Llewellyn van der Merwe
Adds better version getting. Adds better name getting. Adds more stable command options. Adds dry run option. Adds debug option. Adds local zip file override option.
Convert Zip packages to repositories and if they exist update and tag them.
$ sudo curl -L "https://git.vdm.dev/api/v1/repos/octoleo/octozipo/raw/src/octozipo" -o /usr/local/bin/octozipo
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/octozipo
- Global environment file can be set at:
- OR/And Per projects environment file
inside the same directory as the zip files
- VDM_ORG: git.vdm.dev/[ORG] in the repository path (default: joomla)
- VDM_ZIP_DIR: the full path to where you have placed all the zipped files (default: current dir)
- VDM_GIT_URL: the base URI of your gitea system (default: git.vdm.dev)
- VDM_PUSH_CREATE: switch to push-create repositories that don't already exist (default: false)
To see the help menu
$ octozipo -h
To update
$ octozipo --update
Help Menu (Octozipo)
Usage: octozipo [OPTION...]
-o | --org=[ORG]
directory of the org/user repository
default: joomla
example: octozipo -o=joomla
example: octozipo --org=joomla
-z | --zip-dir=<full-path-to-directory>
full path to directory of the zip files
default: $PWD
example: octozipo -z=/home/username/zipfiles
example: octozipo --zip-dir=/home/username/zipfiles
-g | --git-url=<url>
git remote repository base url
default: git.vdm.dev
example: octozipo -g=git.vdm.dev
example: octozipo --git-url=git.vdm.dev
-m | --mapper=<file>
load the mapping file
that convert zip names to repo names
example: octozipo --mapper=/src/.mapper
-e | --env=<file>
load the environment variables file
example: octozipo --env=/src/.env
-p | --push-create
switch to try push create new repositories
this may not work with github
example: octozipo -p
example: octozipo --push-create
-s | --spacer=<char>
set the spacer used in repo name
default: -
example: octozipo -s _
example: octozipo --spacer=_
switch to keep the repository directory
example: octozipo --keep-repo
switch to keep the zip file
example: octozipo --keep-zip
use the name found in the xml as the repository name
example: octozipo --use-xml-name
-d | --dry
dry run of the program
example: octozipo --dry
-q | --quiet
mute all output messages
example: octozipo --quiet
tp print out all config details
example: octozipo --debug
to update your install
example: octozipo --update
to uninstall this script
example: octozipo --uninstall
display this help menu
example: octozipo -h
example: octozipo --help
Octozipo v1.1.0
Execute the script in the directory where your zip files are found
$ octozipo -o joomla -p
This will target the git.vdm.dev/joomla organization and if a package is unzipped and not found it will push to create that repository.
$ octozipo --uninstall
Free Software License
@copyright Copyright (C) 2021 Llewellyn van der Merwe. All rights reserved.
@license GNU General Public License version 2; see LICENSE.txt