#! /bin/bash # get start time STARTBUILD=$(date +"%s") # use UTC+00:00 time also called zulu STARTDATE=$(TZ=":ZULU" date +"%m/%d/%Y @ %R (UTC)") # main project Header HEADERTITLE="Github Sync Bot v1.0" # main function ˘Ô≈ôﺣ function main() { # with test we also show config details if (("$TEST" == 1)); then showConfValues fi # check that all needed values are set checkConfValues # clone all needed repos cloneRepos # move the files and folders moveFoldersFiles # check what action to take to get # the changes into the target repository if (("$TARGET_REPO_ACTION" == 1)); then # we must merge directly to target makeMergeToTarget else # we should create a pull request makePullRequestAgainstTarget fi } # merge the changes into the target repository function makeMergeToTarget() { # go into repo folder cd target_repo # make a commit of the changes } # show the configuration values function checkConfValues () { # check if we have found errors local ERROR=0 # make sure SOURCE_REPO is set [[ ! "${SOURCE_REPO}" == *"/"* ]] && echo "SOURCE_REPO:${SOURCE_REPO} is not a repo path!" && ERROR=1 [[ ! `wget -S --spider "https://github.com/${SOURCE_REPO}" 2>&1 | grep 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'` ]] && \ echo "SOURCE_REPO:https://github.com/${SOURCE_REPO} is not set correctly, or the guthub user does not have access!" && \ ERROR=1 # make sure SOURCE_REPO_BRANCH is set [ ${#SOURCE_REPO_BRANCH} -le 1 ] && echo "SOURCE_REPO_BRANCH:${SOURCE_REPO_BRANCH} is not set correctly!" && ERROR=1 # make sure SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS is set [ ${#SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS} -le 1 ] && echo "SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS:${SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS} is not set correctly!" && ERROR=1 # make sure TARGET_REPO is set [[ ! "${TARGET_REPO}" == *"/"* ]] && echo "TARGET_REPO:${TARGET_REPO} is not a repo path!" && ERROR=1 [[ ! `wget -S --spider "https://github.com/${TARGET_REPO}" 2>&1 | grep 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'` ]] && \ echo "TARGET_REPO:https://github.com/${TARGET_REPO} is not set correctly, or the guthub user does not have access!" && \ ERROR=1 # make sure TARGET_REPO_BRANCH is set [ ${#TARGET_REPO_BRANCH} -le 1 ] && echo "TARGET_REPO_BRANCH:${TARGET_REPO_BRANCH} is not set correctly!" && ERROR=1 # make sure TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS is set [ ${#TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS} -le 1 ] && echo "TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS:${TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS} is not set correctly!" && ERROR=1 # check that the correct action is set ! (("$TARGET_REPO_ACTION" == 1)) && ! (("$TARGET_REPO_ACTION" == 0)) && echo "TARGET_REPO_ACTION:${TARGET_REPO_ACTION} is not set correctly!" && ERROR=1 # make sure TARGET_REPO_FORK is set correctly if set if [ ${#TARGET_REPO_FORK} -ge 1 ]; then [[ ! "${TARGET_REPO_FORK}" == *"/"* ]] && echo "TARGET_REPO_FORK:${TARGET_REPO_FORK} is not a repo path!" && ERROR=1 [[ ! `wget -S --spider "https://github.com/${TARGET_REPO_FORK}" 2>&1 | grep 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'` ]] && \ echo "TARGET_REPO_FORK:https://github.com/${TARGET_REPO_FORK} is not set correctly, or the guthub user does not have access!" && \ ERROR=1 fi # if error found exit (("$ERROR" == 1)) && exit 19 } # clone the repo function cloneRepos () { # clone the source repo (we don't need access on this one) [[ "${SOURCE_REPO}" == *"/"* ]] && cloneRepo "https://github.com/${SOURCE_REPO}.git" "${SOURCE_REPO_BRANCH}" "source_repo" # clone the forked target repo if set if [[ "${TARGET_REPO_FORK}" == *"/"* ]]; then # we need access on this one, so we use git@github.com: cloneRepo "${TARGET_REPO_FORK}" "git@github.com:${TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}.git" "target_repo" # rebase with upstream if not in sync rebaseWithUpstream "${TARGET_REPO}" "https://github.com/${TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}.git" "target_repo" # we must have merge set if we directly work with target repo elif (("$TARGET_REPO_ACTION" == 1)); then # we need access on this one, so we use git@github.com: cloneRepo "${TARGET_REPO}" "git@github.com:${TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}.git" "target_repo" else echo "You must set TARGET_REPO:${TARGET_REPO} to target.repo.merge=1 if no target.repo.fork is given!" exit 20 fi } # clone the repo function cloneRepo () { # set local values local git_repo="$1" local git_branch="$2" local git_folder="$3" # with test we don't clone again # if folder already exist if (("$TEST" == 1)) && [ -d "${git_folder}" ]; then echo "folder:${git_folder} already exist, repo:${git_repo} was not cloned again. (test mode)" else # make sure the folder does not exist [ -d "${git_folder}" ] && rm -fr "${git_folder}" # clone the repo (but only a single branch) git clone -b "$git_branch" --single-branch "$git_repo" "$git_folder" --quiet if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "${git_repo} was cloned successfully." else echo "${git_repo} failed to cloned successfully, check that the GitHub user has access to this repo!" exit 21 fi fi } # rebase repo with its upstream (old school) function rebaseWithUpstream () { # current folder local current_folder=$PWD # set local values local git_repo_upstream="$1" local git_branch="$2" local git_folder="$3" # just a random remote name local git_upstream="stroomOp" # go into repo folder cd ${git_folder} # add the upstream repo git remote add "$git_upstream" "$git_repo_upstream" --quiet if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "upstream:${git_repo_upstream} was added successfully." else echo "Failed to add upstream:${git_repo_upstream} successfully, check that the GitHub user has access to this repo!" exit 10 fi # now fetch this upstream repo git fetch "$git_upstream/${git_branch}" --quiet if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "upstream/${git_branch} was fetched successfully." else echo "Failed to fetch upstream/${git_branch} successfully, check that the GitHub user has access to this repo!" exit 11 fi # make sure we are on the targeted branch git checkout "$git_branch" # reset this branch to be same as upstream git reset --hard "${git_upstream}/${git_branch}" --quiet if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "upstream:${git_repo_upstream} was rebased into the forked repo successfully." else echo "Failed to rebase upstream:${git_repo_upstream} successfully, check that the GitHub user has access to this repo!" exit 12 fi # make sure this is not a test if (("$TEST" == 1)); then echo "The forked repo of upstream:${git_repo_upstream} not updated, as this is a test." else # force update the forked repo git push origin "$git_branch" --force --quiet if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "The forked repo of upstream:${git_repo_upstream} successfully updated." else echo "Failed to update the forked repo, check that the GitHub user has access to this repo!" exit 13 fi fi # return to original folder cd "${current_folder}" } # move the source folders and files to the target folders function moveFoldersFiles () { # check if we have an array of folders if [[ "${SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS}" == *";"* ]] && [[ "${TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS}" == *";"* ]]; then # set the folders array IFS=';' read -ra source_folders <<<"${SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS}" IFS=';' read -ra target_folders <<<"${TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS}" # check if we have files array local has_files=0 if [[ "${SOURCE_REPO_FILES}" == *";"* ]]; then IFS=';' read -ra source_files <<<"${SOURCE_REPO_FILES}" has_files=1 fi # now we loop over the source folder for key in "${!source_folders[@]}"; do # check that the target folder is set if [ ${target_folders[key]+abc} ]; then # check of we have files if (("$has_files" == 1)); then if [ ${source_files[key]+abc} ]; then moveFolderFiles "${source_folders[key]}" "${target_folders[key]}" "${source_files[key]}" else echo "Source folder:${source_folders[key]} file mismatched!" exit 14 fi # just move all the content of the folder else moveFolder "${source_folders[key]}" "${target_folders[key]}" fi else echo "Source folder:${source_folders[key]} mismatched!" exit 15 fi done # move just one folder (so it has no semicolons) elif [[ "${SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS}" != *";"* ]] && [[ "${TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS}" != *";"* ]]; then # check if we have source files and it has no semicolons like the folders if [ ${#SOURCE_REPO_FILES} -ge 2 ] && [[ "${SOURCE_REPO_FILES}" != *";"* ]]; then moveFolderFiles "${SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS}" "${TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS}" "${SOURCE_REPO_FILES}" else moveFolder "${SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS}" "${TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS}" fi else echo "Source folder:${SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS} -> Target folder:${TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS} mismatched!" exit 16 fi } # move the source folder's files to the target folders function moveFolderFiles () { local source_folder="$1" local target_folder="$2" local source_files="${3:=0}" # prep folders to have no trailing or leading forward slashes source_folder="${source_folder%/}" source_folder="${source_folder#/}" target_folder="${target_folder%/}" target_folder="${target_folder#/}" # make sure the source folder exist if [ ! -f "source_repo/${source_folder}" ]; then echo "failed to copy [source_repo/${source_folder}/* -> target_repo/${target_folder}] since source folder does not exist. (failure)" else # make sure the target folder exist if [ ! -f "target_repo/${target_folder}" ]; then # create this folder if it does not exist mkdir -p "target_repo/${target_folder}" fi # check if we have number command re='^[0-9]+$' if [[ "$source_files" =~ $re ]]; then # 0 = all if (("$source_files" == 0)); then # copy both files and sub-folders recursive by force cp -fr "source_repo/${source_folder}/*" "target_repo/${target_folder}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "copied [source_repo/${source_folder}/* -> target_repo/${target_folder}] (success)" else echo "failed to copy [source_repo/${source_folder}/* -> target_repo/${target_folder}] (failure)" fi # 1 = only all files (no sub-folders) elif (("$source_files" == 1)); then # copy only the file by force cp -f "source_repo/${source_folder}/*" "target_repo/${target_folder}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "copied [source_repo/${source_folder}/* -> target_repo/${target_folder}] (success)" else echo "failed to copy [source_repo/${source_folder}/* -> target_repo/${target_folder}] (failure)" fi # 2 = only all sub-folders and their files elif (("$source_files" == 2)); then echo "This command:2 means to copy only all sub-folders and their files." echo 'Yet this file command:${source_files} for source_repo/${source_folder} is not ready to be used... so nothing was copied!'; # could be a file (name as number) so we try to copy it else # copy file/folder recursive by force cp -fr "source_repo/${source_folder}/${source_files}" "target_repo/${target_folder}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "copied [source_repo/${source_folder}/${source_files} -> target_repo/${target_folder}] (success)" else echo "failed to copy [source_repo/${source_folder}/${source_files} -> target_repo/${target_folder}] (failure)" fi fi else if [[ "${source_files}" == *","* ]]; then # convert this to an array of files names IFS=',' read -ra source_multi_files <<<"${source_files}" # now we loop over the files for file in "${source_multi_files[@]}"; do # prep the file file="${file%/}" file="${file#/}" # copy file/folder recursive by force cp -fr "source_repo/${source_folder}/${file}" "target_repo/${target_folder}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "copied [source_repo/${source_folder}/${file} -> target_repo/${target_folder}] (success)" else echo "failed to copy [source_repo/${source_folder}/${file} -> target_repo/${target_folder}] (failure)" fi done else # prep the file source_files="${source_files%/}" source_files="${source_files#/}" # copy file/folder recursive by force cp -fr "source_repo/${source_folder}/${source_files}" "target_repo/${target_folder}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "copied [source_repo/${source_folder}/${source_files} -> target_repo/${target_folder}] (success)" else echo "failed to copy [source_repo/${source_folder}/${source_files} -> target_repo/${target_folder}] (failure)" fi fi fi fi } # move the source folder and all content to the target folder function moveFolder () { local source_folder="$1" local target_folder="$2" # prep folders to have no trailing or leading forward slashes source_folder="${source_folder%/}" source_folder="${source_folder#/}" target_folder="${target_folder%/}" target_folder="${target_folder#/}" # make sure the source folder exist if [ ! -f "source_repo/${source_folder}" ]; then echo "failed to copy [source_repo/${source_folder}/* -> target_repo/${target_folder}] since source folder does not exist. (failure)" else # make sure the target folder exist if [ ! -f "target_repo/${target_folder}" ]; then # create this folder if it does not exist mkdir -p "target_repo/${target_folder}" fi # copy both files and sub-folders recursive by force cp -fr "source_repo/${source_folder}/*" "target_repo/${target_folder}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "copied [source_repo/${source_folder}/* -> target_repo/${target_folder}] (success)" else echo "failed to copy [source_repo/${source_folder}/* -> target_repo/${target_folder}] (failure)" fi fi } # set any/all configuration values function setConfValues() { if [ -f $CONFIG_FILE ]; then # set all configuration values # see: conf/example (for details) SOURCE_REPO=$(getConfVal "source\.repo\.path" "${SOURCE_REPO}") SOURCE_REPO_BRANCH=$(getConfVal "source\.repo\.branch" "${SOURCE_REPO_BRANCH}") SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS=$(getConfVal "source\.repo\.folders" "${SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS}") SOURCE_REPO_FILES=$(getConfVal "source\.repo\.files" "${SOURCE_REPO_FILES}") TARGET_REPO=$(getConfVal "target\.repo\.path" "${TARGET_REPO}") TARGET_REPO_BRANCH=$(getConfVal "target\.repo\.branch" "${TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}") TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS=$(getConfVal "target\.repo\.folders" "${TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS}") # To merge or just make a PR (0 = PR; 1 = Merge) TARGET_REPO_ACTION=$(getConfVal "target\.repo\.merge" "${TARGET_REPO_ACTION}") # Target fork is rebased (if out of sync with upstream target) then updated and used to make a PR or Merge TARGET_REPO_FORK=$(getConfVal "target\.repo\.fork" "${TARGET_REPO_FORK}") fi } # get default properties from config file function getConfVal() { local PROP_KEY="$1" local PROP_VALUE=$(cat $CONFIG_FILE | grep "$PROP_KEY" | cut -d'=' -f2) echo "${PROP_VALUE:-$2}" } # show the configuration values function showConfValues () { echo "======================================================" echo " ${HEADERTITLE}" echo "======================================================" echo "CONFIG_FILE: ${CONFIG_FILE}" echo "TEST: ${TEST}" echo "SOURCE_REPO: ${SOURCE_REPO}" echo "SOURCE_REPO_BRANCH: ${SOURCE_REPO_BRANCH}" echo "SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS: ${SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS}" echo "SOURCE_REPO_FILES: ${SOURCE_REPO_FILES}" echo "TARGET_REPO: ${TARGET_REPO}" echo "TARGET_REPO_BRANCH: ${TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}" echo "TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS: ${TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS}" echo "TARGET_REPO_ACTION: ${TARGET_REPO_ACTION}" echo "TARGET_REPO_FORK: ${TARGET_REPO_FORK}" echo "======================================================" } # help message ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ function show_help() { cat < set all the config properties with a file properties examples are: source.repo.path=[org]/[repo] source.repo.branch=[branch] source.repo.folders=[folder/path_a;folder/path_b] source.repo.files=[0;a-file.js,b-file.js] target.repo.path=[org]/[repo] target.repo.branch=[branch] target.repo.folders=[folder/path_a;folder/path_b] # To merge or just make a PR (0 = PR; 1 = Merge) target.repo.merge=1 # Target fork is rebased then updated and used to make a PR or Merge target.repo.fork=[org]/[repo] see: conf/example example: ${0##*/:-} --conf=/home/$USER/.config/repos-to-sync.conf ====================================================== --test activate the test behaviour example: ${0##*/:-} --test ====================================================== --dry To show all configuration, and not update repos example: ${0##*/:-} --dry ====================================================== -h|--help display this help menu example: ${0##*/:-} -h example: ${0##*/:-} --help ====================================================== ${HEADERTITLE} ====================================================== EOF } # DEFAULTS/GLOBALS CONFIG_FILE="" TEST=0 DRYRUN=0 # CONFIG VALUES # see: conf/example (for details) SOURCE_REPO="" SOURCE_REPO_BRANCH="" SOURCE_REPO_FOLDERS="" SOURCE_REPO_FILES="" TARGET_REPO="" TARGET_REPO_BRANCH="" TARGET_REPO_FOLDERS="" TARGET_REPO_ACTION=0 # To merge or just make a PR (0 = PR; 1 = Merge) TARGET_REPO_FORK="" # Target fork is rebased then updated and used to make a PR or Merge # check if we have options while :; do case $1 in -h | --help) show_help # Display a usage synopsis. exit ;; --dry) DRYRUN=1 ;; --test) # set the test behaviour TEST=1 ;; --conf | --config) # Takes an option argument; ensure it has been specified. if [ "$2" ]; then CONFIG_FILE=$2 shift else echo 'ERROR: "--conf" requires a non-empty option argument.' exit 17 fi ;; --conf=?* | --config=?*) CONFIG_FILE=${1#*=} # Delete everything up to "=" and assign the remainder. ;; --conf= | --config) # Handle the case of an empty --conf= echo 'ERROR: "--conf" requires a non-empty option argument.' exit 17 ;; *) # Default case: No more options, so break out of the loop. break ;; esac shift done # We must have a config file [ ! -f "${CONFIG_FILE}" ] && echo >&2 "The config:${CONFIG_FILE} is not set or found. Aborting." && exit 18 # set the configuration values setConfValues # show the config values ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if (("$DRYRUN" == 1)); then showConfValues exit 0 fi # run Main ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ main exit 0