#!/bin/sh # USAGE # ./convertToPng .png # Example # ./convertToPng ~/sample.ico ~/Desktop/converted.png set -e # Exec Paths IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT=$(which convert) IMAGEMAGICK_IDENTIFY=$(which identify) if [ ! -x "${IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT}" ]; then echo "Cannot find required ImageMagick Convert executable" >&2 exit 1; fi if [ ! -x "${IMAGEMAGICK_IDENTIFY}" ]; then echo "Cannot find required ImageMagick Identify executable" >&2 exit 1; fi # Parameters SOURCE=$1 DEST=$2 # Check source and destination arguments if [ -z "${SOURCE}" ]; then echo "No source image specified" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${DEST}" ]; then echo "No destination specified" exit 1 fi # File Infrastructure NAME=$(basename "${SOURCE}") EXT="${NAME##*.}" BASE="${NAME%.*}" TEMP_DIR="convert_temp" function cleanUp() { rm -rf "${TEMP_DIR}" } trap cleanUp EXIT mkdir -p "${TEMP_DIR}" # check if .ico is a sequence # pipe into cat so no exit code is given for grep if no matches are found IS_ICO_SET="$(identify ${SOURCE} | grep -e "\w\.ico\[0" | cat )" convert "${SOURCE}" "${TEMP_DIR}/${BASE}.png" if [ "${IS_ICO_SET}" ]; then # extract the largest(?) image from the set cp "${TEMP_DIR}/${BASE}-0.png" "${DEST}" else cp "${TEMP_DIR}/${BASE}.png" "${DEST}" fi rm -rf "${TEMP_DIR}" trap - EXIT cleanUp