#!/bin/bash set -e # Load database password from file if specified if [ -n "$JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD_FILE" ] && [ -f "$JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD_FILE" ]; then JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD=$(cat "$JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD_FILE") fi # Function to log messages joomla_log() { local msg="$1" echo >&2 " $msg" } # Function to log info messages joomla_log_info() { local msg="$1" echo >&2 "[INFO] $msg" } # Function to log warning messages joomla_log_warning() { local msg="$1" echo >&2 "[WARNING] $msg" } # Function to log error messages joomla_log_error() { local msg="$1" echo >&2 "[ERROR] $msg" } # Function to set a line joomla_line() { echo >&2 "========================================================================" } # Function to set a line at end joomla_line_start() { joomla_line echo >&2 } # Function to set a line at end joomla_line_end() { echo >&2 joomla_line } # Function to give final success message (1) joomla_success() { joomla_log "This server is now configured to run Joomla!" } # Function to give final success message (2) joomla_success_need_db() { joomla_success echo >&2 joomla_log " NOTE: You will need your database server address, database name," joomla_log " and database user credentials to install Joomla." } # Function to validate URLs joomla_validate_url() { if [[ $1 =~ ^http(s)?://[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}(/.*)?$ ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Function to validate paths joomla_validate_path() { if [[ -f $1 ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Function to split values by semicolon joomla_split_values() { local input=$1 local -n arr=$2 IFS=';' read -ra arr <<< "$input" } # Function to install extension from URL joomla_install_from_url() { local url=$1 if joomla_validate_url "$url"; then if php cli/joomla.php extension:install --url "$url" --no-interaction; then joomla_log_info "Successfully installed $url" else joomla_log_error "Failed to install $url" fi else joomla_log_error "Invalid URL: $url" fi } # Function to install extension from path joomla_install_from_path() { local path=$1 if joomla_validate_path "$path"; then if php cli/joomla.php extension:install --path "$path" --no-interaction; then joomla_log_info "Successfully installed $path" else joomla_log_error "Failed to install $path" fi else joomla_log_error "Invalid Path: $path" fi } # Function to validate necessary environment variables joomla_validate_vars() { # Basic email regex for validation local email_regex="^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$" # Check if JOOMLA_SITE_NAME is longer than 2 characters if [[ "${#JOOMLA_SITE_NAME}" -le 2 ]]; then joomla_log_error "JOOMLA_SITE_NAME must be longer than 2 characters!" return 1 fi # Check if JOOMLA_ADMIN_USER is longer than 2 characters if [[ "${#JOOMLA_ADMIN_USER}" -le 2 ]]; then joomla_log_error "JOOMLA_ADMIN_USER must be longer than 2 characters!" return 1 fi # Check if JOOMLA_ADMIN_USERNAME has no spaces, and is only alphabetical if [[ "${JOOMLA_ADMIN_USERNAME}" =~ [^a-zA-Z] ]]; then joomla_log_error "JOOMLA_ADMIN_USERNAME must contain no spaces and be only alphabetical!" return 1 fi # Check if JOOMLA_ADMIN_PASSWORD is longer than 12 characters if [[ "${#JOOMLA_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" -le 12 ]]; then joomla_log_error "JOOMLA_ADMIN_PASSWORD must be longer than 12 characters!" return 1 fi # Check if JOOMLA_ADMIN_EMAIL is a valid email if [[ ! "${JOOMLA_ADMIN_EMAIL}" =~ $email_regex ]]; then joomla_log_error "JOOMLA_ADMIN_EMAIL must be a valid email address!" return 1 fi return 0 } # Function to check if auto deploy can be done joomla_can_auto_deploy() { if [[ -n "${JOOMLA_SITE_NAME}" && -n "${JOOMLA_ADMIN_USER}" && -n "${JOOMLA_ADMIN_USERNAME}" && -n "${JOOMLA_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" && -n "${JOOMLA_ADMIN_EMAIL}" ]]; then if joomla_validate_vars; then return 0 fi fi return 1 } if [[ "$1" == apache2* ]] || [ "$1" == php-fpm ]; then uid="$(id -u)" gid="$(id -g)" if [ "$uid" = '0' ]; then case "$1" in apache2*) user="${APACHE_RUN_USER:-www-data}" group="${APACHE_RUN_GROUP:-www-data}" # strip off any '#' symbol ('#1000' is valid syntax for Apache) user="${user#'#'}" group="${group#'#'}" # set user if not exist if ! id "$user" &>/dev/null; then # get the user name : "${USER_NAME:=www-data}" # change the user name [[ "$USER_NAME" != "www-data" ]] && usermod -l "$USER_NAME" www-data && groupmod -n "$USER_NAME" www-data # update the user ID groupmod -o -g "$user" "$USER_NAME" # update the user-group ID usermod -o -u "$group" "$USER_NAME" fi ;; *) # php-fpm user='www-data' group='www-data' ;; esac else user="$uid" group="$gid" fi # start Joomla message block joomla_line_start if [ -n "$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP" ]; then if [ -z "$JOOMLA_DB_HOST" ]; then JOOMLA_DB_HOST='mysql' else joomla_log_warning "both JOOMLA_DB_HOST and MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP found" joomla_log "Connecting to JOOMLA_DB_HOST ($JOOMLA_DB_HOST)" joomla_log "instead of the linked mysql container" fi fi if [ -z "$JOOMLA_DB_HOST" ]; then joomla_log_error "Missing JOOMLA_DB_HOST and MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP environment variables." joomla_log "Did you forget to --link some_mysql_container:mysql or set an external db" joomla_log "with -e JOOMLA_DB_HOST=hostname:port?" # end Joomla message block joomla_line_end exit 1 fi # If the DB user is 'root' then use the MySQL root password env var : "${JOOMLA_DB_USER:=root}" if [ "$JOOMLA_DB_USER" = 'root' ]; then : ${JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD:=$MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} fi : "${JOOMLA_DB_NAME:=joomla}" if [ -z "$JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD" ] && [ "$JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD_ALLOW_EMPTY" != 'yes' ]; then joomla_log_error "Missing required JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD environment variable. Did you forget to -e JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD=... ?" # end Joomla message block joomla_line_end exit 1 fi if [ ! -e index.php ] && [ ! -e libraries/src/Version.php ]; then # if the directory exists and Joomla doesn't appear to be installed AND the permissions of it are root:root, let's chown it (likely a Docker-created directory) if [ "$uid" = '0' ] && [ "$(stat -c '%u:%g' .)" = '0:0' ]; then chown "$user:$group" . fi joomla_log_info "Joomla not found in $PWD - copying now..." if [ "$(ls -A)" ]; then joomla_log_warning "$PWD is not empty - press Ctrl+C now if this is an error!" ( set -x ls -A sleep 10 ) fi sourceTarArgs=( --create --file - --directory /usr/src/joomla --one-file-system --owner "$user" --group "$group" ) targetTarArgs=( --extract --file - ) if [ "$uid" != '0' ]; then # avoid "tar: .: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted" and "tar: .: Cannot change mode to rwxr-xr-x: Operation not permitted" targetTarArgs+=(--no-overwrite-dir) fi tar "${sourceTarArgs[@]}" . | tar "${targetTarArgs[@]}" if [ ! -e .htaccess ]; then # NOTE: The "Indexes" option is disabled in the php:apache base image so remove it as we enable .htaccess sed -r 's/^(Options -Indexes.*)$/#\1/' htaccess.txt > .htaccess chown "$user:$group" .htaccess fi joomla_log "Complete! Joomla has been successfully copied to $PWD" fi # Ensure the MySQL Database is created php /makedb.php "$JOOMLA_DB_HOST" "$JOOMLA_DB_USER" "$JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD" "$JOOMLA_DB_NAME" "${JOOMLA_DB_TYPE:-mysqli}" # if the (installation) directory exists and we can auto deploy if [ -d installation ] && [ -e installation/joomla.php ] && joomla_can_auto_deploy; then installJoomlaArgs=( --site-name="${JOOMLA_SITE_NAME}" --admin-email="${JOOMLA_ADMIN_EMAIL}" --admin-username="${JOOMLA_ADMIN_USERNAME}" --admin-user="${JOOMLA_ADMIN_USER}" --admin-password="${JOOMLA_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" --db-type="${JOOMLA_DB_TYPE:-mysqli}" --db-host="${JOOMLA_DB_HOST}" --db-name="${JOOMLA_DB_NAME}" --db-pass="${JOOMLA_DB_PASSWORD}" --db-user="${JOOMLA_DB_USER}" --db-prefix="${JOOMLA_DB_PREFIX:-joom_}" --db-encryption=0 ) # Run the auto deploy (install) if php installation/joomla.php install "${installJoomlaArgs[@]}"; then # The PHP command succeeded (so we remove the installation folder) rm -rf installation joomla_success # Install any extensions found in the extensions urls env if [[ -n "${JOOMLA_EXTENSIONS_URLS}" && "${#JOOMLA_EXTENSIONS_URLS}" -gt 2 ]]; then joomla_split_values "$JOOMLA_EXTENSIONS_URLS" JURLS for extension_url in "${JURLS[@]}"; do joomla_install_from_url "$extension_url" done fi # Install any extensions found in the extensions paths env if [[ -n "${JOOMLA_EXTENSIONS_PATHS}" && "${#JOOMLA_EXTENSIONS_PATHS}" -gt 2 ]]; then joomla_split_values "$JOOMLA_EXTENSIONS_PATHS" JPATHS for extension_path in "${JPATHS[@]}"; do joomla_install_from_path "$extension_path" done fi if [[ -n "${JOOMLA_SMTP_HOST}" && "${JOOMLA_SMTP_HOST}" == *:* ]]; then IFS=':' read -r hostname port <<< "${JOOMLA_SMTP_HOST}" JOOMLA_SMTP_HOST=$hostname JOOMLA_SMTP_HOST_PORT=$port fi if [[ -n "${JOOMLA_SMTP_HOST}" && "${#JOOMLA_SMTP_HOST}" -gt 2 ]]; then chmod +w configuration.php sed -i "s/public \$mailer = 'mail';/public \$mailer = 'smtp';/g" configuration.php sed -i "s/public \$smtphost = 'localhost';/public \$smtphost = '${JOOMLA_SMTP_HOST}';/g" configuration.php fi if [[ -n "${JOOMLA_SMTP_HOST_PORT}" ]]; then sed -i "s/public \$smtpport = 25;/public \$smtpport = ${JOOMLA_SMTP_HOST_PORT};/g" configuration.php fi if [ "$uid" = '0' ] && [ "$(stat -c '%u:%g' configuration.php)" != "$user:$group" ]; then if ! chown -R "$user:$group" .; then joomla_log_error "Ownership of configuration.php failed to be corrected." fi if ! chmod 444 configuration.php; then joomla_log_error "Permissions of configuration.php failed to be corrected." fi fi else joomla_success_need_db fi else joomla_success_need_db fi # end Joomla message block joomla_line_end fi exec "$@"