# Release Releases are automatically deployed to npm from Travis, when they are tagged. However, we have to make sure that the version in the `package.json`, and the changelog is updated. ## Tests Before anything, run a little manual smoke test of some of our hard-to-programatically-test features: ```bash npm run test:manual ``` ## How to release With [Git Extras](https://github.com/tj/git-extras/blob/master/Installation.md) and [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/) installed. While on `master`, with no uncommitted changes, ```bash npm run changelog -- $VERSION # With no 'v'. For example: npm run changelog -- 7.7.1 ``` This command does 3 things: 1. Update the version in the `package.json` 2. Update the changelog 3. Creates a new commit with the changes Now we may want to cleanup the changelog: ```bash vim CHANGELOG.md git commit --amend ``` Once we are satisfied, ```bash git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m 'vX.Y.Z' git push --follow-tags origin master ``` On [GitHub Releases](https://github.com/jiahaog/nativefier/releases), draft and publish a new release with title `Nativefier vX.Y.Z` (yes, with a `v`). Our CI will react on the new release, and publish it to npm. The new version will be visible on npm within a few minutes.