're doing here: // Get the hostname from the url const hostname = new URL(url).hostname; // Drop the first section if the domain const domain = hostname.split('.').slice(1).join('.'); // Check the length, if it's too short, the hostname was probably the domain // Or if the domain doesn't have a . in it we went too far if (domain.length < 6 || domain.split('.').length === 0) { return hostname; } // This SHOULD be the domain, but nothing is 100% guaranteed return domain; } export function getAppIcon(): string | undefined { // Prefer ICO under Windows, see // // if (isWindows()) { const ico = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'icon.ico'); if (fs.existsSync(ico)) { return ico; } } const png = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'icon.png'); if (fs.existsSync(png)) { return png; } } export function getCounterValue(title: string): string | undefined { const itemCountRegex = /[([{]([\d.,:]*)\+?[}\])]/; const match = itemCountRegex.exec(title); return match ? match[1] : undefined; } export function getCSSToInject(): string { let cssToInject = ''; const cssFiles = fs .readdirSync(INJECT_DIR, { withFileTypes: true }) .filter( (injectFile) => injectFile.isFile() &&'.css'), ) .map((cssFileStat) => path.resolve(path.join(INJECT_DIR,, ); for (const cssFile of cssFiles) { log.debug('Injecting CSS file', cssFile); const cssFileData = fs.readFileSync(cssFile); cssToInject += `/* ${cssFile} */\n\n ${cssFileData.toString()}\n\n`; } return cssToInject; } export function isOSX(): boolean { return os.platform() === 'darwin'; } export function isLinux(): boolean { return os.platform() === 'linux'; } export function isWindows(): boolean { return os.platform() === 'win32'; } function isInternalLoginPage(url: string): boolean { // Making changes? Remember to update the tests in helpers.test.ts and in const internalLoginPagesArray = [ 'amazon\\.[a-zA-Z\\.]*/[a-zA-Z\\/]*signin', // Amazon `facebook\\.[a-zA-Z\\.]*\\/login`, // Facebook 'github\\.[a-zA-Z\\.]*\\/(?:login|session)', // GitHub 'accounts\\.google\\.[a-zA-Z\\.]*', // Google 'mail\\.google\\.[a-zA-Z\\.]*\\/accounts/SetOSID', // Google 'linkedin\\.[a-zA-Z\\.]*/uas/login', // LinkedIn 'login\\.live\\.[a-zA-Z\\.]*', // Microsoft 'login\\.microsoftonline\\.[a-zA-Z\\.]*', // Microsoft 'okta\\.[a-zA-Z\\.]*', // Okta 'twitter\\.[a-zA-Z\\.]*/oauth/authenticate', // Twitter 'appleid\\.apple\\.com/auth/authorize', // Apple '(?:id|auth)\\.atlassian\\.[a-zA-Z]+', // Atlassian '.*\\.workspaceair\\.com', // VMWare Workspace One SSO '.*\\.securid\\.com', // SecurID for VMWare Workspace One SSO ]; // Making changes? Remember to update the tests in helpers.test.ts and in const regex = RegExp(internalLoginPagesArray.join('|')); return regex.test(url); } export function linkIsInternal( currentUrl: string, newUrl: string, internalUrlRegex: string | RegExp | undefined, isStrictInternalUrlsEnabled: boolean | undefined, ): boolean { log.debug('linkIsInternal', { currentUrl, newUrl, internalUrlRegex }); if (newUrl.split('#')[0] === 'about:blank') { return true; } if (isInternalLoginPage(newUrl)) { return true; } if (internalUrlRegex) { const regex = RegExp(internalUrlRegex); if (regex.test(newUrl)) { return true; } } if (isStrictInternalUrlsEnabled) { return currentUrl == newUrl; } try { // Consider as "same domain-ish", without TLD/SLD list: // 1. and // 2. and // 3. and // Only use the tld and the main domain for domain-ish test // Enables domain-ish equality for and return domainify(currentUrl) === domainify(newUrl); } catch (err: unknown) { log.error( 'Failed to parse domains as determining if link is internal. From:', currentUrl, 'To:', newUrl, err, ); return false; } } export function nativeTabsSupported(): boolean { return isOSX(); } /** * Open the given external protocol URL in the desktop's default manner * (e.g. `mailto:` URLs in the user's default mail agent), with extra validation. */ export function openExternal( url: string, options?: OpenExternalOptions, ): Promise { const urlShellSafety = isUrlShellSafe(url); log.debug('openExternal', { url, options, urlShellSafety }); if (urlShellSafety.blocked) { return new Promise((resolve) => { showNavigationBlockedMessage( `Navigation blocked to ${url}\n\n${urlShellSafety.reason}`, ) .then(() => resolve()) .catch((err: unknown) => { throw err; }); }); } return shell.openExternal(url, options); } export function removeUserAgentSpecifics( userAgentFallback: string, appName: string, appVersion: string, ): string { // Electron userAgentFallback is the user agent used if none is specified when creating a window. // For our purposes, it's useful because its format is similar enough to a real Chrome's user agent to not need // to infer the userAgent. userAgentFallback normally looks like this: // Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) app-nativefier-804458/1.0.0 Chrome/89.0.4389.128 Electron/12.0.7 Safari/537.36 // We just need to strip out the appName/1.0.0 and Electron/electronVersion return userAgentFallback .replace(`Electron/${process.versions.electron} `, '') .replace(`${appName}/${appVersion} `, ''); } /** Removes extra spaces from a text */ export function cleanupPlainText(text: string): string { return text.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' '); }